0 OfHypocri ae. light,makealfoour departing fromeuill light. Thus wee fee the Lordmuff haue-an order , inthir,cs; firtthewill banehiskingdomc prouidedfor, then other thinges in their place: wein keeping lo low an ebbe inhisfeare,make vphis inditement he hashagainitvs. FINS. 487 OF HYPOCRISIE THE FOVRTH TREATISE. Here aretwo things required inReligion,thefithflance and the ce. There Is mále remonyorvifard,andwe hauebut one ofthem. The firftis aMCP- required in Ile- ueilons hard'thing to circuincife our Irarts,tomake thembleed;we ng:on then an think it enough to heare,foropinionscaeriethe commonpeople: outáardfbew. for they be like children,ifthey fee aface in a glafhe,they thinkit is a man,and begin to talké ofit and toit. Thisceremonsall hearing intimes paff it would now and then (as they fay) doe good : but now asone faith, is nothingbut toheare,eate, drinke, and talke. . That a Phew-is fufficient to moue the multitude, it appearetlrby Abfplom, who although he were a beafte; yet when Ile had made a vowe, and fefabel had proclaymed a fall, the people followed them, and faid the Qneene wasbecomereligious, and Abfolom was worthieofakingdome, andfo thelike hypocrites haue an opinion of belt tarn. Thedutie of reprehending is thedutie_of a good man, andvndrr the law it was thus : the acculer waswont to thowe the-firEPone: the theefeon the Crolfe laid; thou being in the famecondemnation; durelt thou reproue? Here is a cafeof premunire, winch what it is onearthweknow, and what it is inHeauen we fhall know a; that day : examples we haue in Aaron,Nadab, Abihu. Pzzaand Ahaziah. Seeingthere be fucha lore of fore eyes, and fo fewChirurgions, it is good to flay in re- we, maibovv prehenfion,til wehauecall out our heames:& this is but reafonable,thata manfhoulci Frittset.ordeis cure himlelfe. But becaulè many willnot flay for all this, Chritt waxeth angrieas it were, f metime het and calleth them Hypocrites: where faithChryfo/fome,he fheweth himlelfeverie angrie:for infpeeab. this wordwhen he vieti, it or fuck like,asO eui/lferuant!Opaintedtombes! generation of vi- gers, it is not anylittle offence that he fpeaketh againit. ThenaineofanHypocriteisabhorredofGodandman .AsitwasfaideofOÉlauisiand ófhypnerifit Antonia,theyhated atyrant butnot tyrranie:foit mayherald with vs,weehate an Hypo- houitfhunl4 ente,but not hypocrif (.Thuswemay feefirft in reali hypocriie,we cannotabide a courfe beabhoered, (loathwith a finelylt,norfreiite fairewithout and rotten within;nor timber ltraight with- outand hollowwithin norlightwaights and folkwares. In thecommon wealth hethat poylonethaman, and he that killethhim with the fwordbath not the likepuniíhment, becaufethe hei'sis greater, inthathe killer) Imo hypocritically. In theChurch thefathers appointing punifhment and penancefor diners fsnnes , let downsfor hypocrite thegrea- teftpuuifhment, in primayuadragefimar.Peter was firll moonedat this agatnll Ananiasand Saphira,Aót.s. Pattie amongmany dangers,fettethtisisdownas a chicle one,that hewas in danger amongfalls brethren. S.Iohn theEuangeliftin hisRevelation prophefteth,that the Church Mouldneuer bemoregricued, then by filch ashad womeps faces and haire,&Ly- Tt 4 sns