Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

616 cn/fafter greenbams Readings heart vs,andTookevpon vs,and will confound ourenemies. And l?'illkeepethiteßiìnonies. Behold,theman ofGod promifeththankefulnes,and ifit pleated the Lord toffeelumfrom thereoils, heewouldkeepe his Iaw, notthat wee mutt thinke, thathe before did breake them; but though thepraude hadhimexceedingly inderilion, Pfal.r i . though the bands ofthe wickedhad robbedhim,61.though theproudchad imagined alie againft him,69. thoughtheyhaddealtwickedlieandfalfelie with him, 78. though they hadalmofi confumedhtmvponthe earth,87.andhe wat like thebottle in thefmoke; fo that be was wonder- fulhedittratted in his calling: yet ifthe Lordwould vouchsafeto free him from there e- uils,as before inpart; (o now in whcle,hewould beftow Ins lifeon theLord. We are then to learne,thac in troublewee are to defire tonone other end to bedeliue- rüeendofdtl red,than thebetter and more freely to ferue the Lord, and that when wee haue Made fo delinera,cc,. folemne a promote to the Lord, wee throughlypurpofe in trueth to performsh. For though affi&ion of itfelfehelped)vs nothing vnto godlineife, but is rather fume hin- drancewhy in our callingwee areIdle profitable; yet as is is fanelified in aria,and re_ ceiuetha bleffing fromGod toworkein vs;ie keepeth vs from euill,and prouoketh vs the more todoe good. But we,if we be in aduerfitie,ifwee haue troubleor loll ofgoods, or Tolle of friends,oppreflion ofenemies,or filch like, makelarge vowesand plentiful) pro- mifes,and crie: Oh ifI might bedeliuered from rhis fcknes,if I might be freed from this trouble,ifI might bevnburthenedofthis euiil;Iwould furely feruethe Lord,I would be- comea newman,Iwould change my Jife,and enter thewales ofrepentance:but we looke not toperformance. Thisthankfulnes ofheart made theProphet,Pfal.r i 6.t crieout,whatrender to theLordfor allhis benefits towardsme? Iwilltake the capoffaluation,and Jhá(ll call uponthename 71ankefrdnes. ofthe Lord : 1willpay myvowes veto the Lord,euennow in thefightofallhispeople: Wherewe lee,that itwas the cuffomeof Godspeople,to ftirre vpthemfelues after their deliuerance unto thankfulnes. We ¡hallfee nowby examining ourfelueshow itis fo invs.Oh(lay we) that were recoucredof myhealth; ohthat the Lord would reftorechofe things tome a- gainewhich Ihaue loft;thendoubrlelfewould I wholy giuemy felfe to the Lord.Butlet vs lee if in all thcfe things wee be not vow-breakers, and arerathergrownework thanwee were: fogreatlyare wcto feare ourfettles. God hath deliueredvs from our enemies, freed vs fromwarres, faued vs fromfcarcitie, penurie,,pouertie, plaguesand ficknes,andbath bleffed vs with peace,abundan cc plentie,health,andall other blelTngs,let vs feehowwee vfethefe things.We know the timeshaue beenfuch,when we could not have this libertie, to reade and heartthe word of God : but weeare now freed from fuel, mifene, and let in great libertie ; whether doewevfe this timetoGods glorie,and theincreafeof ourknow- ledge,andbuildingvp ofour faith,or not?We know thatthere isaviciflicude in all things, and onething fucceedechanother andas the Lord bath long time vexed other nations with trouble, and granted to vs a long time of libertie andquietnes : foourcootie muff come by the order and changeofthings tobevexed with troubies,and others ¡hall be let at Tome libertie., Are wethe betterthen for this benefit?Ifwee be,all iswell: ifnot,will it not,ehinke wee,.belaid to Ourcharge, thatwhat time theLord hadgiven vs,whereinwee might reformeourfelues, weehaue abufed inbeing folittle reformed, what ourtime bath been to fetforth Gods glorie,howlittlegloriethe Lord hath gained by vs. 7vvoprintí- Wehaue often beard, that ourtwo principal)propsin trouble irefaithinthepromifes pall'props in ofGod,and a teftimonie ofa good conlcience,whichwee fee often tobe in this Prophet. trouble. Wherefore what dotlifallenand comfortfaith? corna good confcience: what doch make it witherandwaver? cuco becaulewe haue beenfruitles, and haue not done goodworks. This then muff beour comfort introuble,that wefuller not as ill doers,thatwemay looke for Godspromifes. Butifour finnes accule vs, and we Pufferas ill doers, wee ¡hall not be able to feeleany comf orein Godhis promifes. Then let vs fee the fruit ofthis prayer. The SaintsofGod and deare Martyrsof Chrift made this prayer beforevs, the fruitandeffebt whereof is growne vnto vs. For their fuffe- ringswere our profperity,tbeir Joffe our gaine,their imprifomnent our libertie,their death our life:as true as old is that laying proued,The bloodoftheMartyrs is thefeedoftheChurch. For