Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

on theu9. P%Ime.' humblie.Hehad finned before,but he did not fee it before: wefee hereno refitmption, for bee fiatlieacculed,andnotexcufed himfelfe,faying:lhauefinnedaosinli thee, Lord. Where are they now,thatwill make thefinnesofothers placards for their frnnes? where are they that will make fach grolleprefrdencesfor finning , becaufe thereare force infirmities and ignorances in Gods children? let themconfiderrightlieofthere differencesof fins. We fee thenthe pi ainemeaning ofthe manofGodt he prayethnotto haueno finne within him,butthat he mightnot lie in !lane. There is thenadifference betweene affeelate ignorance anddiuelilh prefumption, and the weake ignoranceand infirmities ofGodhis children ; there is a difference betwecoe finning in few things & finning in many;bètweenefincommitted &repented of,and fin committedwith-, out anyrepentance;betweene infirmities&prefumptions. Wherefore the Apoltlt faith: let notfia raigne inyour mortallbodies: and yet the fame man faith,Rom. y. thatfindwelt in him,(; that he wasfold ontofin. There isa difference betweenepermirtingaPrince as our lawful! gourrnonr to simile. rule& raigneouer vs,& toyeeld obedience to him willingly,and a pinions tirant whomwere_. frfl,&pertormenowilling obedience.tohim,becaufehecommeth with vfurpedautüoritie, who would inforcevs whetherwe will orno,&carriethvsviolendie to prifon. So themeaning ofthe Apolllewised hefaith;/et notfin rogne, is this: acknowledgenot fin tobe your king,delightnot in it,& ifhe doecome,let himcomelike atyrant,& as onethat would haleyou into prifon, and that you may thew your felues not tobewiilìugliedrawnc intohis feruitnde,cry our Oh mottall man that I am , who"balldeliuerme from this bodie offinneanddeath? Is there nor then a diffe- rencebetweenehim,who whenhcbath finned,isafraidçtopray to God, tremblethtocome be_ rr fore God,fearetheur togoon theearth,and another,who when hehath finned, is inerrie & plea_ fethhimfelfeinit, andmakethbutadelight,apaßimeandanoccupationofit ?'Istherenotadif- ferencebetwixt him that fightethboldlie,and him thatwill not fightat all againfl fin?Wherrfore 01 thoughGodschildren hauefirth infirmities,yet theyvieall meanes to refill them , andaccount » muchofhearing,praying,meditatingandconfertmgof theword; thatthereby iniquitie might nothaue the vpper handof them. Thuswe fee,how thechildren of God are violentliebaled to finne : thewicked arevolunrari- liecarried headlong into finne: thegodlie reamer themfelues; the wicked fallfrom finne to in: thegodlieyeeld toadmonitions,the vngodlie therebyare workand work. 615 Verfe t3¢. Deliueemefrom theoppreffionofinen ,andIwillkeepe thyprecepts. AS wehateof dcclared,it is thelot of Gods children to betroubledwith thevnpodi ie , and jtherf ore this man fettethhimfelfe downasapatteroe therein, & leeing theLord leftsbath made himfelfeachtefeexample in thehoule ofexample,who is our head ; it is meet thatwewho arehis members fhouldalfofuffertroubles,thatwemaybe made like untohim. What isthe cause t en,whywearefomuchatquietwitliourfelues,both,Minifies andMagilirare people& bib' ic&; but becautewedoe not fo muchrefill Sathan,fightagain!? the world, and ßriueagaidßour feluer. Forwebeginning to rebuke the worldof lsnne,the world cannot away with vs;and when weftirvpourCelticsagain!! thediuell,hefertethhimfelfeandallhishopesagait lvs, &when uve The CI'rjha checkeandcontrol!ourfelues, wecanneuer finde quiet. True it is that foment-ties we (hall bane r"ar/it' quiet; but this is but abreathing time;yet that muff be fulfilled in the members, which was be- gunnein thehead,that webeing like tohim in fuffring may alfobe like tohim inglorie, remc:n, bring alwaics that which is in Plalm.tzy. The rodofthe wicked'hallnot refi on the lotof the righteous. So that the man ofGod praycth here, thathis Alit -nonmightnot hinder his glorie Andno nseenaile,forhisencmies firfi iabonred todaunt his faith, then theywent about to loade him with iniuries,either fubtilliáto circumuenthim,or openlie tooppreffe him:w henthefe things would notferue,they firmed tobring hisperlon to contempt , and his caufe to dilcredit, as alto they wentabout to bring themfelues into eßimation,& their caufeinto credite.Nomartiaile then thoughhethus prayed,leallthatthey refitting him too long,he fiaouldbeovermatched. H'herein we are to learne,that we :puttnot ouercome ill with ill,fnbriltie with fitbtdtie,violence by violence,but by prayer . And feeing the Lords cares areopen tothe prayers of the ma, and hiseyesvpon them thatfearehim,feeinghis cares are Phut to the wicked, and licewill " not looke vpon tltecn inmercic,buthisfaceis let againtt them,theLord vndoubtedliewil » Ggg 2 heare