Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

biz MaierÇreenhams `Readings hands,ofwalking with our feete. Asthen wewill hateouraffeaions untietouched: fci vte rang nct contemn thisoutwardgouernement. Now, whereashceprayeth , thatthe teeter maffe ofcorruption which lieth in him, may not breake out in him,he noteth,that they who arc careleffe of their final) perfeucrancc, makelittle confcienec of their former corruptions. But fuck aregreatlietofeare, lealithat in the latter end of their regeneration, they be tail outof Paradice withAdam, and thrownc out ofthe Church withCain. For ifAlam finned in Paradice,t, hilcfl asyet beewas pedal, howeafilie mayVtee fall,which are inthe dayes wherein iniquine cloth raigne;and are full of impetfeStions ? Againe as weetouched bridle before, Godhis children doenot carriefo to labour for life, and flriue for breath in temptations : but in thebeginning they efpie their errours ; whereby theyfee .hovv theyMight fallfurcher,were it notthat Gods fpitit mightiliedid preferue them. And lure- /lie curryman by experience(hall finde,thatthe formerwebegin torefia finne,the more fpecdi- ly and eafilie ere (hall preuailc againO it; whether it be that we= tempted to Icauc good things vndone,ortodoethingsnottobedone. Forletamanoncekauethe (catchingofhisheart, and upon fome great neceffitie ceafe from theran(acking and riflingofhis confcience,when hehnti, not happilie Ilipt notorioubie; we may fee,we may finde our reconerteto ourexercifes againcc But ifwe haueomitted there exercifesa longtime andoften, when wee fhould cometopraéldè them,and putthemin vre againwhata ftraunge thingwillthis lime tovs ? howhardlie (halt Weget our heartsto }meld to it? out fief]) isvnwilling,this thing isfoencorne uato vs , that wee arefaineto fweateagaine, for thofepraélifcsofprayer and private examination, which by cling we had with cafe;and bynot vfingwe bane ahnofì loll. Similr. Wherefore asproofemaketh ancient ; like as in a tree thoughtherootesbefomeuhatmang- led, yet there will fprout buds, whichwitlaafmallin( irument,bydaylie retortingto them, and keeping vnder,may be keptfrom much growing,and yetafterward by negligence and permilli- Simile. on, as witha hatchetthey willhackie behew endowne; And as ina greatcoucoutfeofwaters, To meet with though the foùntainehe flopped,yet then tiersremaine open', whichbeing takedin timewith ion forefl erhee floud-gate,m aybe fiayed,andleefnglong opporrunitie,by greatbankes from ouetflowingcan- f f% perfeíted. not be reflrained: tuenfo a man in the beginning of his temptation, whit&as yet it is but in thr fprout, and hauing a little courfe is vnable tomake anygreat breach, by prayerand thefpi' rit ofGod maybekept cinder and flayed: but ifit be left alone, dot lookedto asbefore, the ex-- traordinarie fpirit ofthe Preacher , orthe extraordinarie (tannicof a man in prayer and fafiing, will not beableto remedie it. Well many there be,that charmerhe charmerneuerfowifelie, theywill net heare, that they mightpreventthe rage of liane. Ifwhen we (hall vlèall =armstofubdue firm , all is toolittle, simile. ifwegiueit any libettie,howgreat isthedaunger?Ifa man invfingafparingdiet,moderateap- parell, andlittlefleepe, (hall (bill finde inhimlelfe afdfe.loue andltkingof fin;how muchmore when he framethhimfelfe toall theguifes and fafhions of the world,,(ballhee Ice felfe-louepre- uaile agamfb him?when we areiufiified inChrilb,and ingraffed intohim by faitb,and yet haue not the roomsof (lane throughly pulled our, northe riversof iniquitiedried vp,but only the fpring- G(idlyfore. head isflayed. I know therebe many, who-thinke it a precileneffe, tobe fo muchafraid ofour owne weakenelfe, and tobewatchfull andwarieof ourowneaffeÉlions ;yea, and oftentimesin thofe things,which to iudgement are law ful,yet abflaineth is life and its ourpra (life :but Welted be thatfeare, andhappie isthat precifenelle, which is focareful)ouer ourovine infirmities , and fomuch fufpeaethourowne wants and weakeneffe. Wherefore the manofGodBill prayed, for perfeuerance. PI thy word : In thathe makeththe wordofGod his means ofperfeuering,bee teachethvs, thatthoughwe haue profited neuer fomuch , yet vnleflethe wordof God enlighten our iudge- ntcnts, and reforme ouraffcdions, we may eafily erreout of the way. Weknow but inpart,our heart isreformed but inpart, our knowledge is betteredbut inpart ; and that which wehaue, is giuenofGod by thepreaching ofhis word,and workingofhis fpirit ; and that wee mayyet be deliuered from thofeaffeélions which invsromainecorrupt, wehad need to prayfor thevfeof the word. Againe,its that he wouldbeguidedby the word,the manofGod(heweth vs, thatvnleffe the Lord teachvs, itis vnprofitable. We stufi ioyne to rItemutsifienie of theword, theslirethoiti' Gods