Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

on the 119. rP%1me. 607 .41 tothem thatloue thy name, &c. Itmight fccmethat he had merited, and by defers mighthaue chalenged the graunt of his prayer : but he dill crycch formercie, and cranes nothing ofmerits. We fee then the papills arc carnall hauing protide fpirits, for although the Prophethad executed iudgement and iultice,he fueth for mercie.Hedefireththe Lord to renewhis graces inhim,that he might allo renew his mercie towards him. Thisdoarine is nianifelt in the fecondconunandement,where the Lordfaíth:IWill hares lercir. weercievpon tboufands of them that lour me, and heepemy commaundementr: Markehefaith not,that he will rewarde them that are tritely zealous in the worfhippingofhim, but hq faith,that I,ewiilfbemmercie voto them. For it is both the mercieofGod, that we have grac4 todoethe will of God in our hrit beginnings, it is themercie ófGod, that we haue grasp to continue in doing his will inourafter proceedings. This is a comfortable doarine,when weremember that themelt anddeareá (manes ofs, Goddid renuethe mercies of theLord towards them, by crauingtharhis graces oughtb4', termed in the. Mercieit is Ni moue[) God, tobegin any grace in vs,it is mercietocontinue so vs in grace,it is merciethat he crowncth his gifts invs.When the Lord then wil bellow any n mercifull thingvon vs,he prcucnteth vs bybellowingalto !pinegrace upon vs.For if we re(pea our lelues, weare fo far from any right challenging of any new graceor inercie to be given vs,that we arc moll worthie to be depriuedacheoldegraces alreadie recriued. .4t thou vfcfito doeto them that lame thyname, &c. The words in their proper tonguefit. nifie thus much : According to thy iudgemenrs, which thou doeflexecute to them that love tb) rame,accordingto that in tire fourthverle of the feucnth portion.Irememberthyiudgnmonts of olde OLord andbase beencomforted. Hisnieaningthereforeinelideformerworda,isnot follycxprcffed. Herewe maylearnt, thenecefl4rie vIeofilirs word, and how needtfull a, thing is is, andhow fpeciall a gift iris of Godhiswifcdome, rightly to difcerneanddiftin+ guif s the words. Iudgementaswehaut oftenforefhewed, is taken either forexecuting e.threatningstodgements ofthe Lord denounced in wrath and indelèrt>or clfefor the performance of his promifes., what theyfig- glade incompafliionand ofmercie. His meaningbriefly is: bee merciful! in iudgingtne, ce<ap.y y. ysthou art wont to iudge thy feruants, letme haue iudgement in mercie, andenter not Therroe¡enJe. into the iudgement of my lìnnes, for no flefh thin (hall be faued, and dealewith ice, as with thy deare lçruant. Ifwe be guiltie of ourowne ce-efles, we inuf acknowledgeour (fines, as the Mil caul-es thereof, for neuer anyof the dlildrenof God obtained mercie iyidiout this. We are then introuble to looke tothe promifes of God, if we byfaith can finite the like teltimonie ofa good coafcience : but whenwe feeour ftnnes co be the caufe plow troubles, or that is is the Lord hishand of iuflice vpon!vs, we cannot in truth vie gas prayer of thePropbet.There is a judgement inrighteoulnes,and there is a judgement Atuoiald in mcrcie.Of the firfc the manof God fpcaketli when he faith, Enternot intoiudgement,Cre.,iudgemeat: theliudgemenc in righteoufnelle t ofthe fecund the Prophet Ieremit Ipeaketh,Correll me the one in righ- kordfieriti iudgement. i. in theiudgementofmercie and fatherly correaiois.Andbeeaufe itsafnes,ano- kye faile f orthe moil part,eithcr in our outward anionsor inwardalfeólions,we had neede tber in mercie. póprayn thatthe Lord would deaiewith vs according tohis mercifull iudgement:. True lá.W, ih?Stilegaintsof. Goddocfay ,0(iadofmyrighteoufnet,O Godofmyflirtation: butthat is to bevnderfloode in refpeaofmen,and not inrcfpeaofGod : but they that comewith... theireafetg beiudgcd andpleaded'beforeGodimúitneedes fay, Lord /lotmareifx1lea thy. er- sw/c1., Wemutt neuer draw nee-re then in-prayer before the Lord, without this daufe, that the Lord wouldaecept vs, inChdllbisobedience, and that wedoubt notofinercie, vow, the Leed judged) vs in hisChrift. ,f-tceetroare toobieruc, howthe- Preplietmaleet) an experiment of the Lordhis dea- ling,and thus realónethwith him: /fee/thouLorddaaleffmercifully with them thatlouethee:. tietlfor£etbeeabeeifertLorddealemercifull ywithnte.T. hisdeceiuethsmany :wereadenotthe: ryearete word of God for unitarien,. or as thinking that. tholeaffeaions which we reade to hauey,follow thebo been in thechildren ofGodare to be requireclin and ofvs allo;but let vs know,that what- lyProther foene*EWin beenthe ltraungeft and rareraffeaions ofGod leis Children, theyare for vs:" & ii .,Eli. tofolleto . For thoughwecannot attaineVachon thelikemeafure that this man ofGod "hol l Fff 4 bccaufe"