Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

492e Gram tourfelr, or diuíne eirphorJmes. would lerueGod, thenI would take anothereourfe: though the time were changed, and there things changed, yet if thy miede werenot changed,thou wouldelt be ofthe fame o- pinionhí11; and though thefeletswereremoued, yet the diuell wouldput more great im- pediments into by ounde to hinder thee l {ill, but redeeme the time prelent, doe good wbileft ihou'maift:ferue Godtoday, for whoknoweswhetherthou(haltliuetilltotnor- Repentance.,, row. God bath left to manthe time pad torepentofit ,and thetime precinct) confider of » it, but thetime to come hebathwholy taken tohimfelfe to difpofe ofit. Thoumaid{ ima- » gale°idle timeto come; but ifthou haft beendeceiued in thetime part, art deceived of- » the timeprefent, muchmorethou fhalt be deceiued of the timeto come. Say not then' »Will doe locha thing and Incha thinghereafter ; doe force thing now : for arc thou a Pa- » pift ? Haftthou free will? Ifthou finde thy felfe vnft now, thou fhak finde thy felfe more » vnfìthereafter: iftherebemanyoccafions tohinder thee now, there will be moeoccafrons -» tohinder thee hereafter. 491ïtïionsof 9. The perlonsafllieted are either the re robateorGodsele&,thechildrenofwrath, the reprohate. ()Hie children of God. The of hiftions ofthe reprobate are the punifhments of their finnes : here theyfuffer tome, in hell they lhall fuffer all torments ; here for a time, there d for euer; bere a litde,there vnmeafurable, Gods children areeither his childrenonely by elcCtion,andnot by cffeCtuall vocation; or elfefuch as are calledin Chrift. Theaflidtions a ofGodschildren noteffeaualliecalled ,arethe punifhmentsoffinne :Godwillhauethem vnderthe rigor ofhis iultice,to inake them ineete to receitte thegraceof his Inertie. Gods o fi iiso t: 3 children not onlyby elettion,but all°byeffeó{uall vocation,are of twoforts : theyare ei- f ther fuck asare notiufLiciently called,which are more out ofChrif.'then in Chrift, or elfe beooregrace 4 theyarefuf iently called, inwhoa. Chrift lueth. Againe, thofe that arenot fufficiently Note. 5 in Chrift, which aremorecarnall thenfpirituall, areof two forts, theyare either babes in 6 avid, in whomthere bathbeen no more working of the fpirite ; or fuch as bane had a greater svorke ofGod in them,in whom the fpirit is quenched : thofe thatare but babes in Chrift,and continuebabes ({ill, in whomthere is but a little worke ofGod, and great a- boundance ofthe fiefh, their affli&ions arethe punsflunents of liane : becaufe they will not begouerned by therule of Godsspirit, Godwillhaue them ruled by the rodde of af. Heb.3.e3. fiéhion; and they in whom the fpiritis decayedthrough tile decertfulnefl'e of liane, their afiiiCtions alto are thepunifhments of theirlianes,for because they refuted the gracious gouernmenr of Godsuterciein the gofpell,thereforehe bringeth thembacketo therigo- rous gouernment of his iufhcein the lawe, tillCbrift be formed a new in diem againe. Afeeete con Thofeonlywhicharcfnfficiently ca(kd,inwhomChriîfis thusformed, their affliffionsare nopu- folation. nihments offir oe : but Chrilifieferswith them when they aremedicines againitfinne, mooch more when they are trialsoffaith, andmolt ifallwhen thcr arefor weildeingt but all the for- merfuffered thenafelues,Chrift fufferednotwith them,bccaufe theyhaltered for linne. zegenrarione o Rebeccawifsedto haue children, but yet when theyftrouein herwombe,then !he and Juübtt bralt forth intowords of impatiencie : fo God giueth toforce a delireto beborne againe, verygainefuU. who when their conception is fopainfull,and when the spirit andthe flefh ftriue together, . they would fometime becontent to be in the olde estate againe. 4gainfifptrt- ne WhenMofes camedownefrointhemount, theskinofhisfacedidChine ,butonely taalpride. thepeople did fee it, he did notperceiue it : foihould our rigbteoulitesfhinein the eyesof simile, others,not in our owne. Thefosntaine to As afountains andall the water that fprings from ithave the fame qualitie: fo the of theheart. heart,and the thoughts,words and deedes areall oldie fainnature: donebe flhhieall be Simile. lutine: nod purge one,and puree ail. Death. 13 Godcalleth his children out of thisworld in the fitteft time, when though they li- ued longer,yet they wouldhe nobetter. Tolonechrift 54 If welonenot Chriitmorethenhisbenefits euenthen our ownefaluation, weare more theft his not worthie ofhim. PhilipfaithLoh. 4:8. ifwemay kettle fatherit is fufficient : and Jacob óenef`to. laid it is fid$cient for that [ofeph is abut, he cared notfor his benefits, andDated faith one thing (asif heMould fay no more), onething IsaacI defired todwell indiehoule of the Lord. x5 We.