Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

4.76 Ofexaminationbefore Gera ;.as, treeof lifewhich was in Paradife,and the abufe addsmyfterie unto the vniawfulleating ofthat tree, becaufeI fay they doemake Chatthat tree oflife ; fo that who fo eateth of Chrift, Thal] eauof life. And fortheprofit, iftothe faithof the toucher, theveryhemme Mat.y. so, st. of thegarment ofChrift did affoord lochabenefit,as the healingof fo grieuous a frcknes; as. then wemay rife to confiderthe profit which the touching, nay whichmore is, therecei.. uingof thebodyand bloodofChrift cloth bringvs : fittingthe faith equal( in both, leis likethat this exceedeththeother by many degrees, and yet fewI doubt receive the finite ofthis woman. Wecome then nowto fay that allthere profites are loftwithout preparati- on, and asone ofthe Fathersfaith, theythat come unpreparedfind notChrift, that is, the Toh.so4.q.e. body ofChrift, but withAlm the light upon thenapkin orthe clothesof Chrift whereinhe 8 was wrapped, fo little fruite they banethat comeunprepared. The reafon is (asAgar,: faith)that ifa man bepolluted andtouch an holything, it iscertainethething thatisholy per/on polletirb becounneth polluted to, and volrfiehebeholy that commeth to the holy thing, the thing all thragee. . halloweddothbinrnogood.So that he thatcommeth to thefeholy things vnprepared,fhall T,t.r.r;,r6 turnethenatureofcheu.: tohimfelfe,&Lethallbeuntohimasitfarerhwiththemthattake siarik. Phyficke:ifapurgation taken topurgc choler doe not worke and purge the choler,betide thelolle ofthe benefit,it turneth into a worfe choler, &thehumor is not onlynotlefrened, butnmeh.encreafed: fo ifyourmind remainepolluted and vnprepared,thotethings in the Sacrament betidesyour notprofiting by them (which is to be wtlhed) make vs far worfe thenwewere before,&for our vnworthie receiumgofthem bring either temporal]or eter- gonnai liudgementsuponvs,ThereforeforthiscauleintheLeiturgiesofthePrimiriuechurch, sCorii 7 thefirft wordwasa proclamation ofholy things,towit,that here areSandaPaths, thatis, holythings for holy men.Butis this lofièall>. no,thereislo(leofotherthings,thereisi faya punifhment ioyned with the loffe,for it is not as in outward things, ifthat your enterprife takenot effe&,it is hut the lofreoffo much labour, but here is purchafed anvnfpeakeable t.Cor,rrsg pttoiflunent which theApoftleafiérfprcifieth ,thattvenoteanddrinks,judgement to ourfine:, according to theproportion of the faulr,as eitherfor neglettofthe meane, in whichman- Exod.444.oç net-Mops offendingfor not circumcifinghisTonnewas copreefed : orelfe for contempt of it and then are wenot acquittedfrom condemnation, and weare indanger to be with In- Zs in the full and entire pofiàffion of the diuell. So then in both there refpebts ioyntlie nowconfideredboth inrefpe&ofthereuerence ofGodhimfelfe,and in regarde ofthepro fit that wefhall furely haue, it Mall begood forvs, duly toprepare our felues, knowingas s.Cbroao.;g. it is thatthe want of furcate in things of theChurch,dependethon the want of preparation. For this caufe thcfeholy men the vertuous predeceftors were alwaies care- fullin euery particular meane to beprepared, as namelygoing about to pray, they had their eiaculationes,thatis,certaine !!tortprayersbefore they rottedinto thefolemne aétion, Mark.rq.4o. aid they tooke the daybeforetheSabboth to prepare themto it.Now ifpreparation Treparasionto beneceffarieattherethingsinfeuerall; fitingalltheft' concurreintheSacracnent, excufe- tbeSabbatb. fare mutt he be thatrunneth to the Sacramentunprepared. Nowas the commaundement clothbind vs tothis examination: fo thecontrarieinferred,fhuts outfonce fortsofpeople, Ftrft, ifanyfor want ofyceresas childrenbe not ableto examine themlélues ,all inch arere- Foorefortes mooed: fecondly,ifany for wartofwir,difcretion, iudgement,.the vfeof reafon,and filch bandfax internals, thedefe& whereof (howfoeuer they are inage) makes them as children, can- the Lordrfop- not trie themfelues,as foolifhand furious.perlons,ncefearealfo excluded: Thirdly,if they per,children, f orignora baueanaturallconcciungwith iftesofrealon and humane vnderifandinamand et are pefal, ignorant intlEgroundesofRdfon,andin the doéìrincofthe Sacramenrshichchiefe Impenitentper- poyntsof faluanon are necefiarie to be Immune; if hay, they liane not attained to there fond. . rules, all filch are debarred : and!aft ofall, if they haueageneeallnotion of their things, and vnderftanding ofthere rules, and in the abufe of their knowledge remaine wicked, 4 ftubborne and impenitent perfonsthatneuergoeabout toproue themfelucs, all thefeal- fo are to befeparated as unfit and vnworehiegucftcsoffingTable. Thefnbifiùf The fubie&fofexamination is our (cluesand notothers, as the Apoftle faith,Let emery one eudmiaasionis examinehimfelfe. As euery one looker)to thepreparing ofhiso^nemeate, fomutt euery ourfetuea onelooke tothe fanaifyingofhis ownoheart; fr thisfpirituall Locate is betterthen the heauenly