Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

4-94 Grate couñlfels, ordiuine eifphorifines. Torefpellfrc- 37 Ohthat onewould doethat thing,the remembrance whereoffo longafter fhould tguurezae,and bringcomfort : oh that one fnoulddoethat thing, theremembrancewhereof fo longafter fhould bringgreefe: and yet we fo little efleeme chide things, whichmightafter comfort vs,and fo little feare thofe things which might aftergreeuevs. SeePfal.tx9. 38 Thelaw is often taken for the morall lawof God : hispreceprr for theceremoni_ all law his isedgements or rigbteoufnes for the fanaions of the law, whereby the Lord either accompinheth his promiles for his children, or executethhis wrath upon his ene, mies. ,7dmißerie. 39 Although the Lord hath promifeda fpeciall blelftng to the publiketninifterie of hisword,yet wemuff not tiehiswtfedome toany ordinarymanes, but ifany at any time, fhall bane moreeffeEtuall feelings byprivace conference, let himnot neglebt the publike reading, but with allholy and humble thankefulnesyeelde this foueraintte to the Lord, that he is to difpofe his gifts to whom,bywhoin,whereand when it pleafeth him. Temptation. 4o Weare neuer clic further from temptationformillikingit, butthenearer, vnled'e as in iudgement wemillike it, fo inaffection we humble our felues Mtcare, andprayer,as knowingthat in time it may muade vs. eonferosee. 41 Though oftenwe fpeake ofthings lawfull,yetwe want wifedomein examining the time,place,and perfons,when,where, and withwhomwe talke ; and foSaban laboureth tomake vs filent, whenwe might fpeaketo Gods glorie. For the auoyding ofthis tern, ptation, we muff fpeake when God giueth vs oçcafion being thankefull for the good motions of Gods Spirit; and humbledfor our weakenes, whereby both our Speeches are muchftayncd, andweefaslein many circumftances. Thendoing itlh linglenes ofheart, onely forthe loue ofGods word,and ofhis glorie,let vs wholy committhe fuccell'e(which depends not onvs, thoughwe oblerue allcircunifiaoces) to the bleffingof God inIefus Chrift. 1fegeneration. 42 In the regenerationand dyingoffinne ,we comeasit weretothe bathead,andtri- all ofourhearts, when we cometo thofe frnnes, wherein either nature or cuftome doch breededelight. .arediratien 43 The meditation ofdeathdoth lcsfarmoue vs,fromSufferingour delightsto dwellon efoeatb, earthly things asreafon diifwadeth vs frommakingany colt about ataberuacle,svherewe know,we (halldwell but a while. obedience. 44 Our corruption is like tothe wantoilnes ofehildren,whowill do eitheras they 11ff, orelfe leaueall vndone. raineglorie. 45 When wethinke that ourcheefeft care istoglorife God, weandeede doe leckeour owneglorie. eodswerJhip. 46 It is a gracious thing tovfe allour members in Gods worfhip ; for that willcorn. fort our confctencewhenwe cannotvie them. 4goodname. 47 Ifwebe notoriousin lonewe (hall benotorious in an euillname,manywould be loth tobe counted wicked, whocan becontented to be wicked : but Gods childrenhad ratherbegood then accountedgood ç as thecouetousman &c. Defwes. 48 Many Mire that, which when they haue gotten, their confeience is afraide to vfe. Trager. 49 Lordglue me thy grace to remember the beadrowof my frnnes to humble mein prayer : Lordteach nie the catalogue ofthymercies truely tomake me thankefull. ()fences. so As God doth rather oftentimes by heaping his benefits, then powringhis plagues vpon vs,fhewvs ourSinnes : fowe muffrather by courteous dealingthen feuerehandhng, Phewothershow they baue offendedvs. Humiliation. S t Ordinarilywhen God molt comforteth,he molthumblethbefore. Tronidence. f z IfGodwatch ouer vs when we fleepeinvnbeleefe, much more lie will doe itwhen we wake in faith. Familie. S.3 Thefume ofthemailerofa family, bringethSinne ouerthe wholefamily, as we fee inAbimelecb. Repentance. 54 We canmarke whatmen arefpared, and fo flatter our felues: but wemarke not how theyrepent,leaftwethouldslifquict ourfelues. 5j We