Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

onthe 119.Tfalme 6o3 which we hauein knowledge,may alfo bein affeaions. Forthough wemay learne ir, and commend itfor a while; yet Cutely wefhall haue no profit by it in temptation. When we zcn,e. banenone otherfeatefor diuinitie,but our heart,and doenotplaceit inourbraine, and whenwehauethroughly fet ouraffe&ions on it, pur lifethough it Mould betaken from vs,yec ourfoule would fttcke to the thing whereon our affeátionsare lo earneltly Pet. So lenathans heart wasPaidto be knit toDania: whereforelet vs labour to fay with the Vir- gme Mary, Myfoule dorhmagnifte the Lord,my fpirit reioycethin Godmy Sgniour. Thy teftimonies arewonderfnllrHereoffay the Papifts that the word ofGod being myfti- eall,flould not be taughtto the common fort ofpeople,and thecommon people faythem felues: what will yee hauevs doe with the wordof God? whatfhould fipple menmeddle with it? wearenot like the learncd,ic is for you,it is foryou thatare learned,nor for vs.Tbe holy gboft heremolt ficlieprouidechagainfthe Pápiftsand the common people. Let vs' know then this,that a fmple man ofthecountrie,though at the firft bee benot fo capable, yetoffring andlnbmittinghis heartand wholereafon to the Lord,and his word, bee fhall afterward attainetogreat knowledge. They arewonderfoll thento humane wit,and reafon norfanétified, and the morewife men wander in the skyes, and houer aloftin vaine conceits, and yet haue not learned Chrift Iefts crucified, haue nothing in them, when aspoore people defirousto be taught,doevnderftandwonderful! things. The Prophet faith, Pfal.78. Heare my word 00 mypeople,cyc . ¡millopenmymouth inaparahle,&c. and he addeth afterward, wee willnot hide themfrom their children. He calleth them high 1peeches,anddarke fentencesto mans capa- citie; butGods people can- vnderftand them: they arehidden to them that truft=much to theirowne reafon,andare reuealedveto them that renounce their ownereafon. Markeliere hefaith: the veryentrance intothyß.srutee. Will then the beginninggínevn- derftanding ? whatwill it doe to them that are gone forwardin it?what hindrethvs, why weegoe forwardno more? but euen the toomssch truiling to our owne wits.What? haue wee Inchwits inoutward matters,and are fo grolFe in matters concerningour faluation? Ohhypocrites faithour SauiourChrift, you can difcerne the outward feafons,&r. What meaneth then this dulneifeand deadnef'ein heauenliethings , but that mendeceiuetheir ownefoules. For iftheir witwerefanlífied, they wouldas well conceiue fpirituall things, ascorporal!. To doe ill,faith leremie,chis peopleis wife,bat todoe good they haueno wit. What a curieofGod vpon ourwits isthis,thatwe arc foquickeinworldlietimings, and fa dull in heauenlie things? G.trelie, it is thepuniihment of theLord, for theprideof mans reafon. The meaningthen of this place is not; that theywhich arealtogether bercaued of dif- cretion,haue fuch a light in the word; but it is vderaood ofchë,who being lowly in their owneeyes,abafe their prideof witto thepurewifedomeof Gods fpirit; fo that neitherthe rmplicttie of thebaler fort is anyhinderance to thegofpell, neyther the wifedomeof the mightieanything auaìleable thereunto,vnles itbe fandtified,howfoeuer menbragge don beliefoolifbnes.For lofeph,lob,Danidand Danielhad good wics,but fanaified,and Mined by Gods fpirittothevvord. We are then to learne bythethings vvhichvve hauefpoken, that no man bated) fnne withagodliezealeinanocher ,buthefirlthated itinhimfelfe: vvemuffcahlthe firft ftone atourfelues. True it is, thatvve cannotauoide all ill vvaies, yetvveemuff hate one euill vvayas vvell as another,and thoughwecannot doeall good things, yetwemuff loue one commaundementas wellas another. This then is that whichtheLord requireth, men to heareall his commaundemencs alike. Againe,fo muchwe profit by theword the more,whenwemuff efteemeofthore things, againit whichourreafon dothmoftrefilt,and ouraffeßionsmoft fight. Wee!hewedalfo outof thet ay. verle , thatthcProphets meaning wasnot,that therewere tome profound myfteries in the vvord; butthatallveere inylteries,vvhat thing limiter therein contained. Wefhewed,that the manofGod didnot place the vvord inhis vnderftanding onelie, but alfoin hisheart and afFeEtions.Weemuftlabour to ioyneiudgement andaffeaion, for in troublgrfaffcd ion benot ioyncd vvith iudgement,iudgement vvillnot help, becaufe of-" Elf a Feötiona"