Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

Ofthe 1Refurreîiion. dowel fonne lyingon the beare inacoffin readietobeburied. Nay,whichyet is a further degree and moremarueilous,Iob. r I.44. hee raifethLazarus, (Marthaes brother)hauing been dcadfoureSaks. Laftly,Macth.z6.he mightily raifeth hunfelfe,hauing been dead three hiesand three nights,andthat withoutall politic ofcorruption. Who then dare doubt,vnderpaine ofdamnacion,that thefame Iefus Chrift can raifeour mortali and cor- ruptible bodier,or that he will not change enwvile bodes,andmake them like hisglorient bodie, b that migghtiepaver, whereby he is abletofubdue allthingsuntohimfelfe ? BeholdPilate fea- 1 y the hone which couerèth Chrift in his burial!, armedmen are prepared,and watch- men fit at thegraue, neither could all thefe things keepe veder thepowerofChrift from riling. What then ? Forfooth(wbich is moftvnlike) they inuented,tbat poorefinie foules came and (tole himfrom the armedmen. Well,he was feene firftofMary,then ofcertaine Difciples,afterward ofnwe than fluc hundred. We feenow his rifng was corporali, it was no Ipirituall refurreetion ; inwhat fort hee role, in like manner 'Ball werife allo : but lice totem the flefh, then (hallwe rife in the flefh, and thereforenot in the fpirit alone, asour brainfickeheretikesimagine. Nowfoe rofenotfor hisownecaufe,nomore than heewas purely borne,hohly hued, and innocently dyed : all thefe things bee didfor vs, that wee might be lànusfied,chat wetDiiit beiui'cified,thatwe mightbeglorified. Neither did heechn fu red fuffer in the bodie alone,butin the foulealto : whereby lice (hewed, that lice freednot the inlále foule alone,but thebodieallo,becaufe the bodieas well as the foule wasguiltieand pu- nifhable for finne. He rotenot infoulealone,but in bodie alfo,whereby he brought grace, andreltored holmesas well tothe bodyasthe foule,feeing both body&foulehad lolt the fame by eranfgreflion. He attendednot only in foulebut ici bodie allo, becaufe he would giue glorie to the bodie and the foule,fecing hehad purchafed them both. Wherefore it muttneedes follow that there shall be a refurreetionofthe flelh. For if by faith wee are madebone of his bones,and by faith are madepartakers ofhis flefh,Ioh6. and Chriftdid all thefe things inhisbodie,thc venue whereofwe muttrecerue from lüin : how fhould all this he,ifthere wereno refurreetion ?The meanes,whereby wee come veto Chrilt,require allo thatthis ihouldbefo. Fickweeknow, the word pearceth our bodies, as well as our The fsuiceaf foules : for the eye is to fee the Sacraments, the Bare to heare, the tongue to fpeake the the bodie ill word, and the bodie bath it dutiesas well as the foule in recciuing and obeying of the hearing,praier, aórd : and thereforethe forceand fruite of the word,(hall aswell behewed on ourha- Sacraments. dies as on ourfoules. Likewife inoffering"our prayerswee hauethe vfe both of fouleand bodie.Forwe lift vp pure hands,and kneele withour knees,we eleuate ourcyes,wencrye withour voyces,weproftrate our whole bodies : and therfore as God bath made both for hisglorie in this life,fohack heappoynted to glorifie bothin the life to coiue.Again,in the Sacramentsthereare aLtions of the bodie aswell asofthe foule,for the bodie is dippedin- tothewater and taken out againe,inthe facramentofBaptifine : and therfore ifBaptifine bea tokenofour relurrefl'eion co grace,and that inbodie and fouie, wee arenot codoubt, but that the bodie fliall rife againe as well as thefoule. In theEucharitt allowee are fo- leinnely occupied inboth parts :for as the foule in beleeuing, fothe eyes in beholdingthe bread broken,and winepocvred out,theBares inhearing the word,the hands in handling the outwardelements, themouth in tattingthem, are deuoutly occupied : and therefore thefruit of itmutt appeareaswellin the bodie,as in thefoule. Now to pronethis by othercreaturesof God; theAngels defirethis day,and theother creatures fgli and groane waiting when the Sonne ofGod (hall be reuealed : the diuels all creatures feareic,and thereforethey crieto our SauiourChrift,wbyperfeceateft thouv,before ourtime defire this day: Againe,the very confufion,which is in things,fheweth that there is a time when theyfhall Nomsi bebrought into order againe,astheywere created inorderat thefirft. Andmanhimfelfe efpeciallymulllock forit,& cannotbe without it,whether we look to themanifold pro- fitswhich comeby it,or to the wonderfullinconuenierces by thewant ofit.Wily do men endure the crolfe fopatiently ? why doe they abftaine from euill fo carefully? why doe they follow that which is good fo cheerefully, but that becaufe they, looke for a glorious refurreetion,whichis the full end ofall Godhis promifes,and without thewhich the molt godly areinoftnúferable,and themolt wicked kilt vnhappie? Forif this were nor,what S f 3 fanetifica- 473