OftheT efurreiiori. 467 Surely iftheriling againe had bin nothing, but the renewingofthemind, as fome fond- lydreatiiie and falflyaffirme, it maybe thought, thatthe Academicks would haue con- eetued thisdoótrine, andPlatoes idea bathasgreat fecrets. But here isthepoynt which they flicke at, and can bynomeanes digelt st, that the naturali bodie, after it is con- fumed into the aire, fier, water, or earth, fhould afterward teuiue, and receive fuper (hri sans naturali qualities: "and ai Philofophers and heretikes cannot brooke this kinde "of dot Chri teaching, foCure it is, that fewof the common profeffors reteiueicin truth,as theirlives teeuethtrelisr- doemanifeftly proue. Befdes there is another millmore perilous then there. Through the dole fubtiltie raj". of Satan this myfterie ofiniquitie is cunningly conueyed into the heads of the more learned forte, todiicourfeof certaines places of the old teftament, whichgodly, lear- ned, and auncient fathers, haue conftrucdofthe refurreaion, and are deniedofthefe men. As thefe places, lob.x9.25.26.27. and Efa.26.19. and Daniti.i2.z. Ittnay be, and Idoe thtttke , their intentand purpofewas nottomifconftruethe_places. How- beit, it was Satans pollicie to abufe the truth, and vndermine our faith : it was the ferret iudgement of Godto fuffer Satan fo farre to buffet theth. Wherefore that we rhepartes of may the better beearmed againle the dayoftriatl, and that wee may Rand ftrongly in fpeceall paints the day oftemptation, inour poffeflion ; wewill by God his af6flance, firft fet downe handled thole expreffe teflimonies in the wordofGod, wherebythis doEtrine is confirmed : fe- condty wee will álledge thofc reafons out of the fcriptures,which imply this thing, though they doe notplainly affirme it. Afterward we will vncafe the fhitnngvifardof heretikes, whereby they would counfell sisen tolome liking oftheir opinions. Where- fore, that wemay the better anfverethe diuell and histimmes, let vs firfl confiderof that tranflation of Enoch, Genel:5 .zq, wherein the fathers haue obferued a manifeft rtaac tio'rsof teftimonie of the refurreetion: with whom I agree in part, but not ingenerals : be- Enocb. caufe I dare not affirme with them, that the bodieofEnoch is in heauen, teeing asyet Chrift alone is rifen from the dead, and was made the firft fruits-Ofthem that llept. And albeitthat Enoch and Elie&didnot fall a lleepe as did the otherfathers, yet beeaufe it isPaid, Hebr.s 5.39. thatthe fathers in oldeciine, among whom Enochis mentioned, receined not thepromifè, that i.nthe fvinesof thepromife, it cannotbe, that Enoch bis- iefh isyet in heauen. And howfoeuerbee was taken away by vnknowne meanes, neuer- theleffethat God, that could fohide the bodie of Mofes,thatmen the diuelllooking,for His opinion itcould not findeit, isatisalfo laidevp the bodies of Enoch and Eliah, infuch meanes, nnysneE asare hid from vs. And as the Lord bath infinit meanesofhiding, tohath he incom- bodie. Elmba prehenfiblemeanes of finding, aswell of the bodie of Enoch as of the bodie ofMofes. Nowwhereas it is ¡aidHebr.r 1.3 3. that they fuffered that theymay receivea better re- Matth.aagr. fvrre£lion, it mutt needes be that there is a riling againe of the flefh. Againe we reade Exod.3.6.thatthe Lord laidvetoMotes, Iam the Godofthyfathers, the GodofIfaac,and the GodofJacob. Inwhich placeitmay Cremenota fufficient proofeto confirme fogreat a matter. Howbeit our Sauiour Chtift vfeth it as a bulwarke againft the Sadduces Matth.22.32. where our SauìourChrill, to proue the refurrefion,inferreththe fame words, adding to them thus much, God is not the Godof the dead, bat of the lining. wherewe fee howAbraham, Ifaac, and Jacobbeing aline, hauetheir bodies in the Lord his hands in keeping, as well astheir foules. Wherefore feeingboth the Prophetsand Clúiflhimfelfe haueviedthis place tothat end,we ;Ifo may fafelyvleittoprouethe re- furreaion. - Itisfaidmoreouer, Iob.s9.26. Jam fare that my Redeemer lettet&,andhefhallflandthe Iób.t9raf. la/fon theearth. 26. And though aftermys! in wormesdeffroy thisbadie, yet ¡hall I fee God in myfie¡h. 27. whommy felfefhall fee, andmine eyes¡hall behold, and noneotherfor mee, though myr,einerare confaraedwithinme. This place the very herthikes will grant after a fafhion, that is , with a moltwickedminde,vnderflanding it onètyof that rsung againe visto fanétification, which is in this life. Others there be, which are of a reucrent iudgementin other things, whoexpound this ofthesenewing and reftoringof his fldh to frefhneffe and toundnes, afteIchat it was corrupted with Cores, and eaten with cankers