Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

fio andafierthèLordrfpper. ÿ.481 Butas it is goodto vie thistrial! before, fo there is anotherexamination more profitable that Of examina- followesafter. Aman mayby thefightof the toile gather by Tome geffe what fruit will come tionafone vp, and what it will beare; A manmay by the ingredience of the medicine conieéture what rlejKig`ofthe effect will enfue vpon it:. But when wefee the fruitcome vp, it is farce morefine; and when the Lord: supper. purgation hash wrought, wemay morecertainely iudge of theeffebtof it. And becaufe thefe Simile. accidents of repentance from deadworkes, faith inChrift,and lonetoward mengoing before, 'maydeceiue vs: it isgood toput the matter our ofall doubt to trie our lelses afterward, if we eanhearethe wordmare ioyfullie,ifwe trauell forthe tighteoufneffeof faith more roundly, and make theskoreofour finoesIdle then they werebefore,theyare comfortable fruitesof the truth ofour hearts. Now ifany fay that thefe lignes antecedent,the beginningwhereof is in repentanceand o!icaion, forrow for finne,theend whereof is chatitie, and thelealfo that followafter arevery good , things,andyet entringwith himtelfeinto the trial!, he findeth himfelfe more dilcouraged thenencouraged:tohimIfay, ifamanhadrepentanceandfaithinmoll perfectandampleg f ere. manner, that manwere not to receive with the faints: for thefe myftertes wereprouided. fortheir helpe whichhanewants, and thereforeforimperfet1tous no manInuit dtfcourage himfelfe tocomehither. Onlylet him looketo this,that hedoe whatfoeuerhe doth,though notperfeetly,yet fincerely. Then as it turnoff lure thatby ourexamination thef Could fall intothe agonie of Chrift to f weateblood, and if it were poflible etten to becowered with the dropsofblood : fo becaufemalls nature cannot be brought to this, by'reafon of that colde fweate and colde repentance that is in vs,. Chrift therefore was brought into this fweatebyagloomingbeam: Chrift 1fay, who enduringthis agonie,bccamenot onely a fatisfaetionfornurhones, but allo forour imperfeetionsin good things, he doing good thingsabfolutely : thereforeChrdt fell into theft bathes, that his perfeóhion in fettering might fatisfe for our imperfeótionin well doing. The rather we are to fticke to this, be- twemul3be caulè if wecannot bring our felues inunedtatly into thefirft degreeof borrow, yet that we greeucdthat flaynot to come tothe fecond,degree, that is, that we be gricued that wecats be nomore me can hen, grieued,and ifasecome to this, this (tall be fufficient. And to all fuels asthus in trueth mueveeued. fhall prepare themfelues doe thofe prayers of Hezekfah, x.Chron.3o. belong, that the ì.Chro.3o.rß. Lordwillfulfill themeafureof their righteoxfneffe, and pardon their faunesthat prepare their 19. rebatehearts tofeekehim. And thus much for the trial! before andafter the LordsSupper. FINS; THE THIRD TREATISE: OF GODS FEARE. HeltileofMofes,Pfalm,9o.aa. doth vehemently fetdotcnethe (paucitie) FeufemrGod. dam that truely feareGod : hefaithmhofeareth,&c. we knowethe thing fought for and inquired after,isnot knowne to theasker;for then the.que_ Rion werevaine and luperfluous, and the very natureand-intlitution of a queftion is to haste relation euermore to the increafe of knowledge in torte thing not fulñciently knowne: wherefore it is like that Mofes knew few fearing God aright, and in generali thisRile is very needful! inall Gods risings, for we are llen- T t derby