Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

¡ 61¢ eJl2a5ter h reenam.f eadìn f muff notthinkshe fpeakethhereofany particular breach, but ofgeneral! backe-Tidings, wheniniquine bath gotten the vpperhand. But thereis a common obie&ion now adaies,vfedalmoft in euerymans mouth:whae fir? whatdo youtell vs of fin?and make fomuch ado about it ? is therenot fin inyouas well as there is inme ? whyfpeakeyou fomuchoffinne ? is itnotin other preadiers,and inother hearers,as it is inme ? whydoe you charge use fo fir ? weanfwere,is therenodifferencebe- tweene dimnefi'eof fight and blindnes?is therenodifferencebetwcenenumnes and fenfc- Simile. lefneffe? betweene llttmbring anddead lleeping ? betwcene a little flipand adead fall? if there be a diftin &ion tobe madeof thefe things,fhall wenotaltoput difference between infirmities andleaningoffomegood things,andgroffe fins and runningheadlong to vn- theb1indnes godlineffe?IstherenodifferencebetweenetheerrorandignorancewhichisinGodsclail- effmnet. dren, withgriefeandwith a delire tobefreed fromthem ; and theerrorsand ignoranceof thewicked,wherein theygladly lie ftill,and whereofthey hauenocare roberid ? Nodiffe- rence betweenethe frailtie and infinnitieofGods children, and the Panneand iniquitieof thewicked? isthere nodifferencebetwcene infirmitie andprefumptuous frailtieand rebel- Simile. lion ? betweenemotion anda& ion ? is there no differencebetweentwo fteppes ofa long ladderto the skies, and twofteppesat thebottom ? and betweene hintthactrauayleth, though he attayncthnot to the higheft fteppes, and him thatfill tarrieth at theladders foots? Thus we fee,they are willinglyblinde. Where Godschildrenllippeinto Comeone finne, and beingadtnonifhedare therefore forrowfull,and labourto recoverthemfelucs,and thewicked wallowin many fnnes, and by no admonitions can be brought eyther to a godlieforrowing, or forfakingoftheirfin: is thereno difference betweenethefe? ¡soda&Peter finnedboth, & both againfttheir mai- fkcr:was therenodifference,or like danger in their fins?Is it not onethingfor a manto be- trayhis owne Maifer for couctoufnes of a littlemoney,and anotherforfeare and infirmi- tietodeniehim? Isit notone thing topupaeweldoing andyetto fall forfeare,andano- ther thingwillingly tobuffer the druelto carie him from a&ion toaelion,tohaue the purfc deliveredhim,to beforewarnedof it,to takethefoppe of him whom heMould betray,and yetto perfeuere inhis wickednes?Is thereno differencebetwixttrim , who when bee had finned,wept and pined away for forrow,and another, thatafterhee had finned,hauing an MIA defperation,tooke vengeanceofhimfelfe? Thus wee fee,thattheréis amanifcf hference betweenethefinesofthégodlie,andofthewicked;the finneof the onewas not a purpofed frnne;the finne ofthe otherwas forcpurpofed; the one whenherheardofhis fin, ftriued to get out of it, the other beingadmonifhed was careles. Finnic,the onerenued himfelfebyfaith inIefusChrift ; the otherhauing finned,vcterly defpayred. Forfaith the Lordz.King t y. y. Dodddid right,&c.fame onlie in thematterofYriah the Hittite: didnot Daaidelfe finne?we know henumbred his people; bee would hauekilled Nabal; beehad Mete the te- conceiued an euill of Mephibofbeth : howbeit the holy ghoft counteth not as it were of hegLrdece: thefefinnes,asbeing done ofinfirmitie,butfaith the fpiritof God, this wasafoulefinne. riagour mani- For the other finesthe Lordewould not deale with them , butpattedthem otter asit were; but fold iefirmi- this finne mull needsbe punifhed. Andwherein did this finne become fo great above theretI? ties did bee not firf finne withhis eye, wherewith lice had before almoft made a couenant? was bee not an hypocrite in defiring to hide hisfinne?when this couldnotbe done, hceRdl was deceiuedbySathan,and whenhe law the fadsmutt needsout, & fhould cometo light,when it fhouldnowbeknowne,and thewoman muff beexamined,what did he then? although hehad neytherhatred to theman l/riab, whohaddeemedwellofhim , nor earneft loueto the wo- man;yet fendeth he a captains withhis letters:andwheras in thewars,theyvieto fen forlorneper- Ions inthe forefrontofthe firfband,he hadappointedFriab tobethe man in that battile, and Rill he perfwaded himfelfe,thathekilledhimnot; and aftertoauoide publike infamie,lice took home the woman tohim. Thus was Damiddeceiuedof Sathan , both fubtil(y and dangeroullie: and yetnor fo, but that there isa difference betwixt him and another,that (houldmakean occu- pation ofadulterie,and f ill bathehimfelfe infilthie loue.But theprophet Nathan comes no foo- ner tohim and telleth him butclofelyand (lenderly ofhis fin; butfee, bee is frickento theheart: hecontrolles himnot thoughhe werea king; butheadmittethhim unto him,and recciueth him humblie,