Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

an the 119.Pfline, 6Ò9 domeypower,loue andbillice,buthis word alone,which is theglaffewherein alonewhiten Thervord e weareto this life we fee theface ofthe Lord. Seeingthen theword Both make hisname fo firand kno r knowne vetovs,we then louehisname when we louehisword,which fhewethvs his lone, theLord. power,eternitie,and goodnes.Wherefore the Prophet in this fame Pfalme faith :7hytefli- monies aremine heritageforener,expreflìngby the word his loueto theLord : according to that PIa1. i 6.5.7heLord is the portionof mine inheritance. Then hefaid he loued the Lord, whenhe louethhis law. Here thenwefee that Heretikes louenot theLord, bragge theythereof never fomuch, andcall themfelues theFamilie of loue,becaufc they louenot the weird. Wemult thencrte ourloueto Godby our loue to his word,and fith the loueofGod is not pureinHeretikes, Ioh.tq.e3. let vs loue theword, which is a foundmall of our loueto God : for looke what loue lice would bane donetohim,he requireth tohaue it (hewed tohis word. Thus wee feethey loneGods name,which louehis mercie,iuftice, ftrength and power : but becaufewe cannot knowthem¡norbeendued with them,butasthe Lordby themini- Retieof hisword,and workingof hisSpirit communicateth themuntovs,wee muffthew that loue to theword,which we wouldfhew to theLord. As wee thereforeare deftrousof the reading,hearing,and meditating ofthe word ofGod,aswee delight tobee conferring ofit,as wereioyce when wefee is obferued and kept inour felues and inothers,as weearc ve grieued to fee this broken in our felues and others; en fuel; is our loue to Godhis word. Verl.03 3. Direffmyfleps in thy word,and !etnone iniguitiehamdominionsuerme. vvHen the man ofGod laidbefore,that heeopened his mouthand panted,and that he faw theword of God wastvonderfull, and that the very entrance into it gaue light andvnderftanding veto the fimple,henowprayeth for continuance inthis his louei Theend thenof this his prayer is perfeueranceand fheweth, that thoughbee foiled the word,yetheisftillreadietogoeoutoftheWay, andfovnleffetheLord flayandeltabhifh . bim,iniquitie fhould get thevpper hand. Thuswee feehow heefeared and fulpehtedhim- felfe : forhad henot feared,this had been anivnnece(laryprayer.The man ofGod hadnot thatopinion of himfelfe, which men base nowadates,in thinking fo highlyof their owne lkength,but prayeth tothe Lord that hemaynotgoe astray : whichthing he thought he might ofhintlelfe ea filydoe,andthat ifit were fothat he llipt fomewhac amore, yet that he might not goetoo farre,leait that iniquitie fhould haue the vpperhand of him. Thus wee feethatin thisPfalme:is letdown vistovsa myrrour ofgodlines,wherein a manmay come PGT.irg. á to the fightofhis corruptions, and to a feeling ofhis neede,in having his ltepe numbred, n:;rroriro¡gox and Isis paths guidedby theword. If wewere truly perfwadedof thisfain, it would pull "nos. vs on our knces,and humble vs,it wouldmakevs makemuch of the mèanes, whereby cue mighthelpe thefe infirmities. But we fufpee& no fuch danger, and thereforewearenot its careful) in our ungular abtionstowatch ouer ourfelues, andthat by degreesweemay fall away,and &art outof ourwayor erewe beware, In that this followeth fo immediatlyhis former prayer, that God would looke vpon him,and be mercifull to him, bee fheweth that there wasneuer anymats but hee was in dangerand molt readie tofall, vnleffe God looked on him, and were themoremerciful! vnto him. Sothat with thegiftofperfeueranceheprayet hformcrcie,declaringthatvn- lelfethe Lord would bellow fuels grace on him,he wasnot able tocontinue. Thismu& flay thepeflilent doctrine ofthePapilts,who foolifhlydreame,that aman lia. slingfreewill,may holdforth hiscourir in theright way, and maypromifeto himfelfe fafe Preeuifl paflage. True it is, Gods children mayalrure themfelues of ftrength, becaufethe Lord is ontheir right hand,but fo,asthey are (Ulm feare their owne fraüenes, and to pray for fi- nail perleuerance. This verleis allone ineffeet with the lrftverfe,porc.s4.. Thywordisa lantern tomyfeete,and a light ontomypaths. In bothwhich places hee fheweth, that as luce thatgoeth ina darkeplace orinthe night,cannot goe one right &ep, but asher receiueth light fromthe lanterneto fee his way,andwhen hee is in =aft) little .darknes,hee is in dangef