andafier the Lordsfupper. 477 heavenly Manna; if wefpoyle it not through our owne malignitie. And becaufe ifthere be but one publican in the Churchwe looke tohim, andour eye cannot ealily goefrom him, thereforethe Anodic would haue our examination refiexed on our felues, as the limne beanies in the ayre. Touchmgthemanner ofexamination,We muff confider thenatureand vfe ofthe word. Theword in ieproper tongue is taken from the gold-fmithhs (hop, and it is a trying as is wereofinecalles, andtherefore the learned would baue vs try our felues by therules of gold- fmiths3 and thisis, not by thefound oreccho that itniaketh (for in the belt ir isde- ceueable) but letting afide this, they cometo thetouchftoneand furnace (whichare two things ofproofe to try withall) and they match with the touchftone the word, and corn- simile, pare with the furnace theerode. But becaufe thofe bemore vniuerfali, I thinke theymay 'rather try the whole courfe of atnans life in general!, then this leuerall poynt. in hand. Others becaufethe bread and the wine be foode, follow herein the rules ofthephyfitians. Ifaman hauea full body, thoughhis repletion comeof a very good humour,as of blood, simile, , it needethnot filling butemptying g againe, full bodies iftheir fumes come of evil( bu- mours,arenot to beüouri(hed but rather theymud be purged,as fiegmatike bodies which arefullofmoyfture: Eisen fo fare[)it with all thofe which chinke theinfelnes full enough ofthen own righteonfnes,andfuch asare fluffed with corrupt humoursandgro(fe finnes, arenot tocotne hither herring no intreft or claim therein,vntill theonebe emptied ofthe fond corkedof his owne righteoufneffe, and theother purged of theloarhfomedifealeof his owne wickednes. Notwithflanding ifwe confider the wordsthat follow, Ifwemould corat.yr: dodgeourfelues, weJ,ouldnot befudged; andagaine, butwhenwe areitedged, weare chaJlenedof the Lord, becaufe weJhould vat be condemned withthe world, it may appeare that the Apostle vnderftandech itof a iudiciall examination, as beforea lodge. And the very word though it were deriued from the gold- finiths, yet the vfeof it is from a iudiciall manner ofpro- ceeding. Well then,letvs takeit this way, that in this triallwemull foproceedewith our gimi[e, felues m iudgement, and when weare byour fettles alone wemull creel our iudgement feate in our felues, and examine our feluesprecilèly whether thecateworthily or vnwor- thily. Fortheplainnes ofit,we cannot bebetter duelledthen by that rule, z.Cor. i 3.Proue yourfelneswhetberye areinthefaith, that is, (as l interpretit, andmolt men offound lodge- ment thinke with the,) whether the faith be in thee, and whether ye !sane received the fpiritof Chrift which is his vicar. Forby this yeshall know whetherye are worthie err vn- worthie, for lardy lice (hall Bate Chrifts fief) and drinke his blond thatlath his fpirit. Buthow fhall wee trie ourVetoes whether wee bane the fpirit, or no ? I anfìvere accor- ding to that Paying Ephef.3.t7. when .Chrift dmelleth in our hearts 6y faith. And this now is enough, forhaving this, we haveChrilts fpirit, and lò Chritt hsmfelfe, and con- fequentlywee neede not doubt of the other. Here it isgood to take this word faith as largely aswee can, and take it inas generalla fente asthe law,that is, for thewhole word. 7,/, at if And fo firltwee are to fit in iudgement on ourfelues according to the wholeforme ofro`ereán io- Gods iullice, audit is good to take the record of our felues, and that catalogue which ditemem to thediuell himlelfebath in (toreagainft vs,which yet indeede liehideth andwill bringforth our /elaesa. becaufe he referueth it to lay it toour confciences in the honre of death, when all our fins 9r!'ué our ilia!!fiocke togetheragaüift vs todriuevstodefpaire. It is good I fay,accordingto theten' wordsotthe lawto frameten feueràllalions, endightments, arraignments and fosssany feuerall fentencesofcondemnation, and then we (hall finde a great fpoy le of obedience in vs,andwe flail fee our felues maruelloully to be defebtiue. Thus haumgarraigned out felues,we mutt further confiderhowvnkindly wehave dealt with fokinde a Saviour fince our calling,and fopronounce a perpetual confufion due to vs with a fhanie for thatwhich ispart, with a greefe for that which is prefent, and with a feare. of that which may come hereafter. AndWhen We can bringour felues out of conceit withour felues, and have goterui. brought our felues into the word taking that can be, thenhe is in the belt taking, that Tuncoptime takethhimfelfe to be inthe word. Forcheprincipal] purpofeof ourexamination is to Phew babaqui pet vs ourindignitie, and to bring our fettles nice, the loweft conceit ofour fettlesthat can be. liimebabe'. Bauingintruth pronouncedthis fhameand conflationof faceto bedue vntovs, Godwill fufpend