on the It9.Pfalmè: 601 tarrie not for the height of finne,but fubmitour felues with reuerenceto all meanesdune religion and godly life, F fpeedily judge our feluesfor notlooking tothe leall.occafiogof finne, watchingouer our foules, that webecome notremifle, or with loafer confcienceof prayer, theword, facraments,ordifcipline. And asst is a reactjudgement ofGod topallà from one finne to another, without any remor(cof confcience, vnnll we come tothe con- tempt attic word:fo it is a fpeciallgrace of God to begrieuedwith finne in the beginning, And furely that lómany arc Om to ill workesand Ib few togood, it is a manifell tokens feeing the wordwill not mouevs tobe zealous,thatthe Lordwil fhortly lend a iudgemenl vpon vs,if not.generall,yet at the leali particular. This then is worthie noting in the manofGod ;that themore religiondeeaycd,thcmore We myna: religious was he ; the more godlmelfedeparted, the inure godly was he: which is a thing loge that thell farce contrarie to our prabhiles, whoallowthat which moff doe ; and louethat Ieali;whtchword eßeemef moll doe like,making tither mens examples placards for our finnes. Formany will fay : how I pray, liucth filcha man,how dothhe ? clothnot he hue anlioncli life t can lfollow abetter man ? we mull not doe as other mendoe, but as theLord commaundeth byhis word. Letthis thenbeafurerulewhereby euery man may examine himklfe: ifthe more rail , deuce: gion and maners decay, thou art the more religious and godly, thoudhaitnothe carryed awaywith the commondellruaion : but ifthy zeale and careofgodlines be the lefle, then ferre, vnlelle thou repent, asthouart wrapped in thecommon fin, thou (halt alto be takeh inthe common rewardof finite. Now that corruptions may not preuaile againfivs, we mutt thinke there is as great contrarietie betweene vs and others, as is betweene light and darkenelfei God and the! diuell. But if wee begin to be in mammcring of Religion, and know not whatto holde,,butwauer inall, it isto bedoubted, thatwe fhall be partakers riche common pu- nifhment. Let vs learne then to(hutvp our faith within the compaffe of Noah his Arke, andnot commit it to the broad watersof the wicked world. To thisende laid ourSauiour Cbrill, When thefonne of manfha /f come, where /ha/l hefindefaith in theearth? as though lie lliould fay,itwould be anhardmatter tofinde faithamong men.We fee in thisman ofGod,ifwe will ell-conearight of the lawof God, the mull lone tt abouegolde. Vert t z S. Iuieeme allthy preceptsmof/ MIT, andhateallfa/frwales. HE fheweth, that there is no found loueof good things,where there is not an hatred of euill. We fhallfee this byexperience, he that loueth to keepetheSabboth, hewill hatea profane breaker oftheSabboth : he thatloueth chaflitiewill abhorreadulterie; he that loueth true deali ng,harcthallvnrighteoufneffe : and furely ifwe doenot in truth loue good and hate cui11, but be found to hake in bypocrifie, we (hall in time. bedifcouered, andone day taken in a trip. In that be vfeth emphatically, Iei }eemeall thy precepts, hede- clareth that he loued not one ortwo, but all theconnnaundements. His mcanine then is this: O Lord,there is not one ofthe leafi of thy commaundements,but I efteeme it.: there isnot one way of falfchoode but I abhorre it. Nowweare tolearnenot to ellecmewell of onecommaundement, which our nature bell liketh, and todifpenfe with another,but true chriliianitic clleemeth all alike, and essenthatmoll, which by nature we are mofi readie to hi-cake. PORTION. ry. Vertrzg. Thy tcblimoniesarewonderful', thereforedash myfoule keepe them: He fclfe lame argument is here continued, which he vied before. For he partly pray eth for graccs,and partly fhewethwhat graceshebath receiucd : in time firfly lccond,third and taliverles ofthis portion,he(bewail his graces, in the other he Fff praycth