Ofthe RefurreEOron. 471 and women,in theworldwere but as Pilgrimes,and defiringa better and heauenlyCoan- trie fufferedinthisworidtroubles, perlecutions ,trialsandallmannerofeuill. Againe, thewicked prolper in their goodes , bodies,wiaes,children , they haue no bandes in their PfaL73. death,they are luftieand flrong, tieyfeelenot thefores of lob, nor the miferies of Iofetb, pride is achaine onto them, andcruelne coaereth themas a garment , theireies Bandout forfarneffe,they baue morethen heart can.wilh. So in thisworld the faithful feelenot the ppromifes : thevnfaithfullfedenot-their punifhments. It muftneeds be therefore by God his iuffice,asit iS certaineby his word,that feeing in this lifetheholyones are notfully re- warded, nor thewicked ones fully revenged, inthe life to come the one fhould rife tohea- uenlyioyes, the other fhould rife tohellifhtorments. Andas wee fee,that there fitail bea refurreétion of the deft, becaufè the worde bath faid it, which istrue, andiutticewill put it inprabtife, becaufeitdoti, require it ; to the powerof God is able toperfourme,whatfo- 7S+epow ¢rat suer the wordeBoth thew, or latticeBoth defire to bedone. Itis not withoutgreat taufe, God toprr-- thatin theentrance of, our Confeflion, wee acknowledge the Lordetobe almtghtie. For formeallhis whatwere his tnercie, or what werehis iuffice, if he couldnotperfourme that withmight, pramfoand whichhe doth promife,norbring topalle with power,that which he chreatneth? Howbeit, threarnngs. when we fayGod is almightie, we glue to vnderfland, that he can do, whatfoeuer hewill do. For true it is, hecannot fade inhis trueth,he. cannot alter thecouenaut goneoutof his mouth : what then ? is there any thing impoffible to the Lord ? no : the Lord wfki do what is good,& cando what he wil. Neither Bothitany more derogate fromGod his almighty power, to fay;hecannot lie ; then it loth extenuatethe commendation of a mightieCap- tame, tofay, hecannot beconquered. This power of God is eitherfeene in his Creation, or in his Prouidence , orPreferuatión. In hisCreation thus, ifGodoutof nothingcould drawout heauen and earth ; ifout ofthe earth,whichbeing aformeleffemaffe and l umpe, was by thefiriteof Godhatching ouer thewaters brought a comely order; ifout of the darkencfle the Lord drew light ; if of the duff ofthe earth God mademan , and outof his FIettatmade ribbe drew a woman: isis not as eafiefor him, drawing thefeand all other things out ofno- of/ thingsof thing,to draw our flefh,beingmadc,outof theearth, in which it wascorrupted ? is it not nothingcan as ealle to drawa manout of theearth againe, as tomakea usanof the earthat firft e Isit móreeafib re- notaseafie,thoughrottenndièdothfeemetohinder the refurreciion,to renew a bodie out 3 i ebeinges of many bones, as ofone bone toframethe wholebodie?Isnotthe Lord as ableto rettore rotten,'or chan- the bodie,whichhedifhluech into theeleinents,beingmade,into it formerfafltion, as be- ged into thee- fore it had any bedingo to tiethe ficfh together with finewes, to convey ftrength into the I'ments. bones,and tobeautiie allwith a skin? Let vs as well confider God hispower, in reducing wens bodiesinto theirformer eflate;ashismightiebande in vnloofing them. Foras lice briñgethfidb torottenneffe,the rottenneffe towormes,the.wonnes to duff : fo canhe if he would reduceand bring backward the duff to wormer, thewormerto a pucrified matter, the putrifabtion to flefh,theHells to immortalitie. Theprouidence ofGod Both teachvs herein,i£wee either confider ofit in the courte of nature,or ingouerning hisChurch. In the comic ofnature,as Efay.z6.19..4roakf,,wdfing, 4 ye thatdwell in thedull, for thydean is as the desire ofbearbs, and the earth'ballce/l out her dead. wrouidenceof Here theProphet iheweth,that that God,that madeAaron:rod to bud, and thatdrawech God. out lively colours ofdead flowers,and flori(lsing branchesout ofwithered hearbs,will al- toraife vs inour bodies tothe brightnesof hisglorie, which banebeen laid in the filthines of the duff. Againe, t.Cor. c 5.3 g.Bntfumemanwillfey,Humare thedead railedvp? andwith what bodiecome theyforth? 3 6. Ofoule, that which thoufowe/l, is not yuicleened,except itdve. 37. Andthat which thoufowefl,tbou fowellnot that bodigthatjhall be,butbarecorne,as itfalletb, gfwheate,or ofame other. 3 8.But Godgiuethabodie athis pleafitre,men to emeryfedehisorene bo&e,p-r. See, the Lord collects them fooles,that will not beleene this. Can the Lord raife graine out oftheearth,and wil henot raifemanoutoftheearthfor whole fake thegraine isrenued? Againe,fhall wedoubt,that he,who holdeth the waters in his fill, and fivadleth the mainefeas(which in their ownenature are aboue the earth)that they fhould not pare their bounds, breakeout oftheir bottels, cloyllers, and chambers,toouerfow all isvn- ableto draw our bodiesout of the duff? Sure it is,that Refli and blood can hardly admit Sia this