Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

618 11after greenhams -` cadings Verf.i 3 5.Shew the tightofthy countenance vpon thyfäruavt,andteach methy atutes. VNtillhisdeliuerance cameithe Prophet ofGod prayed)to be taught in the ftatutes oftheLord,whereby liemight learneto behauehimfelfe well in the timeof trouble. For of li6tion is foviolent a fiorme, and carrierh awaya man foheadlong,that vnletiè the Lordguide vs,we mayToone takehurt. But what delire we moll? Ifweeinficknes delight molt in the fweete face and gracious countenanceof the Lord, itis happines : if not,tvee are truly inmiferie.Forthis is thecaufe whymanygeefrom eudltowork in their trouble, andbecomefo dull, becaufe they neuer pray to fee thecaufe of their af7ietión, and that theymight profit thereby. The fenfeof theman ofGod is: If Lord,thouwiltdelluer me,I(hall obeythee themore; ifnot,Lordgiue meftrengthtoglorifiethee by patience. Awaythenwiththeviolence of Aefhandblood, whichmaketh vs to fomeout thefeand fuel, like Ipeeches t Who could a- waywithfueh pangsas I Puffer? who could fuffer filchpaires as IAmin? Surely eden they that prayto God toprofit by them, they haue Gods Ipirit: as for the wicked they cannot profitthereby: If thenwe bedcliueredopt ofaduerfitie, wetmuff obey theword ; ifnot, we muffcrauewifedome tofee the will ofGod,conflancie to abide in it, patience mcekely andthankfullyto fufferwhatfoeuer the Lord fhalllay vponvs. I carenot (faith the man ofGod) fo much for my libertie, as Imight therebypraife thy name, and obey thy com- mandements. This is an vfuall thing in the bookeof God,to prayfor the Lordscounte- nance: Pfa1.4.6. Manyfay, mho willJhew vs anygood?but Lord, lift thou vp thelight ofth, countenance vponvs.AndPfal.67. r .God-be mercifull vatsvs,andblefevs,andJT ewv.0 thelight ofhiscountenance,andbemercifu/l vatsvs. And Pfal.80.3 .7.19.Turnevsagasne, O God, and wife thyface toJhiae,thatwe may befaced. This verle isread three times in this Plalme,which fheweth vs that this oughtto be the fumme,theheape,andthe chiefe ofall our requefts,namely, that in what efface foeuer we are,wemaybeallured thatwe haue the teflimonieofGodsfavour ;if wee be in al$iétion, that theLord isnot angrie withvs ; ifwe be in profpericie (becaufe theSunne fhinetb on the iuft and vniuft)that we may fee withall the mercieof God, and his louing fauour in Chrift giuen vntovs. Wee feewhereGods fpiric is,thereweeare thankful' in profpericie and patientin aduerfitie; where t.,od hisfpirit isnot,thereare weproud in profpericie,and murmurers in aduerfitie. Many (faith the Prophet,Pfal.4.6.) fay,whowillJhewvsanygood? Seehow theman of Godfetteth downe the tearmes of his companions,and fhewethhow bee coueted onely Gods lolling countenance. The ficke delire health, the imprifoned Gas counter bertie,thepooredefireriches: but fewdelire Gods countenance in theforgiucncs offinne, nmtre. in the beholdingofvs in Chrift,ingluing thegraces of his holy fpirit, which are the pled- . ges ofhis loue. Many worldsare nothingworth : it is a good heart which the Lordrequireth. Sanélifi- eation,holines, and the bleffing ofGods fpirit are true riches,whichweemuffcrane and Godlyfestoon. obtainewith fighs,grones,andreams. For ifwe can figh,ifwecangrone,if wecan forrow, when we arcbut in ficknesof bodie,or fomeoutward calamitie what a-fhaine is it,if wee cannot figh,forrow,and grone for the inward wants and neceffitiesof the foule? But if men knew what itwere tohate the inwardpeace of confcience, which paffeth all vnder- flanding,theywould furely delire it more. That lmight l tope thytatutes. So, many would haueGods fauour to Thineauto them iä libercie,in health,or inriches : but liecraueth God his fauour inhis word,which ifwee canget,let the Lorddeale with other things,which concernevs,as pleafeth him beft.Will Loos to Gods We know thenwhen wehaue a true loneto Godhis word? It is when we efpeciallydelire word, it, andnothingaboueit. Foras thegreatefh light that ruer caine to the world istise light tingle; of the Sunne:fo the moll precious thingthat can come to theworld, is the lightofGods word,thatwee may fee light inGod his light, and behold the countenance of the Lord: Otherwife,if web e inprofperitie,we willthinke our 'iffiest() bewell ;when weare inad- uerfitie,we thinkeourfelues ill. Herewemay fee,tharas there is cicerones when theSunne ihineth,,