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.470 OftheRefurre1ion. things ? TheApoffle telleth vs , verf.3 s. That theymmight receiue a better refurrettioa, then a(otetbitin- any deliuerancethey couldhauehere. Againe,verf.39.Thefeobtdi ednottherromife,that terpretationeof is,northeaccotnplifhmentofthepromifes,ver.4o. Why? Godprouidingabetter.thingforvr, Heb.rr.3y. that they without vsfhouldnotbemadeperfecll foreucn the firff memberof Chrift dyingmany thoufand yeeres agoe,fhal notreceiue thefames ofthe promife,that is, in bodie andfoule, a, vntillthe laltmeinberbereadie. But of all places molt excellent are thee, a.Pet.3,ro. Theday ofthe Lordwilcome as theefe in thenight, in thewhich heauensfhal.paffeaway with Reuekro.rr. anoyfe, and theelements Andlfawagreatwhite7hrone, and onethatfate onit,fromwhole facefledde, boththe earth and theheauen,and theirplace was no morefound. s And1 farte thedead,bathgreat andfmall,(landbe fore God,&c. r 3 And the Seagamevp her deadwhich were in her,and death andhelldelivered vp theirdead,which were in them. Now aswe here hauereceiued thetrueth of thealoarine,fonow let vsfee into it further by reafon : thatas on theone fide wecannot denie there is a refúrrefîion, feeingthe word a. dotlícònfirmeit, vnleffewewill depart from thefaith, anddenie theword : foon the other confrmation fide, when we(hall fee, howtheft things are, we cannotwitbltand it mienwith reafon,vn- t leffewebe fenfeleile. The reafonsthereforewhich we will vfe,arepartly drawne fromGod = himfelfe,partly from'theOrder of nature,and from the creatures,and partlyfrom theconi- 34 modifies'; whichaccompany the trueth of this doftrme, and From the inconueniences, which enfue the contrary. Tltofeproofes, which are drawnefroni tht Lordhintfelfe, are to beconfidered, either inhis-owne perfonlimply, or aswe confider of him inhis Mediator- fhip, andas the fecond perfon in the Trinitie. Concerningthofe things, which arein his owneperfon , we uff obiiruebis trueth, his iuftice, and his power : his trueth, becaufe heauen andearth (mhall pane,but no tittle of hisword (hall faile; and hispromifes inChrift. r Tefus are Yea, and Amen. Wherefore,whatfoeuer the Lord bath let downe in hisword to We/null be- bedone, itmuff beare with vs thatcredit, that it isour part with Abraham to yeeld toit, !ewe what thoughoutwardmeans feeme cleane contrary nd withMarie tobeleeue it, although theLordfaitb, ? y g Isomcontrary no vtfiblerneanes areapparant. His iuftice is fo efpoufed to histrueth,that whatfoeuerwe foeuerit feeme baneheardout ofthe word, theequitie ofhis iuftice doth require both to theaccompliflt- tonaauraurea- anent ofhis promifes inrewardingthegodly, and thefulfillingofhis threatnings in reurn- la. gingthevngodly. Thiswee feeMatth.25.33 where, by the ruleofrighteoufielfe, het Mat:g.;s. fetteththe a eonhisrihthand,andtbe oatesonthelet Luke 16.2 it is fetdowne,how Luke tc.z;, fhb S g f 3 z therich man beingin hell torments, lifting vphiseies,and teeing LazarrrsafarreoffinA- Gods ighee brahamsbofome, cried, Father Abraham hauemercievpon me, &c.b:. Abrahamanfwe- wedmerece re- ringhim according to theproportion ofGodhisIuffice, laid,ver ç .,onne,rememberthat rrtthouinthylifetimereceiuefpleaftwer ;andlikewifiLazaruspair' warttherforebeiscomforted e on,thtthe vvichedmay and thouart tormented. To thiseffe&, worthietobeobferued,isthat place, a.ThelEr.6.le fallerfartheir isa righteousthing withGod to recompence tribulation to them that troubleyou. 7. Andreyou fames,as wet which aretroubled,refl withvs, when theLord lips !balljhewhimfelfefromheauen,&c. Where intheir bodies we fee, how it ftandethwithGod hisrighteous iudgemencand iufttce, thathis perfecuted as ¡bales, Church,andafHifted Saints who in this world gofor nou ht Mould in timeberefrefhed fou ér andthat > > g g the godlymay with a recompence of glory, andthat their cruel) perfecutours beingwanton in their fins, be crowned, and triumphing in their crueltie;fhould hauetheir crowne ofihameand endles contempt &c intorments. The equitie ofwhich iuftice is inthis , -that feting the wicked haue not 'onely difhonoured God intheirfoules,through allthefruitsofreprobation, but alto ham vlèd the members of their bodies as inftrumentsof finne,and weapons of inignitie,unto the fullnumber of fnnes ; fo they Ihouldnot onelyfuller the vengeanceof God in their foules, but alto in their bodies : and as Gods graces haue fhined, not onelyin the foules of his Saints beforehimand his Angels,but altohaue muchbeautified theirbodies,and haue takenvp the members alto asinftruments of Gods glorie 5 fo the Lordwill not onelyad- uance the foulesof his, but alfo theirbodies. If this werenogwherewere thefulfilling ofGod hispromifes? where fhould be the exe- Cutingof histhreatnings ?forAbraham, Ifaac,Iacob,Lot,lofeph,lob,Dauid,Efay,lerentie,Da - niel,and al thereft ofthe Patriarches,Prophets,Apoftles,Marryrs,Confeffors, & holymen and