+78 . Ofexamination before fufhendhis judgement and cede fromhis fentencedanger nay he will fay, T7,üman de_ hold,bath condemnedhimfelfe, Ineedenot tocondemstehimthe bathdoneenough, let mrofittingin iaidZement upon himceafe,feinghehashfofireightly examined himfelfe,Iremrt all,Iwillexee jm no further,he is free, let himcomeandfolet himeáte anddriniZe. Thus I fay our examination Wherein the muff be ina iudiciall forme,: thatis, we inuit enquire ofourfelues whetherwe be guiltiece eo mfe ioi not guiltie, worthie or vnworthie. And becaufe euery man is roadie to perfwade.himfelfe ,feuterlr. , that he is worthie to beate out this poyntweare to trieour felues,whether thehaue faith; and becaufe -Faithbath relation tothe truth,and the truth mull: try vs,which faith, Curfed G;lath.;.io. echethat;eontinueth not ineverypoyntofthe Imo to doe it: wemull fearch ourhooka ofre- membrance coirfrderingwhat God bath again!! vs,andexamine our feines accordingto curry word thereof. Then becaufe we muff beconftrained to concludethat we bevnwor- ñfaah.9.3.4. chic, wemull in thenext place goe out ofourfeint's, and faint afteitherighteoufnes that can make vs worthie. For a man that findeth himfelfeto be left in the eftate ofcondem- t.Tim.ar5. nation, to him it wits feemea good Paying, and worthie tobe rcceiued, That¡efees Chrifi came intothe worldtofauefinners: and tohim the name ofa redeemerwill be moil precious: And therefore at this lec.ond returne commeth to beconfidered of that faith whichcoin- methby theblefling of the Gofpell, whereby we feeingour owne ignorance, doefeeke wifedomeout of ourfates, being confcious of our owne vnworthines, and fue for obe- dience in the fonne.ofGod : and feting iveare altogether allants fromGod by reafon of thefe things,wefeeke for our perfeelioninChrift, and upon this condition is righteoufnes giuen vntovs. Then becaufe the examination oftisistandetii in another poynt, for that a condemned perfonwill redeeme his pardon bya price be it neuer fogreat, ifby any meanes hebe ableto makeit, and a man fpareth nocoil for that which indeede he doch loue, aswemayfee in the exampleofa vile loue in Efate, who fetcing l;isloneeuenopon meate wascontent with theMlle of his birthrightto buy it, ifwetruly efteetneChtill his death, we will giue any thingfor it. And truly Godrequireth nothing at our hands, but awn that hnall condition, Ephef.4.ìz. To becurteoas one reanother,andtender bearted,for- giving oneanotherearn as God forChriftsfateforgauevs. Where the fee thatas Godbath for- gmen vs, fo we Ihouldforgiucothers. Fora man thatpurpofeth truly to haueChrift, it is chri¡liantha. little togtue loue :thatas thegodhead wroughtin loue toward vs, lowe omit workein ritierequired. louetoward others. Thisas a necelfary thingás firft to be required, the rather for that we efcaping thefentenceofcondemnation& that by no other meanes but by remit ion,which is as abridge to efcape by, it werevery rigorous andharddealing, we our felues hauing simile. gottenhuer, and others beingas deftrousto comeotter, ifwe fhould pull vp the bridge front them:this wouldbe too fauage menamong the beathen.Thispoynt ofloving others, God fo lotted) and fo accounted) of, that if a man were ready to come to the Lordhis immediate worfhip, lie is content thisdude Mould rather be left tohim vndone, then that dutìe lhould bevndone to our brethren. And inthe parableof the debtorwe fee this Manhas.as moreeffeeluaily. Forfo longas the debt is direly the Lords, liebreaketh out into no 35. fuels words,as he Both when the feruant taketh his fellowferuant bythe throne, paying, pay me thatthouoweft : lò that the retayningofeamitie toour brethrenBoth aftera fort moreoffendGod,then our offendingagamft Godhimfelfe.Thisis alltheexamination be, fore hand. Hero ce may - When a man.hath by due examination foundhimfelfevnworthie, and vnworthiein estan,1<iwske ref et of himfelfe, thenhe is tobetransformed. And herenote a thingcontrary to our in the Eruha- p rt/t, , common diet. Though in our ordinariefoode our meate ischanged into vs, and becom- medi ofour fnbftance,not weare changed into it : here in thismeate, I fay, it is contrary, we are transformed into it,not it into vs; fo that wemay fay of thisfpirituall food,as ofthe simile. natureof theleauen. The leaner. is not vnleauencd and changedinto tlseineale,thottgh st limb hidinthe meale, but tIte tiseale is transformed into it, and leauened by theleauen. So may we fayofthis facramentall food, we aretransformedinto it. Wherefore feeing the Apoftlefaith, Let a man examineh imfrlfe, and fo lethim cate,our examinationemit end in eatingand drinking, and not inabftaining. Theythen, that thought they honoured the Sacrament with abftinence, they by thisrule plainly difhonour it :for itis laide, Let hey