Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

468 Of the7efiérreFlion rankers. Butadmit it werefo, which in trueth cannot beare that expofiiion; how .couldhehaue beleeued that? but that he, being perfwadedthat God , who whenhis bo- diefhouldwholy bee tefolued into corruption , would rayfe it toa moreglorious per-. fe&ion, could much more reftore foundnefle to hisbodienow, whileft thiscorruption was butin parton him? How could hee do it? butby hope in the power of God , which with greater cafecould renuehis flclliand bones, beingbut corrupted, then reuiue the fame beingaltogether dead, and througlily conlwned? as wee reade, Ezech.37,5,6, wherein is pet downe a notabletypeof this rilingagaine. 5. Thusfaith the Lord, unto thefebones : Behold rot campbreath toenter intoyoit, and Jhall lute. 6. And Iwill, finewer uponyou,andmare. left, growvisoryou, andcomeryore with skinne, and put breathin you, thatye may , and ye Jhal know that lam the Lord. True it is,that the chiefepur- poleof the holyGhoft is ;toforefhew the bringing againe of the people out ofcapti. uitie,howbeit vnder amoltexcellent figure of the riling and reftoringofthe firthin the lalt day. Sothat the placeimporteth thusmuch ; iftheLordcould ref(orefinewesjliefh, skinne, breath , and life to rotten bones ; much more hecould reftore theIfraelites to their countrie. The fame fenfe may be applied to that, Efay26.19. Thy deadmen Jbal line: emenwith mybody fbal they rife. Awakeand jinglethatduelin duffsfor thydew is asthe ,dewofhearós: andtheearthj6alcaflout the dead. In which place is fignified thus much: as hcarbes in timeofWinter feeme dead , and yet in the fpring time fprout againe , by teem of that fappe, that lay hidden in the roote; andas the bodies of the faithful( feemevtterly toperifh,when theyarein theearth,and yet in the Taft day fhalrife againe, through thatfeed,which is hiddenin Chrift : earnfo theIfraelites , who in timeof their banifbment, feemed todie aswinterhearbes , and to perifh asdead bodies, fhouldbee brought homeagaine, and reftored totheirformer libertie. Which place couldameba Phew the returneofthepeople vnder the type ofthe refurreêion, in that the Prophet faith, Enero reichmy &odieJhallthey rife. Notable is tlratplsce, Daniel.1z.2. Manyofthem that fleepe in thedoll of théearth,J7iallawake, fame to enerlaRling life,andfame to perpetuall fame and contempt. Whereunto agreeth that layingof our Sauiour Chrift, Iohn 5.z8. Mansell not fitthis : for the honre Jhal come , in the which al that are in thegrasses, Asa hhere hisvoyce. sr. And theyf6á! comeforth that bane donegood ,. vnto the refurrellion of life:batthey that haste doneearl!, to the refarreciion ofcondemnation. Nowwhen we Thal( fee there is nothing moreeleere ofthe doctrineof faith, contained in the new Tefta. ¿arene ,then thatof the refurreótion, and that there is no new doarinein the fame, butit is alfo in theolde Teftament ; although indeede that is more manifeftly, and in more perfeátbeautiefet downe by the Prince of Prophets, then by the Prophets his forerunners ; what (hall we fay there is in thenew Testament not proued in tome mea. forealready in the old ? The Iewes beleeued no one article more, then that of the re.. furreétion,as may appeareby that ready anfwereofMartha Iohn t0.24. at whattime our Sauiour Chrift.caineto rayfevpLazarus herbrother : forlice faying vnto herinthe werfe goingbefore, Thybrother 1ha11rife againe, by and byThee anlwcred :Iknow that he Jhal rife againe , in the refurrellion of the laic day. Againe weereade A6123 .8. that the Pharifes confeffed the refurre&ion. Now it is knowne, that the faith ofthe Iewes wasgrounded on theword, which asyet was onely inthe adminiftrationof theold Teftament, andnotin the new : foras yet it was not extant,or in no credit at theleaft with them: whereforefiring not only thepri.. mitiue Church bath beleeuedherein,hy theevident lightofthe newTeftamenr, and the Iewes before beleeued it bythe light oftheold,ic is manifeft, that the do trine of the re- furre&ion isproued in theold: andamongmanyplaces; this ofour Pfalme is notthe Wbatisment Haft, wheremisfaid, Thou fhaltnot leant, m ouleingrime , nor fnfferthineholymeta fee byfna1CPfa.r6 corruption. By foule, wee muff vndcrffand, y his natural life,as it is takenin theScripture, r.Corinth.r5.45 where' the Apoftle borrowinghis fpeech from the fe- condChapter of Genefisand feuenth verfefaith, Thefirfl man Adamwas made a liming fore:andthe Taff Adam was made a quickening fpérit. The reafon why hee proued the riling againe of his flcfh, is here drawne from the power ofour Salient.,Chrift of, 1