488 OfHypocrites. ons teeth. Thecomplaints:of theProphets againft themis nranifeft in their termes, Potter 4' withfetemmtcahes&ibexMoneftde,O/Iricheswithgreatfeathersandoflitt lefight. But Chrift inueieth fpecTally againIt them,for herthreacneth linenwoes againft them thatbe hypo. ci rites,wherebeneueris foundto doethe bkeagainftany finners Tolookemoredemist into this fin, it is oppofice toGod theFather,he is a being,thisa certaine thew; God isone, and hathmade himone, but the hypocrite he malteds himfelfe two,an heart andan heart: the hypocriteleauetha littleplacefor religion, and the reftheeleaueth for chatwhichhet louethmore then religion , and in this deuifion heegiueth the worft to God , that is, that which is without;lre oppofcth himfelfeagainftGod in hisheart. God is truth, and the hy- pocrite batha lyingprofeflìon,vnhallowing the name of a Chriftian,and feducing thofe thatare fimple,whrch is a comtn& note of hypocrites;Co they aredeceiuersand dcceiued, as Abfolon &iffmaeLThey are oppofrte toGod in hisgoodnes, bolo good,they are euill with_ in,and that which is worfe,they touereuill with good. Wemay fee Godhisdeteliation of this fin by his expoftulation,Pfalao. heabhorreth it fo that he forbad his people the verie refemblance and reprefentation of it, asa linfr woolfie eoate, a hollowfootedbean., and mifceliencorne : He (pall not come intomyprefence :andin the Piohne hee faith,he could notabide the fight of him : and furely the furcltpunifhmene againft any fin is to baue our portionwith thehypocrites. Speciekinds Thatwe mayknow an hypocrite,we mull fudge him bythat which is within. Afather faith ofkypacrtfie* wemull buhe osi him wiihout,for examplein adsoonithing, hisoutriideis,'brotherc4oatthe mote, but lift vp his eie-lidde, and you thall feehis eie notanfwerable tohis tongue. 'Ihe Syriak 'Vultumattu. word fignifieth,*afacerake, r,hisvifourmaybe admonition,but it is abroken vifor,fora man may mens. fee thetimber thorough it,& fo heis an impudent hypocrite. For the nature ofbypocri6git may ' Eft fignum bedefcribed thus ,.* it is a frgne without a thingGgnified : as when one thruftethan boudeour frnefignato. his head,or hishead out of an hood, and hathno learning ,anhood being madeto fignifie much Suh fplend do learning : and lò therearemore of therehypocritesthen we would thinke of. We haueElias his palholattt mantle, but where ishisfpirire ?. This hypocrifie is afinneofinany corners and degrees. In e- nequi ia. uery fin thereis a myflerie of wickednes,& a groffefubllanceofwickcdnes,a leanen andlumpe ofiniquitie; fowe maydiuide hypocrifie intothe myfterie andthe lumpe : the myflerietaketh Non videri hold on vs all; and there be twokindsof it. The firft and the bei'ouerfaythemfelues, but they quod dofomething; they couimend more in word then inprab.ife. The other are lochesfayanddoe nd film, fd nor, thisis grolfe hypocrite. Againe,hypocrifie bathtwo ends. God hisglorie fhould moneys non funa fulhciently,but wemull hauefonreotherende withit,andthis is inthe beltmen. Ateguftine faith that thereare but few which be not fpotted with hypocrifie, but becaufehis Heppewas too wide, heemendshimfelfe, and faithnext,Surelyisotope. The lumpeoraéluall hypocrifie hathfoure Thefrf! kixd. kinds: The fidi kinde is, when a man is delighted withPaininganygood, otmtentionof anye- The(C0sad uill. Thefecondkind is-aperillous anddolehypocrifre,wrappedvp round inafhcepes skin, that noman can (piehim,but thatetc that teeth allthings, and, if anyman calleth him an hypocrite, hebringethhimfelfèintodanger, becaufe hee isnot ablemanifellly to pronehim one. Ofhim Chriltgiuethacaueat; forthishypocrite,he isexempted from the Churchdifcipline : the rule is plaininTimothie :Some mensGuesser before to iudgement, andfume mens fumesfollomafter, Vcinam um. Bitt with vs, ifpeace continue long, vvethanwith with Athanajur, I would all werehypocritesi, nes etiènt lay- The third kindé is,inhypocrite vncafèd, he is called A funme-burned hypocrite : who iudgeth pocriræ. all men tobe as hewas before he was laid open: heconamethto bevacafed by thiumeanes,Ate. The third h'sd gufhne faith, vshen that is withdrawen fromhim, which hehoped for, itfooneappeareswhether he be a wool feinafheepesskinne. Wemay fee it inthe mattersof the Church, when there is Thefourth' preferment looked for. The fourthkinde is rnafheepes skinne, but his careshangout folong, OM. that he iseafily efpied, thefe are the brokenvifourdhypocrites : toplay the hypocrite thus , there ' needes no great witfor anaffe maybefuch anhypocrite,andany that cantakehim by theearn, mayfay, Thouhypocrite. Notes to knot:: Thereare (cues] notes toknow anhypocrite by, in reprehending one,firft theydoe ßs=ss',efpie an hypocrite. things,theydoe not 4!«.,, as matter Bezanoteth. Hypocrites atenarrow lookers, inHebrue they-are calledfpies ,fhifrersorlifters. TheChnilfian man would rather they fnooldbe callout (if they beìnfirmrties) andbee neuerfee them , asSem and laphet cosseted their fathersnaked- .. ness