Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

47'. Of the RefurreEliorL;. . this doEtrinrand thereforewee had needeto arme our felues with thefeand fuck like me- dications. If the weighmore deeply the prouidence ofGod in his Church,either whileft it was more particular inone famihe,or moregeneral! in moe,we (hall haueour faithin this do6trinethemoreconfirmed. For he, whoaccomplifhed his protnife madeveto Abraham; bleflingall the nations oftheearth in his feede,eucn when the ordinary courfe ofmature was dead bothin Abraham andSarah, by bringing[faac outof their loynes and fulfilled biscouenaut ynto,Damidhisferuant,in bringingIctus into thewombeof/Wary, whilelt as yet ihekoewno man, whowas cile promiicd feedeto bruife the Serpents head : is nolclfc able to takevs out ofthe driewombe,anddead bowelsof theearth,accordingto hispro- mile.Gen.zz.Abraham at God hiscommandement is readie to offervphisfonne Ifaac, in whom allthe promifes were tó be accomplifhed, neither washehindred byvnbeleefe:ancf Abrahams why? The A.poftlefaith,Heb .ti.i9.Heconfidered,thatGod war able toraifelü»svp eatenfrom faith cancer- thedead,fromwhencehe receimedhim alto after a fort : neither would bee tye the powerof ningthe re- God toordinariemeanes. Thuswee leeheouercameall vnbeleefe by faith in therefurre- ',enaction. aion.What ifweconlider,how mightily the Lord reftored and multiplied IsisChurch, af- terhe had ouerfiowed the whole earth with water? What if weecall to minde the inightie prelèruation of theChurch,in deliuering them through the red lea,when thewaters diui- ding themfelues flood as awall on either fide of the Ifraelites ? What ifwee confider how mightilyesheLord conduó1ed his people fafclythrough the wildernelle fortieyeeres, gi uing themManna from heaucn,waterout ofthe rocke, healing them that were Rang of Serpents,with the beholding ofadead Serpent,and preferuing their apparel]that it was notworne in fo longa time ? Shall we not thinkethat the fameGod is able to raife the bo- diesof his Saints out ofthe earth? Iris recorded,z.King.4.36.thatEliJha, theman ofGod; reposed tothe Shunantiteher fonne being dead : and 2 King.:3 :a r.we reade that a dead man being call into the lepulcher ofEli¡ha, and touching his bones,reuiued, and ftoode vpon his feete. Did God thus confirme thedoólrine ofElifha,and will hee not much more confirme thedoarineofhis dearefonne ? CouldEliiha by thepowerof Godgiue lifeveto others, and fhaflnot the Lord aduance his owneperfon in himfelfe, at tisehaft day? Da- niel 3. Shadrach,Melhacb, andAbednego refufingto ierue the falle gods, and thegolden Image,whichNebuchadnezzarhad let sep, whomight haue had politic to haue kept their faith to then:fèlues, as our Familiftsdoe nowadaies, were call into thehot fierie furnace, and yet bybelecfeinGod were fopreferued from it, that the firehad nopower otter their bodies,not anhaire of their headwas burnt, neither were their coates changed, nor any finell offire camevpon thesis. Dan.6.The ProphetofGod refuting the commandement of theKing, was call into thedense ofLyons, -who byfaith obtained theAngell ofthe Lord to fhutvpthe Lyons mouthes,that they could not hurthim. Ionah z.wee reade, how bee beingin the ft(isesbelliethree claim and threenights, at the commandement ofthe Lord wascall out vponthe dric land. Matth.a 7.f is laid, that the cranes didopen themfelmen andmany bodiesofthe Saints thatfleptarafer 56. Andcameone ofthegrasses after his refarre- Slion,andwent into thehoÿcitie,and appearedonto many. - -Wisat (ball we fay of thefe things ? . Did the fire, contrarie to itnature,ceafe toburne thebodies in itat thepretence ofan Ais- gell,andwill it notreftore thebodies, being burnt, at thepower of God and preence of Chrifl ? Did the Lyons fpare thebodiefrosn deuouring, and.lball they not deliver agame the bodies liaising devoured them? Canthe WhaledeliverJonahafter threedaies,andwill not the fea lurrender her dead? Did the dead arifebeforetheir time,tu thew Chnfthis paf- lion, and(hall they not arife at their tiinetoappeare at his glorious comming?Cannot that God, that made Angelsto appcare in humane fhape, makemen appeareout ofthe earth in theirowne (hape ? And why -did the Angels from heaven, the dead bodies from earths,fofuddenly receive that eftate,andfo fuddenly lay it downe, but tothew, that their time ofperfebtionwas not yet come? S Now let vs fee thofereafons,whichare drawnefromGodasheis our Mediatour,wherc- chriftaurme- inwee willconfider certaine things done in hisowne perfon, and thingsto be obferued in diateis can the meanes whichleade vsunto Isom. Luk.B. Our SaviourChi ill raifeth from death to aadwiüraife SS lifethedaughteroflairmr.Andwhuisisafurcherdegree,Lukq.tq.heereuiuedthewi- dowcs