Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

do8 c.`1as7er CJreenhams Weadrngs becaufewe will not deny, that he hada greatermeafure of Gods fpirit then sue haue; yet wemutt by vfing the like 'wanes attaine to fonic meafure, ifnot an hundreds fold, yet threefcore and thirtiefold. Now wefec,thac hehauxng obtayned the like graces with GoJ luspeople,crauethhere the likemercies with them.Forhis 1èn.`ciseuident: as thoudiddeft not makea couenant with thy feruants after their firmts, but according to thymercie, cuen foLord deale withme.Here is no fpecialthing mentioned,but he fertcrh downe that, which bath been,andmay be in thechildren ofGod.He prayed) not foranyIpeciall mercie then, but for that mercie, whichby experience he bath ferne ratified in others :likttvife he fpeaketh not here of extraordinariegraces of God his holy fpirit, but of diem which are ordinarie and incident to any oneof God his children as to another, although notin like meafure. And lurely wehaue not tise like merciessviti, diem, becaufewehaue r(ete. ,, nottutlike gracesthatthey had . To loue che word of Godas golde, togrpe aferr it, to breath andpant forit, are uingulargifts of God, but giucn tonone in that time,witli fifth fpectall prerogatiue, as they maynot inCome meafure be gioen to the Saints ofGod inour ttme,ifwe foloved theLord. For that which the Apoflle Peter laid ofthem, that feared the Lord, to wit the Lord bathno refeftof perfont, brat they that feared the Lord areaccepted, the fame the Prophet /peaked) here in tie& of themthat loue the Lord. Forwhen the promifesare generali in pronouncing, we mutt make them particular by a Icuerall ap- plyingofthemto ourfelues. Let vs then-be afhamedof our klires for our waists ofloue. The Lord bathnot graunted vetoothers, nor denyedvisto vs any fpcciall priuiledges, as they thoughtamong the papifts, who in their readings were wont te admire muchat the Saints of Godand to folio50 them bist little. The Lordshand is not fhortened, that he can Idlehelpevs, thenhehash in times part our forefathers ; neither is hismercie leffc,that he swill not helpevs : forhis is the kingdome, his is the power, hisis the glorie forever: butour hones, asfaith the Prophet, haue madea partition,and a diuorcement betweene theLord and vs, our lone is ldlie, our banesaregreater, then they werein our forefathers. Let this comfort vs, the manof Godhere preyeth not for any extraordinariemercie. For as the loueof God to vs ward is cömmon with other ofhis children, in like manner our loue to Gods word muffbecommonwith them, andif wehaue the like graces with them we fhall obtaine thelike mercies with them. For in the lubftanceoffalnation, iftvehaue faith, theLord will deale withvs accordingas hedealt with Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, with the Prophets and Apofllesf'Whereforethe Lord, aswe laidalittle before, bath fet downehis promifes in general( words/ which we mutt derive by tàith, as particular and proper toour felucs. Now ifwe had this felled in ourHearts, that they were neuer con. founded nordeceiued which puttheir twit in the Lord,we fhould beafhùred,thathis arme is notfhortened,he is as able to reach itour vistovs as ruerhewasbefore,ifonely, wewill bcleeue and lay withtise Prophet ofGod Amen. We.rnuft take heede, that we fuffer net as ill doers, and that the Lord bode vs not ly- ingin fome finnes:for then wecannot intruth vie theProphetsprayer for the like mercies, inthat we have not with theProphet the like graces. It we then fall in vnbeleefe, orin note. timeoftroublepolfellènotourfoulesinpatience, letvsnothopeforthismercie :butifiiia right caufe, wehaue walkedvprightly under hopeof thelikegrace, we may pray forthe ,, like mercie. Thatloue thy name. Whatfoeuer louelie had to Godjheewouldnot expreffe it by fhew- Thenameof ing it to the Lord, but by teftifying it tohis word. Thename ofevery perfon orthing fer- tbt turd. uethelpeciálly as weknow,tomake them- knownetovss and to ilifcerne them from other in that kinde. So is it in the name ofthe Lord,whofe name is fee downeto vs Exòd.3 3.aud the Lordhimfelfe (peaking to Mafes', The Lordpalled beforehieface,andCried, the Lord;eheLord,,flrong,mercafu/landgracions,&c. Wee icewhat is thename ofthe Lord,the ceernitie,witedome,power,ítrcngth,and goodnes ofthe Lord : forall therethings abidein hán,and fpringfrom him to his creatures as from a foonraine. Nocv,inthat Slide risingscannot beknowne but by theword,whatfneuer lone wefhew toGad,we muff tellifie it by obedience to-his word. For in that Ise is in all chefe things fo infinit,he thewethvs in thesecond Commandement, that no Idoli can exprdlèhis wife dome,