OfClodsfeare.' 4-83 that wemu(t once die,Hebtues 9. andlob faith thatour life is but fltort, and doé we not vv re not beam thatall ofall kindes arcgone this way, all wifemen, all men ofpleafure, no Pacri- arkesefcapedit; noProphet wasexempted, ourcares can teltifie this, doe we nue dailie millé ourfriends F when Gods wrath .bath takenthem away, and the graue bath buried them in f lence. Doewe noc daily in commingto thecongregation,paffe ouer the graues oftnen,Iufflcieisemonuments of the executionof thegenerall day Doe we not vie as a generall prouerbe,asPreas death, and yet the feruantsof Godcomplaine, that we knowe not the wrathofGod. Surelywe doenot knowethis for all that, which MoresPfahue go. })roars by two reafons : fiat, he prayes to be taught init; and if it were alreadie exadflie knowne, then fhould thisprayer be fuperfluous : againe,he argueth ofthe effe&,that for fo much as there followes no feare, therefore there is not knowledge ofthe wrath ófGod, for thewant offare fends a want of faith herein:and werewe perfwaded that Gods wrath werefilch a thing, we wouldfeare; and thereforewe fearenot, becaufewe are not toper- f.vadedofthewrathofGod inicélnnaturall things we will not eafely rumie into things feared, nor feare thofè things whichwethinke not to be enill; and therefore becaufe we feare the firewill borne, the water will drowne, we are hardly brought to runne into the fire or into the water: much more thouldwe fodoe in things fopernaturall,if wedid truly fearethen, wherefore though we know infotne pare the wrath of God, yet we are not come to theperfe& knowledge of it requiredatour hands. Hitherto wemuffvnderftand, it is onethingfor man todetermine ofknowledge, and another thing for God tofudgeof itas Efaypronounced a difference betweene our eftet- piing of fatting and Gods fudgingof it, Efay 58. for that if wee feea man abthine from meare, we thinkehe is agood tenor fafter,butthe Lord determines otherwilè :fowe may pronounce adifference betweene the valuation of knowledgein oureyesand in the Lords eyes.It is nothingforvs tofay,this banewe quoted, thushaue we red,' this Ihaue vttered, and therefore 1know this; for this is nothing in Godsiudgement : foras hedeternnneth ofthefaft, lb will hedetermine of theknowledgeof them that paffethe auncientRabbins ofthelewes, and outreach the wifemen ofthe heathen:Andnomaruel l,foraswe fay there Doctaintricia: ,. isáwifekindeofignorance,a learned vnskilfulnelle: fo Purely there is an ignorant knota- ledge,afottifh kindeofwrfdome 5 and this nowpoffelleth thewhole world. And thatwe maywalke within ourwarrane,we Thal fetch our proofe fromthe fixtof Efay,whichplace, forthe excellencie of it, is oft repeated in thenew Teftament, Match.' 3. A Is z3. and Rom.l t. where wefee theremay bea feting without feeing,akinde of hearing, and yet no bearing indeede: Euen fo there maybraknowledge, and yetno knowledge before God, t(7tovvledgc, thtecat.iie is fortuit tise Lord accounts ofno knowledge which comes not into praétife :vvithoutprat- , and ifwehaueneuer fomuch knowledge, and pra&ifeitnot,it is nothing inGods booke. ti a is no knoro- And accordingas this is Godhis reckoning, fo is is our vinait account; for if we have ta- ledge. ken painetoput precept unto precept, and to teach one that path not profited by our paines, how attenttue foeuer he ferule; yet weaccount him, andaccufe him as one that heard notat all. Better is noxandle thena candle widera bttfhell: and the Lordaccounts no light vnder abulheiifor light. Better toliaueno rares then thecaresof an Idoll. And indeed they are no eares,for they hearenot : fo it is no knowledgethat is feparatedfrom pra&ife. We dotbeguile our felues in our accounts, when we thinke we have a. great knowledge,for thatwehave heard many Sermons,. whereunto becaule wehaue not toy- vaprnßrsble ned pra&dé,we maywell blot out of :the (coremanyofthole Serinons : for fuck Sermons hcoinghovv inGods accountbe tovs as noSermons.We can fayand erye,that wherethere is a want of `b"'SPOU'' thetneanes,there is a great token ofGods curie; and Iwill notdenie it,it is fo indeede: but yet be it knowne, that with a fingularitie of the benefit,if noneprofitby it, theregoeth a fingularitie of iudgement where it is abuled : and amorenotable iudgement reuameth forfuch a place, then forthe other, becaufe irisad been better neuer tohaueheard, then having heardfo much,neuer to profit. It is goodfaith David that Matte been aft ieled, for I haue learned thy lawe : indeede in this refpe& it-was good for hitn;andyet it is not good for forceto be affli&ed, whonot profitingby it, become the worfe for it, asit was to Lots wife,who was ittadea pillar of falte. Tca Two