Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

3g Cgraue Counfels The croffes of 3 Cods Childrenhacktheir faithfo triedby thecroilè, as alwayes Tomedroffeoffinne the faitbfulle- is purged away thereby. As Iecab ceafednotto wreftlethoughhis thighwere loafed, till fomedraffè7 hegot theblelling: fo wemuft notfaint intemptationthough webehumbled, tillweget from them. thevi&orie.Wemuft netdifpayreofvietorie, becaufeinourftriuingwehadfrancinfirmi_ ties: but ratherwemutt reioyçe in this,that Godbathgiuenvs swill anda delire todeaue -untohim. Torefaft one ,.. 4 .It is a greatfaultin timeoftemptation notto refift thofe corruptions,which after our teeruptaonia temptation isouer, weareafhamedof ,and time it felfe refif eththem. xempt aan e Outward tem tationsdoenothurttillourinwardcorruptiondoth eeld:butrather emptaten. th y are asfur eonsto drawout our fefteredcorruptions. strangetemp 6 'rangand ftrangetemptations,may betoken longand ftrangefinnes. taisee. y Godsleruants being tempted, are not to muchtolookeat their itateprefent, as on theirelate tocome : becaufethey that prelèntly towin teares,in timeto come Ihall trape in icy. Ag¢in/lgreet 8 He laid, thatwheo a great temptation hangeth long vpon vs, itweregood tofeeke temp'tatsas. for Comefpeciall finnes invs , becaufe that we limit findethat for fomepriuiepride, or vn- thankfulnes,or loch like,atemptationremaineth long withvs. Thereis a traine ofcorrup- tioninvs, andGod often puniíheth one finne withanother which ifweefpienot, but Tooke onelyto thegroffer finnes, we lnallhardlybe broughtto humble ourfoules under_ neaththehandofGod, or to profitby theadmonition ofothers. Againe,wemuftoutside all occafions ofdrawing on fnne,and vfe eueryprincipal!meansat theleaft that helpeth againft (rane. Foralthough we (bonne all occafions, and vie many meanes,and omitbut oneof the chiefeft,God maycorre&thatoneomillien in vs. Wheelsma- g He thought it to bea Chriftiandilcretion neuer to utter a temptation, butwhen a refefl our manhad no comfortinlíimfelfe,or when he flood in verygreat needeofcomfort,andthen unifications to alwayes to difcernc towhomheopened it. our miieera. Satbanicall IÓ Subtiltie and violenceare vfually attendant vponthe temptationsofthediuell and temptations. the ilelh: thediuellelpeciallyvfingtheretwo. To be tempted. ri Vnto one thatwas much.cempted with vnbeleefe,hegaue this counfell :When the ritb temptation commeth, eitherfall does nein prayer, and lay, Lord thou makeftmetopof andrbe reme- fat the hones of nay youth, and this temptation is ofvery equitie: howbeit, ohLord, dies. t grant I may by wifedomeherein, makethis temptation an holy intttuetion, and fufferme prayer, to padre myfoule in patience: ohturnethis to thy glorie and myJàluation. I feeand confelfc whathath been inme a long time, by thatwhich now fluweth itfelfe inme, and that thygrace hathaltogether hetherto kept under thiscorruption : yet Lord I beleeue, andyet LordI will beleeeue, helpe Lord myvnbeleefe, thy nainebe praifèd for this leale ofthy loue, and pledgeof thyfpirit, that in this vnbeieefeIam grieued, as inmy beleefe Iamwontto be comforted. And though my former old and fecret finnes, deferuethatI fhould not onely be giuenouer to infidelitie,butalto that is fhouldbe inusewithout griefe and remorfe, yet Lord forgiue memy finnesnew and old, forgiue memy vntl:ankhdnes, increafe soy faith. Andgrant good father, when thou (halt re@ore tome thisgift offaith againe, that Imayvfe itin fears, and thewit in frustes. Orifthis doe notpreuaile, giue Readingofthe your felfe with all humblenes to readethe word of God, efpecially hispromifes, and be word. . !till attendingvponthemeanes, waitingwhentheLord (hallinlargeyourheart.Orifthis 3 doenot helpe, goe to fomefaithfullbrother, confelfeyour fclfeto him, acknowledge your tonfeon. weakenes to Grin, andbenotafhamed togiue God theglorie, by fhammg yourfelfe, and opening your corruption tofirm, that fo he may pray for you, whofeprayer according to thepromifeof God, made tohis holyordinance herein, laines5. vndoubtedly fhailbe Attenden,Y,ur heard us the appointed time. Thus haumg prayedby your felfe, andwith another, and calling with vfed the incanti of reading for yourrecouerie, though you haue not prcfentreliefe : yet patience. inmeekenes ofmande,and patienceofyour fpirit, gottoyour calling, knowing that your f prayers and the wordof God, beingas feede, moltIssue Mine tiene betweenetile lowing Kato realm ofthem, and the reaping of the increafè and fruite ofthem. Aboneall, realer) not with with e mere Y ourwin P tations ) dif P utenotwith thediueil asthough youcould preuaile ofyour felfe. And dìueu.