Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

6fo eJlifafler. Greenhams Reading: , danger andrcadie to { tumble : fo we, ifwee march forward in ignorance and darknes,can notguide our lelues one ftep tothe kingdome of heauen,butas weemayhaue light from thelanterne ofGodsword, to beware howwee tread,andwhen we fwarue neuer fo little from this light,wee are indaungerofmaking our confcicncetoftumble. This borrowed fpeechgoeth then thus farre: As he that is in darknes can goe nofurtherfafely,thanbee is withinthe compaireofthe light the candle : fo according to themeafureof ourknow the ledge In that Gods henoteth t6 tealhoughweehauthelghtoftheword lightof the ,Pip , fiord yeuhe before vs, yet vnle(fe the Lordopen our eyes, it {hall beas vnprofitable and vnable to Lordmu(l open guide vs,asthelightof a candle is to dires aman that is blind.Now thereforehe teacheth Qgeest beere vs topray, that thoughweehaue theword, yet the Lord would inlighten ourvndcrllan- I dingandaff1ions byhis Spirit, which may guidevs in our iOurisey. And of Godbathvied thisprayer before vs,wee are to learne,that inreading,hearing,medita- ting,and receiuing of the word we arealtogether vnprofitable, vntill theLord (hall take the gouernment ofour Reps intohis ownehand,and {hall direct vs by hisSpirit. Myffeps. Loe heprayeth here for affe&ion andnotfor iudgement,ashedoth in a werfe foilowing,wherehe laith,Shes the lightoftlycottnrename vponme, and teach methyflatutes. ',vion. Here thePrrophetinf truóhethvsaswelltoprayforaffehgiontobemoonedbythewordof God,as foriudgement tovnderftand it. For ifthis werenot needfull,thenwere this praier buta vaine babling,and often repeatingof one and thefelfe-lame thing, contrary to that ruleofour SauiourChrilt,Mat.6.7.whenyepray,vfe no vaine repetitions,as thefeathen: for they think to be heardfortheir mosch babling. Why clods this man then vfe this repetition ? Surely bccaufe it is another matter greater háwe thinkof.He tawthere was much blind- ales in our minds , there is much rebellion inour affeetions, and great lluggifhnesinour hearts,that withoutlightwe cannot tread in the rightpath ; yea thoughwee be deliucred fromby-paths,ifthe candlebe obfcured,and ourwaydarkened, yet weeretorne to than againe. Foras aman being in the darke,maycafilygot out oftheway,and beingout, can not eafslycome inagaine,butis faine towander invnknowne and vncertaineplaces : fo if God guidevs notbyhis word and Spirit,wee(hall hardly finde theright wayofknow- ledge,and ifwefinde it,we can hardly continuein it,butmayeafilygoe out of ic,and be- ingour,we can hardly recouer it againe. Wherefore hitherto appertaineth thelayingof our Saviour Chrift,Matth.y.r 3 .ënterinat theArightgate,&c.becaufe thegate is andthewaynarrow,that leadethonto life:wherein as it ishard to continue ; fo togoe on either tideout of it,is moltcalk. We fee then howheprayeth,that his pacesmight be gui- ded by theword,and that thefpirit ofGodmight carrie this lanterneof theword before hiin,without whoreguidingwecannot goe threeRepsbut weethinmu eofourway,and leek thepath,and being once out we may°ably erre,and once erring we (hallnot return° aright. Many wouldthinke this ridiculous, but Godschildren know by experience, that there isa necclfarie vfeof their things,byrealon of the blindnes ofourmind°, and thatit isa fpeciallgrace of God to beguided by his fpirituall grace. That no iniquitie hauedominion otterme. The limpie fenfe of this verfe is this : Lord, if thou doelt notordermy goings, Purely iniquitie will haue dominion me. The end of his requelt (aswe touchedbefore) is,thathemight not mifcarrie in his way.Her acknowled- geh,thata man beingout of theway,maybeenforced towander,and after wandringcan hardly recnuer himfelfe. Wherefore her prayeth to this effent: Laird, fokeepessse,tiiae though Ierre,yet I mayreturn: fo guide me,that'though Igoe out a little, yet Puffer me nottowander alcogether,lealt iniquitieouer-runneme. Thuswe feeGods children feare themfelues : and why? becaufethough the ragingraigne of finnebe takenfrom them, yet - theamide lumpe of natural' corruptiondwelleth in them, and the very motions offinne arevery ilaungerous. Wherefore our Sauiour'Chrift taught vs to pray, Lesode vsnor ente temptation : themeaning whereof is hereof theProphetplainly let downe,which is, chat thoughweeca nnotauoide the caufes oftemptation, which is ourcorrupt nature,yet that curry, man mutt refit, and notyeeld in willing content vnco finne, thatitfhould get the dominionoucrvs. IfclaySaint ofGod be commaundedto'fay this in truth and noten hhypocrile