60+ end-after greenhorns 'Readings feElions rebell,and vvefhallfinde fucha confli&,that vvevvill fay vvehauelabóured too much iniudgemcnt,and toolittle in affeblions. When then in temptation vveeThannot only haueiudgement,but allo affe6tion,ofour fide, vve Mall be able the better toencoun- ter vvith it. In thingscommaunded a fpeciall tneane to imbracethemis,totrauaileas well withaffeElion.as with iudgement: in things forbidden thefe two ioyned together , will make vs the betterto auoide them. Wherefore it is goodforaman thus to trie hitnfelfe: Lordgiuemea fight of myformer eftate, vvIly didI not according to knovvledge? vvhy did I fo littleproft,eytber in particularduties,or inparticular troubles? furehe I neuer laboured fo aftermyaffe6lions,as after iudgement,Ilaide vp thyword more in myminde, then innsy heart. Verfe r 3 r. /openedmy mouthaniipanted,becaufe [louedthy commandement,. SCOmewould thinke this zeale tobe madnes,becaufe they had neuerfinch feelingsnor affe6li. ons.But what faith thismanof Godmore of himfelfe? he faith that withhis feetehe walked in the lawof God,his eyes lookte to it his handswere lift vp, his fpirit panted,andas a manbe- ing wearie gapeth to take breath,and fwalloweth vp the ayre: fothe Prophet inthe weaunesof his troubles,fwallowedvp the.word ofGed. Ohungriefault whichtheLerddldfatifie,and with hirword alonecouldcomfort. The metaphor is takenfroth weariedand panting Hinds, which af- ter longpurfuingand chafingwax very drie through beate, & delire nothing more then thewa- ter brookes. So that asthechafedHart longeth afterthe waters, fohis thirflie foule defiredno- thing morethen tobe fatiffiedwith the word. ThisPfalme isgiuen vs byGods bleffmg to removevs from ourdulneffe, and toreaches that iyßytreprofit wefnould not labour moreafter knowledge,then after affel'uion: why thenprofitwee no more wainscrip- in the word? Thereislittlehungerinvs; muchpreiudiceclothhurtvs ,weexaminenotourfelues tares. at midnight,we are nothumbled,wethirfl not,we pant not. All Crodspromifesarechiefly made , to them that hungerafter them. Itisfaid,Prouer.z.4.Ifthoufeel knowledgeasfrluer,and fear- chef! for her asfortreafures.Then!bait thou vnderfland thefeare ofthe Lord,&c.Here wefee the balie ghollcalieth the word a treafure,that is hid,andfheweth how wemuff feeke and (catchfor ;iJfe££ionr, it, Awake then yOLtraWe/b5oflS,aWakeyouraffhionS,behaldherethebleffing ofGod, beewill blefle idiots, and lanffïethe hungrieIoules. The Lord requirethnothing ofvs, but to tr.illtuft our reafon,and to fufpetlour affeons,buttobe teachable in fpirit,to hungerinheart,and thir- fiinglíe to longafterhis word,which ifwe (hall doe,we (hall receiueinereafe ofknowledge, and íoteweII, amendment of life. For COthem,thatas meekefchollers will be taught of Gods fpirit, andfub- min their reafon to thefimplicitie of theword,the Lord faith,Math. 5. Ble/fedarethepore infpi. '. rit,for theirs isthekingdomeofbeauen. Bleffedare they that bangerand tbirflforrighteoufnes, for they¡babe filled. But here mayfermetomansreafonagreatrepugnance, totheverfcaforegoing .Theentrance intothy wordfhewetblight,andgiuetb vnderflandingto thefmple. For he hadChewed in the verfe going before,that theteflimoniesof theLordwere wonderfull,uotin part; butmeaning thatall therein was myfiicall: and herehe faith that the very entrance intoGodswordgiuethlighyand vnder(landing to thefünple. We aufwere that the law,orefpeciallie the fecondtable of it may beconceiued byreafon : butit is nothingfo in thedoêtrine of faith, which is here meant in this Papiftr dollar, word teflimonies, which we(hewed tobe taken forthecovenants ofGod. Thedoeoursofrea- cfreaJon, fan,Imeanethepapills,faythewordisnottobetaughttothecommonpeople,becaufeitismy- fiicall;but hey neuer knew,nor bygoodexperience felt,that the Scriptures of Clod were ealie to them, that would fubmit themfeluesto them, andvie themfamiliarlie. Othersindeede may read,fee,and hearethem: butthey (hall be as Parables and enigmaticallvntothem. If then wee did fee thisaright, that that whichthe wifefi man cannot conceiue , the6mple[l foules mayat. taintto,iftheywill be taught ofGod,would it nottakevp our affe6lions? This made ourSaid- out ChriaList': It-hanks theeO Father, Lordofheassenandearth,that thou haft bidthefi things from the n£feandprudent,andhat revealed themvntobabes: evenfoO Fatber,wasit thy gondwill andpleafiere: As tfour Saviour Chrili fhouldhaue faide, O Lord, 1 fee the wifemenhaue great conceiutngs,and yet theyattainenot to thyword; yet to them that arehumble &pooreof (pint,