on the tl9.Pfalme For their blood hath cried vp toheauen, with the blood of Abel, for ourcomfort, and broughtdowne vengeance on our enemies, and obtainedmerciefur vs. They did fowin teares,andwehaueentred into theirharueft with ioy,letvs beware leaft wee low euill to our felues, and for others : they faxed comfort for their pofteritie, let vs takeheede that wee fownot difcomfort for them that (hall come after vs. And as theirdeath bath flayed the wrath of Godfromheauen,thatit is not fallen vpon the vine, and-feeing many yeeres he bathplanted amongvs a vineyard,feeinghebathhedged it,andgatheredout the (tones of it,and teachplanted it with thebett,plants, and hath built a tower in thetniddeft there of, and madea Wine-prefle therein,and path looked it fhould bring forth grapes, but it bathbrought forth wilde grapes : foour finnes fo mkindlc the wrathofGod, that bee will take away the hedge thereof, andhis vineyard (hall be eaten vp; bee will breakethe will thereof;and it (hall becrodendownyhe will lay is watte,and thewild bores (hall enter in- to it. What a thing is this, thatthe deareSaints and Martyrs of Godfhoulddeferne fowell ofvs, andwee fhoulddefèrue fo ill ofour felues and ofourpofterities? Seeing then Gods mercie bath been Chewedby fo many bleflings,and we careoftheirlivect ofthe harued, who neuer banetatted of the coldof che,winter,norheate ofthe fummer;let vsfeare, lcaft for our vnthankfulnes,the Lord doth come to punifhvs,and both for our want of reli= gion, andvngodly lifecaufe the Lord to remouethe candlelticke, takeawaytheGofpell, and bcreaue vs ofourtalents. Wherefore weehauc great needeto pray to bereformed in our iudgement,and termed inour affeetions,thatour thankfulnes may apoearein loueof found rcligion,and obedienceofgodly life to thegloriedour goodGod. Thus wefee it is not a ¡grange thing forGods children to fuffer in this world, although God giuethvs fornetimea breathingtune,and makechvs as childrenofthe wedding who; folongas theBridegrome is with them,doe notlament nor inourne.And feeing euery one that will liuegodlyinChrift Iefusmuff fuffer perfecucion, and for agood confcience,Mi- nitter,Magiftrate,andmatter ofanhoúfehold (hall finde trouble inhis owneflefla, hatred of the world, and perfecucionofSathan; is is certaine that wee often purchale too much quietnes toour felues,becaufe wedoe notfo labourfor the mortifyingoffour flea], forre- !atoning offinne,andthe beating downoftee kingdorneof Sathan,as wee Mightto doe. Thus we fee,theProphecgroundethhitnfelfeon Godspromifes,who bath faid,that therod ofthewiclcd/hallnotroftonthe lot ofthegodly: (hewing vsthat no temptation (hall come to vs,biuwe ¡hall have eitherftrength tobeare it, or effeteLord will reusoue the forceof it : fo that if he renoue theviolent force ofit,we !hallneede but little ftrength to beare i ifour troublebe great,the Lord will gme vs great ftrength. Neither(as fome doe) cloth the man ofGod vlè forgerie forforgerie and deceit for deceit, but ttayethhim(clfe onely and wholy upon prayer. ForGods children Isaac no filch fpirit as the worldlings have, who for the moltpart requite euill for euill, frbtiltie with fubtiltie, euill language with ruin language: but by prayer onelythey labour forhelpeat Gods hand. We haue heard,thattnfomuch as heprotelteth tokeepe the teltimoniesof the Lord, he meaneth that he will more throughlykeepethemthan before. Weeliane furtherlearned, that it isourCorruption to begodly in timeoftrouble,bucafterwardthe cafewithvs is al- tered.Whereforeourgodlines then is to befufpeéted,and he is very vngodly, that at filch codtinu. times willnot begodly. But herein is the difference betweene the regenerateand vnre- generate,that the regenerate after theirvifitatior.saré inuregodly,afterficknes theyhaile a greater zeale,aftertheir deliueiance a further care of glorifyingGod, which is nothing with the vnregenerate. Now,feeingthe Lord hath heapedbenefitvpon benefir,yeereafter yeere,mercievpon nrercie,whetlrerbath God wonneforce fpeciall glorie,or our brethren fosase Ipeciall benefit by vs orno ? Andas theLord heard the mones of his Martyrs,their teams and their blood, and gaue them mercie :fo let vs feare, leaft our linnescrie for vengeancevntohim. AllAle-bons ofthemfelues arc tags ofGods vengeance,yet being J]lilliaffir, " fanEtified in Chrilt toGodhischildren,they beturned into bleffngs,as all outward bief- flngs,not bleffed of God,are turned to curies to the wicked. For as ficknes and aduerfitie, by the Lord fanetifyingthem, are turned to blelfirgs toGods children :fo health,peace, and profpetitie,are turned to all to thevngodly,becaufeof theirabufe. Ggg 3 Verf. 617