Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

OftheTefurreïfiort. 469 ofwhom there words aremerit, Thou wiltnotfifer thinehóly one tofeeemrttptiosti 8s both Peter in hisnotableSermon,Abt.2. and Paul Aét.z3. doeplainclyairme: for theApo- file faith, that Dauid ás buried, and lacee corruption, and thereforebee fpake not this of himfelfe, butof Chrift hishead, in whom was found no qualitie of corruption atàll : fo that Dauidwas a member of Cln'ilt, gathered this by-the eyeof faith, that there Mould come an holy oneout ofhis loynes, who by his ovine'nightie powerMould rayfe vp his owne bodie from- feeing. any corruption , and bydie fame power Ihould allo rayle his bodie,which should fee corruption, that it might relit cvith'his, andbemade like his, as we mayreade,Philip.3.zo. Oar conuerfationis in heauen, fromwhencewelooke (r theSauieur, e,ntheLord leftsChr . z WhoJhall chaungeour vile bodies,that theyma befaJbionedlike tehisgloriousbadie according to thewarkng, whereby he isable even tó fnbdue all thingsveto bimfelfe. So that theProphetlooketh fora refurreaion of theRefit, after it fliall be cor- rupted, concrarie to the heretiques, who dreameof a fpirituallrefùrre &ion from Gene, which by nomeans can bevnderltood ofChrilt,in whomwas no finne, and therefore uo riling from fame. And thusmuch for the places of the old teftament, nowwe will al- PlacesIdME -leage thofe places of thenew. Fief, let vs confider of the words wherewith our Saviour new Teíta' Chriltconfuteth the Sadduces : Match. a2.3e. am the Godof Abraham,ofIfeecand of°`nt 'mob. God cannot bee láyd to be the Godof Abraham beingdead, excepte,heraife his bodieagaine, which he bath in keeping, as well as hisMule. For lie fayth not J am the God ofAbrahams foule,but lam the GodofAbraham,theGod ofhis wholeman: wherefore it mull acedesbe.that Abraham mutt rileagaine. Mateb.25.3 t .When theSonneofman cam- moth inhisglarte, andadd?, holy angels with him, then Jhall hefit opon thethrone of hisglorie. Likewife Luke t4..1 3 . When thou maker!: afeast, call thelion., the maymed, the lame,and the blinde, 04. And thoufhalt bebleffed,becaufe they cannot recompenfe thee, #or thou(halt be re- compenfedattherefnrrelionof theinfl. As ifour SamourChriftMould fay, although thou ntayeft thinke, that all thy things thus giuen are loft here, yet there commet6 a time when thou fhalt reape therecompenceplentifullie, and haue thy reward with the hilt, Johns. za.29. The LordMewed) the refurrebfionof both eftates, and willeth them not co meruaile,tbatlieMouldrail their louiesto-life,which would raife theirbodies from death. 28. Meruailenat at this, faithbe, for thehaarejhall come,in thewhich,allthat arein thegrasses Jball heere thevoyceofthe Someoftease. 29. Andthey fhallcomeforth that haue donegood, vn- to therefurreltionof life, but they that banedonemill, onto the refurrettion ofcondemnation. Iohn t i. Martha (as we(hewed before) plainely teftifiethof therefurreftion, and confel- feth her faith therein. AO. 3.19. The Apoftle Peter eallechthis riling againe, the time of refrefhing: a thing molt comfortable; for as the wearifbmewayfaring man recieateth himfelfe with his Inne atnight ; fo the godly shall furely, after their troubles, be renewed and refrefhedat theprefence of Chrift. Aa.z3.6. Paul (heweth tothe Pharifecs, how he was accufed ofthe hopeadd refurrefliton ofthe dead.AndAét:24.l 5. Paulpro:eftethhis» dote: faith of the refurreaion, that it Mould be both of the iult and the vniút, which thing» wrought inhiut,asit ought todoe inall, a carefull confcience ofwell tiding: and therefore » beaddeth in the verfefollowing.. t 6, Andherein l indguour myfelfe,to hauealway acleere con- it fcience toward God,andtoward men. What is more largelyproued and confirmed then this, t, i .Cor.1f.l o. in theWhole chapter throughout. &fides, 2.Cor.5.t o. We mnFPall appears before theindgementforte ofCbrill, faith the Aportle, that ever, one may receitse. the things that are donein hisbadge, according to hebath done, whether it begoodor mill. .2 1. It is laid, that Chrift Mall changeour vilebodies, theplace is Get downebefore. The manner and end ofthis refurrelltion is altofit downe, r.Thef.4.14,1 5,16,17. If toebeleeue (faith Paul) that lefus isdeadand is rifen, eaten fothenwhich fleepe in lefus, will God bring with him. 1 f. For thisfaywevntoyouby thewordoftheLord, that wewhich line, and are remaining to the rammingoftheLord,Jhallnotpreuent themwhichJleepe. 16. Forthe Lordhimfelfefraildefcend fromHeavenwith aJhoute,&c. The Epiftle to the Hebrues,chapcer u t . painceth out thema= nifold martyrdomes ofthe taints, and fheweth how forre were racked, and wouldnot be de- linered,othert weretried bymotkeand fcourgings, bybands and harpy:fonments, they itereflotced, theywere htoncin funder, they were'temptedand fo torch, and whydid they indure thee S f things t