Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

48° Ofexamtnatton before borneofMary,hathvnitedour, nature to him : and this vnion hathevery reprobatewith Chrift,in that bebath taken vponhim the fhapeofa man, and fo farre any cai}away may belaid tohaueintereft to the flefhofCb.rift: Where is then the difference?Trulyhere isa spirituall vni- difference,ifthe armeioyned tothe bodiehaueno life,no fence, no benefitofvital! fpirits, nia4nd" mu rtmay beindeedevnited to thebody,but it is not apart of the body : fo the wicked luting thrift. without faith,haue nofoule as it were,but are asit were fenfèleffe, and liuelel(e hangbyes, and therefore are no true membersofChrtit. We muffnot then thinke it lufficient tube ioyned tothe AefhofChritt,as the kinftnenofChriit,who (peakingof this Ipirituall con- iunêtionwith him poynted vnto tbein, that by faith receiued hisword,faying,Tbefearc my brother, myft7srr, andmy mother: There bane the true union with Chrift : the other bane affinitie with Chrift in his flefh onely in his incarnation. Thereforewith thefym- bols, to a true receiver Chrift is really giuen, and fo all whatfoeuer belongeth to Chrilh in the purchafedins redemption. Neither are wee to Tooke onely to our vnion with communion th Chrift, but to that ioyning of our fettles with them, that areof the fame myfticall bo- withoth cue mein die, bee they neuer fo many, that receive with vs. For this tries all , and it is an vnion of loue,and inrefpe& hereof this myfteriebath been called a Communion. And becaufe our vnion with Christ doth nothing profit-God, though a thoufand worlds of men were voiced to him, bee bath let otter the profit to others : fo that (if may fo lay) as Chrift is muteand drinke tovs,fo we lbouldbe meate and drinkeas it weremothers: for that whatfoeuer wehaue ni wifedome, we fhould bellow to the behoofeof the ignorant ; whatloe. net we haue in holineffe, we íhouid waise thebell bf it to the wisoingofotherswhatfoeucr 'ssc hautin outward things, we fhouldcommunicate it toothers,according to thequantitie oftheir wantsandour aboundance. SoIhall wetbemembers vat onciyof the naturali batalloof the myflicall bodyofChrift. There is yet another ende. Stemgthereis facha nature in thecrea- tures, that the outward thingshave fufferedmany. iniuries,before they became good food,asthe simile, corne being cuttedowse in it perfiteage, preffed out of hishuskes with the flade, loofing all his intralles with theviolenceofthe I4lill, andalter patting through theparching!lease ofthe Ouen, is made good bread:fo theflclh of lefus Chrift wentvnder many paines,ano theblood ofChrilt asthe grape in it moll flottrifhingeflate wasprelFedoutof the veines , and fufla¡nedhard-paffr- ons, and (hallnothing ofvs thenhalerwith hint? Becaôfewecannot wreakeour angeron the TheImes did Iewes, as PontiusPirate, as Casthas, and tite tell, for that they are deadandgone, andyet to(ay littlemore cru- the trueth,theywereno more the cmcifiersofChrift then thenailes,the croflcor thehammer, Chuji Men but itwas out [Metes which did crucifiehim, it wasourvile thoughts , orcorrupt fpeeches , and croffcándrue ourowne finnes,whichdid fet Casphas, Pilate, and ludas,aworke, and they were but ourfer bammer,buf uants and hirelings inthe a&ionof his crucifying. Thereforeas n eewould wreakeour angeron em flumes. them, feeing they I fay, Were but hired, andwehaue die thingsin ourfiduusl which didchieflie crucifie him;letvs do that defpitc toour fins,let vs arraignethem,let vs crucifie them,let vs naile them to tisecrofir, let vs ksli then,,and borie them lot eure. This is that, whereon wee fhould fpend our choler,and let vs beware ofcrucifyingofChriftaflaine, which thing though itcannot be indeed, becaufeall the Deputiesandhigh Prieu s aregone, yet we maybe truelyPaid ro croci- fiehimagain, when webereaving himof the finites ofhis death,put new pallions of griefe vp- onhim. For though it wasnogriefctoChrifltodie,fohe mightenjoy thething hedied for,yet toloofe the finitesof his torments, this doth in a lècond degree torment him. This isan aitiue crucifying, now comes in a.pailiuecrucifying. And this is acuppenotofthe Communion(foe that needesthefonneof thunder, thechildof Zebedeur)but it is thecuppeof the crolfe,where- of he himfelfediddrink< :thisis theBaptifine, wherewith wemutt be baptizedas he was,that not withthe waterof I ardan, for euery childof a feuen-nightold maybe walked with it, butof ali&ion, whereofwemall talle. AndasChrifl bathnow aCrowneofglory, but hehad ano- ther crownebefore, even acrowne of chortles:fo in thisfeafl wee haue a cuppewithout bitter. nelle, butthere isa cuppeof bitterneffe, which either wee hauedrunkeor muff drinke , orboth. The drinkingofthat coppebinde,vstodrinkeofthis. And finely fullerwee mud ,fomehaue their paIllon it,death and inwatdly . and thatis moi? lore; betterit isto haue itbefore death and outwatdly,for furelydrinke wetnuft:ifweparticipate of sheone, s's a mullado participateofthe other. But