THE FIFT TREATISE: CONTAINING AN HVNDRED GRAVE COVNSELS OR DIVINE APHORISMES. you defire to heare the word withprofit, obferue thefe things: Hr.* 8i beforeyou goe to theChurth,humbleyour lelfe inprayer toGod, ,7,°,r p that he may prepareyourvnderltanding, affeaion, and memorie t toreceive: and that thePreacher may 1peaketoyourconfcience: after inhearingwith fome 'bon prayer; applie the feueralithreat 3 Wings,promiles, and inftru&ions to yourowne cItate: when you S 4 are come home from hearing, change all that you remember into e prayer, and defireGod that youmay remember itmoft,whenyou, 7 Iltould praébfe it: and vie to teachothers, and to conferee othe 8 things remembred : it is a good way;to remember a thing, diligently, to remember the reafon of ir. o Thecaufewhy ourmeditationsand prayersareno ftrunger in thenight, is becaufe a tatios tye ioynenot with meditation the examinationofour heartsvpon ourbeds : which ifwe yi did in louse truth,itwould keepe vsfrom drowfines,and want of reuerence in our prayers, as well asworldly men are kept waking by thinkingof worldly matters. Here we arc taught by Doeids example,whenwewant themore lolemne and glorious meares indig- nixie, tomakea fupplic by often and fincerevfingof filchprivat meares as we can. 3 Ic is bettertooffer a voluntarie and free facrifice in refpe& of Gods merde, as doe ourobedience the Angels; then aviolent and conftrainedobedience, as doethe diuels. And this dareI me be free, fay,that thoughthe fearefull pronouncing of the curie, the wrath,theiudgement of God sod. be fearefull in the law,yet thedenouncing ofour feparation fromGods kingdone, of the gnawingworme,ofthe feconddeath, is farmmorefearefullin thegofpell; which by how much it is themoreproperfeate and creafurie of Gods mercies,fo when tbundrings and lightnings doe proceede from thence theyare themorepearcing. 4 Two notestodifcerne good Chriftiansfrom hypocrites. Firft, whether theyconi- TriabofRy plaine oftheirowne wants and corruptions. Secondly,whether they fpeakewith Ode poises. and companion ofthe infirmities ofothers. S To one that Teemedfcrupulousin wearing theSurpliceand-cap , andnotwithilan- ceremonies. ding ftoode inneede ofgreater things; he faid : as Iwill not for allthe world adui(eyou to weare them; fo I would counfell you to be well grounded ere you leaue them, lealt you (bakingthem off, ratherof light affe&ionthen of found judgement,afterward take them againe toyourgreat fhame andtheoffenceofothers. 6 The greater gifts we haue, the flefh is the prouder, and Saban the readier to ai- Pride. fault vs. thrh. y The Church is tofeareandexpeaforne notableafflidlion, when longcafe andpro- nr fperitiehaue bred either fuperflition orprophaneneflè. S Thinke not with thy feife,if I were in fuch a place,if I were in filch a calling, or if it .Rga f de- werefuck a time, ifI bad obtained filch a thing, or iffuch a trouble.were palm, then I lance. 491