474 Ofexamination6fore fanátification would appearerwhat fionewould notappeare, hew few would begood, how manywould beAllow fhouid Godbedifhonored,how Mouldgoodmen be difheri- ted, whowould care to worfhipGod in theirbodies, or who would makeconfcience to keepe theirbodies from frnne? FIIS. OF EXAMINATION BE- FORE AND AFTER THE LORDS SVPPER. THE SECOND TREATISE. I.0 O R. II.28. Leta man thereforeexamine himfelfe, and f lethimeateofthis bread, and drinkeof thiscline. Hefe words areordinarieand well knowne : and they containe a fanaion or decree, whereby the Apoftle raked) order for euery mansexamination before the participation of the inyfterieof the Supper. And two things chiefely areto be itoode vpon in their rampointer to ' words.Firft,thenecefiute ofexamination, and thenthe manner be confiderea of it. For the firft,it may freme, (peaking in the phrafe ofour tea- inexamining thing: Let amanexamine bimfelfe, thatIt is but anaduifiug,ora oar ['elm counfell rather than a commaundement : yet in the originali e Jean.o. tongue, the word runnes in that tearcne that Princes Parliament lawes, and comma undementsdoe vie to runne in: the word I fay, is as much as if it were laid: Beit enaffed,be it decreed,orprouided; fo that the indafferencieinour tongue, in theori- ginallfeemethanecellitie.Now albeitthecommaundementoughttobeof fufficientree- ditewithvs, andwewithout all adoe toyeelde veto it : yethauing receiued it by faith, we are toenter into the rcafons of this (trctght examination, and findout the caufes of the executionhereof. Two teems The regions may bereduced into two heads : is tîandeth either vpon a greatreuerence why euer, one of theperfon withwhom wee areprefent, as wee feemen bufil ie prepare tiumfclues when iotoexamine they are to come before thine honourable erlona e: or betide the dignitie of the er- bimfclfe. fon, vpon theexcellencie of the profit ofthe things receined, in relpebtwhereof weeare alto to prepareour felues,as in receiuing Phyficke weprepareour felues that the prefcript may moreeffeltuallie workevpon vs,fo that for both thefe thinges weprepareour felnes, and theyboth meet togither in theLord his Supper. Godsprefence For thoughwe lhould not hauean eyeat all to theprofic,vet the very reuerenceof the mug moue vs perfon withwhom weefit ought to makevs haue regard to this thing according to that to examinatsi. rule, Prouer.zp.1. when thouf:tieJlnr mearewith a r,der,confiderdiligently nhne irbefore thee, and