49° OfHypocrites. Dauid omitting his fpirituall watch, fell feuen timesworfe thanhee did before. alanykinds of The world is an hypocrite,you mayfee by the tares, which all good writers expound bypoaraes. hypocrites,that therebe bundlesof hypocrites though fewbeare thenan e' CI urt theGofpell,Hypocrites,Efay propheciedwell of you, youcome neere me with your lips, &c.Oftheie therebemany bundles : fuch are all they as will not goeone inchfurther in doing their duties,than theprecepts ofmen. Amanmightmaruede atSaintPaul chathe called fome the circumcifed of God, and the Inv! ofGod, as though therewere any o. ther Ifrael or circumciGon : there are indeede the circumcifedof Parliaments, and theIf- raelites ofPrinces. Many there arewho if lofieshisftatutes wereabrogated,would be rea- die to take theitatutes ofOmry. Thereis another kinde of hypocrites calledheretikes, as the Nouatians, Anabaptifts, Fatnilifts.The wornkind are thole in the Church,which open well,vntill theyhauea mor- fell caninto theirmooches. Diners colour their hypocrifse vnder the cloake of affefted popularitie,asAbfolom. The can of hypocritesis toCoyne to greatmen, that if theymake a (cape theymaynot be inedled withal.Secondly,they will ioynethemfelues togood men, and ifthat cloakewill not fettle, they the to natures,as in Daniels and lall of all to the cloake ofreligion, asPilate to Chrift, I adjurethee by theliming God: and as the fonnes of Jacobdid to theStchemites, they gate them to circumcife them, that they might kill them. ponereadier There is a kindeofdilfemblers, that thinke it but hypocrite totakeupon onethe dmie to,aufe men ofadmoni(hing, and they fayof themfelues, that they arenotcleane fingred, but cleave ofhypercritic hearted, and that they are glorious within, for all thatthe world leech. But lames faith, thanhypocrites theymull be cleane fingred to. One faith toAugufline.It fuffeethme that l hueapure conference:or that Ibane a good confeience. Augufliueanfwereth : Let not that content thee:but remember thewordsof Clain alto:LetyyourlightfoArne amongmer,thattheyfee- ingyour goodmorkes,may glorifieyourheauenl father,Mattb.s. This is certaine (faithhe) if Si trabes fir in there bea beanie in thine eye,thereis awholeitacke in thineheart. How comes it topaffe oculo,nrues then, that they that aremore careful) than the reft,arecalled hypocrites ? Clain indeede of zncorde. might call the Pharifees fo, forhee knew their thoughts t butno Propheteuercalled any is Thenec godly thias tihs bypocrites,and neffesor compurgatorsfo well difcharge themfeluesof,beinga finne in the heart. Ifaman godhnes they beaccufedofadulterie, hee might thew thecontrarie bycircumltance of time, and coil hrpocrifre. place,and to acquithinrfelfe:but for this finneno othwill ferne, forthen hee is . thought to be the greater hypocrite. Giuemeal! the Saints (faithAu- gujiine) and fay to to them, and fee howthey can difcharge them felues. Then thematter is this: two things are required in a Chriftian,which God giueth lob, thatwe beboth ftraight without,and found within. FINIS. THE