Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

496 a rls,ordiuìne flphorjniès. Temptutia n. 78 WhenSathancannot get vs togróffe fr:ínes; liewillaffaile vswith fpiritualttemp_ cations. , xraníGtir, 79 Nothing in theworld will fo much fearcand (Flamevs, as God in his mercies pow_. red uponvs : which meditation w receiuing graces fromGod, will humble vsfrom pride, in diem,and keepsvs in fears.; which be thewaies toobtainenew mercies. con[rimer, t;o We muttbewareoffnootheringthewatch-wordofourconfcienccwhenwecare- -, bent to fume. Beery man in hisovine confcienceis forewarned of finne,though the Lord fpeakenoted Iiiin from heauen,ashe didto Kain, ., secaritie,, 81 As a man being outlawed, maytake his pleafure for a while:but whenfoeuer,or, wherefieuer hee may bee taken, hee mutt yeeld to the punitltment, which by verdict is appoynted : fo the wicked,ofwhom fertence ofdamnation is alreadie palled, mayfor a whde ihake off their pannewith vainepleafures, but afterward they (hall bearrefted,and carriedviolently to the place of wofull execution. But forthe godly (which baue theaf, finance of their inheritance foaled vp in their consciences)though they shall be warned. in theday of the refurre&ion, to make their open appearance; yet as honeft men of the count-tie fland before the Iudge,not asfellonious offenders. s Feeling. 8a We mud firlt make men by a feelingof finne to'fetke Chrift, by an holyfaith to finde Chrift,and then by newnes of life todwell with Chrift. a vraih. 83 Balaamprayed that licemight dye thedeath of the righteous : butlet vs pray that we may huethe lifeof the righteous, forlice huednot the lifeof the righteous, and there- ,, fore he could not dye the deathof therighteous : and if wee huethe life ofthe righteous, .,, we Ihall be lure todye the death ofthe righteous. R egsseration. 84 It is a great token ofregeneration,ifwedoe not onelyforrow forgreat finnes,and ughfor fnall offences, but Mourne for particular wants of good aations, or in good ac- tions for want ofgood affedtions. Regeneration. . 85 There is finall ho1ie of him which cannotdifcerne in bimfelfethe life ofthe fpirit, and the life of tlreflefll,andit is tobe doubted that he isyetvnregenerace, Youth. 86 When men beingyoung are toomuch giuen tocarnali pleafures, they beingold, are too much giuen toworldly profir. Torah. 87 As wee hauetaken a valise delight in theVaine courfeof tisis life: fo weemolt figh and pray to bedelighted spirituallyin 1pirituallthings. Temptation. S8 Adam fhouldliaisebeeenoworieforbistemptation,nomorethanChriftwas: butthat the oneyeelded,the other did not. sanaificatián. 89 If the blood ofChrifl bath wafhed vs from the guilcinesof fnne; thenthe (iodic. Glioft bathpurged vs.fromthe filthines offnne. 90 When our finite bath le& liking invs, then there is hopethat it will decay in vs Repentance. especially ifweforrow for it whenwee cannotfully forfake it, and labour toforfake it be- (auk iris finne. gi ortificatirn. , 91 In true mortificationwe mutt hatethe firft motions of finite, and condenme them as acceffaries to fone in confpiring the death of our foules. 90 Idypocrifie is feene,when fmìe.lyeth molt deadvnder acloake, and molt liueth Hppocrifte, vnder a clofct ;wherewith Gordis fo drfpleafed,that whenwemake noconfcience offinne inclots piaces,our priuie finites fhall breakeforth into openplaces. infirmities. Particular infirmities doenothinderonepreparationofourheartsfortheLord ,if we huea true loue ofhisword,as had lehafaphat. ourfpiritualt 94 Two things are neceffarietoefpoufe vs toChrift : theone tovfe thepuremeanes, anionwith Gnift. theother tovfethofemeanes Mich a pure heart. Äfethions. 95 If we play with our owne affeélions, frnne in the end,from fport, will fpurre vs to confufion. Forthough we be twice orthrice fpared,yet weemutt know that theLordwill. recoinpence Isis long taryingwith wrath. 96 Through our corruption weprofit morebythe dofrineofamin, ifwee thinkehe: beour eneinic,thao ifwe thinke him tobeour friend : for ifhe beour friend,we let it palie asnotfpokcn ro vs,though tbematter neuer fomuch concernevs : ifour enemie, if it ne- uer (o littletouch vs,we thinke it tobe fpoken againitvs. 97 Walking Admonition.