grauecouilels ordiuineeflphórimer. 495 55 mul'cnot deny merciero others,leaft Göd denymerciero vs. .a1ercie. 56 Manymeddle and threemuch about a newChurch gouernment, which are fetiles 2Ifgeneration and barren, in thedoarineof new birth : butalaswhat though a man know many things, andyet know not himfelfetobeanew creature in IefusChrif? It is often the pollicieof Sathan tomake vstrauell in forcegoodthing to come,wheninorefitly we might be occu- pied ingood risings prelènt. 57 Asthe creatures weremade forman,fo werethey punifhed forman. creatures. 58 Ifmerciemutt pleade formercie : Matth.5.thenmercie cannot pleade for merit. merit. S9 Iris a mercieto let vs feechae bytemptation, which we might feele bywofullac Temptation. tion. 6o Ifwe be tempted, let vsfirft Pxamineit byprayer, whether it be contrarie to-the temptatioTh word:if is beafinne,t en it bringeththe curfe;ifit bringea curfe,thenmutt we tremble : if we tremblenot, letvs fufpea thatour nature liketh thetemptation, and let vsapplypray- er ; if we tremble in truth,wewill neuer doe thething,whereunto weare tempted. 6r TheDiuell whenhecannot at the&rlt corrupt theablion, hewillbegin to corrupt satbanicall the iudgementand theaffedtion, fuggeft ou. 6z When wemutt ofneceflitie vieinferiour things,wemuff vfethem asreadie to want ranes. them. 4 63 Asthe bidingofour finwith Adam hindreth mercie: fo to conicffe our fin greater confeil%on. then iriswithKainé, difpleafeth Godhighly. 64 Manywill feekethekingdomeofheau' en ,but not therighteoufnesthereof. x)poeriGe 65 Agoodthing,ifit be let alone,it will decay : but ifan euill thingbe let alone it will Goodthings. increafe. 66 The prophetshauing regard, notwhat ought tobe fiefin knowledge, but firlt in i'ropier,. praftife,relpeaed not theperfeftionof order,butthe corruption of ournature. 67 Familiaritie with (innersbringeth thepunifhment offinne. Ifthe wicked, that are i:amiliaritie. without thetuition ofGod,and fandonlyvponhis long lúffering, &eueryminute of an ,, bower lyopen toGods curie andvengeance, iftheyberm companions, thenwhenthey » arepuniÍhed, doubtles wethan not efcape. 68 Sinnemay eafilybeconquered of vswhen it is young: we may eafilybeconquered sin'''. of is when it is olde. 69 Wemuft not fo much reioyceforthatwe haue done,aswemuff becarcfull whattoFerfeuerance. doehereafter: for manyare calledbut few are chofen :manybegin glorioully, which end ignominiou(ly. 70 Whenwe defer to !sane that inaffeccion which we hauein iudgement, itisthe jail 4etiion. iudgementofGod todepriue vsofthat whichwe had in iudgement. 71 When we haueoftentimes quaked atafinne; and afterward althoughwe like it Repentance, not,yet ifwemithke it not with asgreatindignation as wewere wont todoe, but bylittle and littlewecan wellaway with it ; it is tobefeared that by degreeswewill fall to that fin ourfelues. 72 Wemuff beproude againl Sathan inChrif : andhumble to all men in Clsrift.. Humifitie. 73 The nearer heretic commeth to the hkenelfe of the trueth, the more dangerous werefie. itis. 74 HethatwilldifibmblewithGodinhislife, wilidiffemblewithhiminhisdeath. Repentance. 75 Manywill takevp thefivorde todefendChrilts cauté-wichPeter, who with Peter nerfe<uúon.` will Ibrinke when perfecution commeth. 76 We (hall fometimeferie by experience a terror fuddenly come vpon vs when we »sudden ter- are alone,or vehemently to ltrikevs in the night, which islent to humble vs,thephifition "tors ofmind. will fay itis a melancholy pafion : but it isthe power of Gods prefence preparing vs to prayer, or famefuch feruice ofGod : which when wefeele, if wefall downebeforeGod " inprayer, we Mall finde anvnfpeakable ioy followingit : but ifwe cherifhit with euill futmilès,itwill leadevs to further inconueniences. ? 77 When we haue greateft caufeof ioy ordoing forcegood ; then it is a goodthing Yntbankefal- moRrofeare ourvnthankefulnes,and our felfe-loueand our fecurevnkindnes. see' V e a 78 When