Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

OfHypocrites. MS, and law it not;but Chàm beheld and laughedatit : thefe are thole which',proclahne wens imperfe&ions; it was lofephs commendations to doethe contrarie 5 hee would not make Marie a publike example,thotrgh.he hadgreatfufpicion. Y me feeond The fecon l note is ; Tnrot7e theyneuer fetvpon theinfelues the haue noleafureto doeit, but they haue finalidelight in it: done telleth themofany fault in their eye,they re- note. plie,why methinkes youreyes are not well neither. Firft,hewill fay theyayle noticing at all,ordenye it inpart,or if he graunt it, he faith itcloth nothinder his fight, or it is not fo Omnepecca- wellas it mightbe ; and thefe hypocrites cart out nofaults,but fuck as are extenuated,and rum cncrri it is a rule in Rhetorike ,cueryfinnetnaybeextenuated. pomp. A thirdnote is ,thathe will fay,mybrother: the Chaldie paraphraft willethvs to obferue, The third note. fiefsan hypecrite,for beholde his tongue: Tlicyfalute their brother in the morning with cyp canfaith, an high voyce,fo thePharifees laid toChrift,We know thouart goodman, and haftno refpell vecorarü<_ ofperfons,but in their conceite,and among themfelues theylaid, tuff, he is a Galilean: . ,marhabent The fourth note is this, they come with a fine, let himalone, they willdoe nothing but as orations. youwill fuffer them,all is loue and charitie. But ilkhaue authorkie, he mutt not lay suf. The furtb for me, will cafEhimfoorth r for faith one,Thou ftandeft not to intreate thybeak thou powrelt in with aborne : fo thou rimftadmonifh,whetber lie.will or no. Naytheywill fay, Sineme, fufferme, hemuftneedes doe it. A fife ligne is ofan hypocriticall Ephramite. The tribeof Ephraim faid,whywere the not Thefifenote. called ? But good Men care not tuft doe it, fait bedone: the otherPhew that they delire not the fa&;but the glorieof the faç`t. Thus they efpie,and cannot colt out any fanne : it is twentie toone that tech hypocrites, cannot fo touch as elpie lìnnes aright, andyet they will prontife a carting out to,they takevpon themmorethan they can doe. The fxt note is,they will bedoing with motes: it may beasked,whether thefe fellowesTeft note. haue not neighbourswith beanies in their eyes ? Certainly they haue : why then doe they fpeake fo tothan brotlrer,that bath the mote ? This is an infallible note of an hypocrite : foras ChrvMome laitt1, it was eitherto make a flop-game, or that hee mightferme very tuft : for which cattle hefpieihout the beft to reprehend, that he may feeme as goodas lie. Forthe way tomake men cued,is eithertogroin higher,or becaufe hecouldnot doe that, Note. 'he will pull the other lower: which indeede hee cannot doe. But hypocrites thinking their tonguesaretheir owne,will be bold to doe it to themwhich are good. The euentb The left noteis,Matth.zi .They laygreat burthens on others,buttouch them not them felueo Tots with theleaff oftheirfingers: You doe well (lay they)to leade fuck a ftri& life,they will haue othermen linelike Anus, and they them (dues like duels. Some more el%&wall notes, andofmore common vfethan click are let downe,Matflr.2 3. But force may layand ga- tint hereupon Vicbe a grollehypocrite to reprehend,Iwill notdetlewith it at all: and thefe are either featefukor wickedly fubtile,and they areworfe than the other. Wemuft not millike thedoingofan hypocrite further than God milliketh, his milliking mutt be our rule : and hee blatneth hum not for the outfide, butfor the in fide. A reprehenfion is good,but in him it is ill accidentally, asthe belt thing in theGofpellmay be. ThePhari- kes were reprehenders, andour righteoufnefle mutt exceede theirs, that is, comprehend theirs and more. Augufliee faith well : Sheepe maynot therefore calf away their skinnes, becaufewoluesfometinesAre coated with them. Edery outward thing in their hypocrifie was good ; making ofProfelites, keeping Saintsmemories :and hee that hateth themfor theirabode, (hall proue himfelfea foole in the end. Another kinde of menmay conclude . and thinke,that thofe that are fuchopen offendersand ryotous,not to be hypocrites,and en o enders. itisall they can boaft of, f amnohypocrite. Butwe know that fieisafinguiarhypocrite, by o Q Chriltsowne teftimonie, that bathabeame in his eye: Surely they areof the brotherhood Maah.y. ofhypocrites. Efay,chap.9.fpeaking ofyoung men, ofwildeyouths, faith,they are allhy- pocrites. Iu;Iine faith, Buery euill man is an hypocrite,more orleffe : none is worfe thanOmnis malus inch. And yet ifa man fhould fee him inamantle,and hearehim topronounce [ehouab in plus minus fixe lines,feuen tiines,he would thinke well ofhim,he being darknes turnethhimfelfe in- hypocrita eá. to an Angell of light; and as he is an hypocritehimfelfe,fo is his crue. The Refit thecon- plaines the isvery weake,and cannot rife,and the fpirits are dull, they cannotftudie. But Danis ¢g9