Crauecounfels or diuineeílphor /sines. 49 i 15 We muftat alltimes heare theword,and ife al the meanes °fourfaluationithotigh ne6'ingthe wefeele our feluesEmit vnwilliugthercunto. For we knownot when Godwilt blcfleit, Ward. or anyof than tovs. Yea it may be, thatwhen we doe but once abfent our felues from the hearing thereof, fuck things may be then fpoken of, as maymolt feruefor ourfeules health. 16 Albeit Mart-hart partbe the wort, becaufe itcontmuethnot, yettheworld hateth Thekwofthe Maries part which is thebelt,anddefireth euer to choofewith Martha. v corld. 17 Looke howmuch wewould come to Chrift ; fomuchwe inuit come to the word Wordandfa- and Sacraments. cramentr. t8 Ifwercit too muchinthe outward a&ion ofthe word,and not in the inwardaffec- Hearing the tion ofthe heart ; we(hall bepuffed vp,andbecomeprophane. word. i9 Many Proteftants can fay it is Godthat worketh thewill and the deede, but ina CarnaltTro- conceiued imagination,not from aperfwaded winde, andexperienced confcience : for if re tantt. they wereperfwaded hereof,it would greatly humblethem, and makethem tofinish their courfewith rcuerence and feare. so Looke what a man loueth, licwi(hcth the good thereof. Lase. 2 Euery one is eaten vp with thezealeofone thing or other. Zeale. sz Noman can purchase to himfelfe thisglorious title that he loueth God, except he Teton ofour bath a through hatred and deteftation ofthat which God hateth. tone toGod. 23 Then (hall we vnfeinediy praifeGod for ourfirft creation, and his fatherly proui- Regenemtion. dencewatching ouervs; whenwe are created a new by thefpirit of God,and feele our re- demptionin Chrift.' 24 Asfarre as thefpirit is abouethe flefh,God above men,Fleauen aboue the earth, e- Regeneration. tarmacaboue frailtie: fo farre is the new creationabone the olde: for the one is butof mortall and corruptible feede that (hallperifh : but the other is of immortall feede and from Heauen,agreat worke ofGodwhich (hall abide for euer. 23 In temporall thingsour soy is greater than thetaufe: in fpirituallthings the caufe fey. is greater than thesoy. 26 If this beour chiefe(tfelicitie tobe Gods people, it bathalfo the chiefeft challenge joy. to ourioy. 27 They that be in thehell of thingsflefhly,cannot fee the heauensofthings fpirituall. Loueofthe 8 Spiritual) things are tedious, becaufe lenfe, reafon, and nature, cannot tab of '7,7. ' filch ioyes. 29 Gods childrenbeing in theworld, though not of theworld, but fauouringof the Tr" ioyet. things ofthe world, mutt beprouoked to this found toy; andbe led from thecrackling ioyes which flamevp for a little,and makea fudden noyfe, butneuer truly beateor com- fortthe heate,but indeath and afllibtiondoe much (hame and fearevs. 3o Tobeperfwadedof Gods prefencein our thoughts, words, and labours, is a pure Godopreface. rule ofchribianitie. In curry placeweare beforeGod,butmore fpecially in privat prayer, and molt of all inpublike prayer. 3t As there is no finne lbgreat but with repentance is pardonable, fo there is no finne Repentance. fo little,but withoutrepentance is damnable. 32. The offence of finne is not fo greatas the defenceoffinne. Sinn. 33 Oneteare ofrepentance is better than a thoufand fackclothes : fir(t, our forrow 7fepentarue. mull be fpirituall, then continuali ; becaufe our finne breedeth atthe heart,andbuddeth forth daily. There is no greater miferie thanto bewithout miferie ; nor greater furrow then to bewithout forrow. 34 As the childe breaking one rodde andburning it, prouokethhis father to prepare Alifien. a (harper : fo a man vnpatiently wrebling with one of hiefion fent fromGod,and efcaping it,prouoketlt the Lord ingreater difpleafure to fenda (harper fcourpe. 35 The more godlya man is, and themore thegraces and bid-hogsof God are upon rrayee. him,the moreneede hebath topray : becaufe Saban is bufteft againft Min, and becaulehe is readieft to be puffed vp witha conceited holineffe. 36 Wherethe Scripturebathnota inoutli,weought not to hauecares, treed. Vv 37 Oh