Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

on the ¡19. Pfalnie, fhineth,and thatthere is darkeneffe its the mills and doudineffe; fo thereicavicifíitude ofGods children,whilcll fometime theirvndcr(landing is electedby thecomfort ofthe word,otherfome- times it is darkened by the mills of ignorance; whichcommeth topafTe,thatwe might the more reuerentlyand lovingly eflerme the word. For a the Lord bath the difpersfarionof the Sunneln heauen,fo bath he the dilpofingofhis countenance tovson earth. Verfe 136. Mikeeiesgull, out with rimersofwater , bet-amptheykeepe not thy Law. Mlneeiesgu/h outwith water : He dothhere (hew a caufe why he did foearnefllyprayfor GodsIouing countenancein hisword ; for he was greatlygrieued,arid forealfieted,and troublecompaffedhinton curry fide. The fpeech is not a fall or fayned (perch, but fuels as fheweth thegreatneffeof his gnefe,by that which is greater : and it is as muchas if he had laid, 1 weepe bitterly and often, becaufe men keepenot thy Law. And this is the note of true zcale, 'which eafeth it sitewith teams, and not with recerige oranger: and this is godia zeale,when ttie cannot helpea thing, then by teases rocommit it toGod, who alone is able to (aimmen. This was not for prisate iniurie,butbecaufeGods law is broken. This then istrue zeaie,ish'en wecan deuoure private iniuries,andbe zealous inGods caufe : for flefhly men arc hot in their owne caufes,and cold in thecaufeof theLord. A mancannot thusbeforrowful foranother,vil- lelfehe beforrowful I for hi mfelfe ; and thenare we truely forrowfullfor our (clues, s. hen we can mournefor others. A s Marie louedmuch, and therefore wept much, bcatslemuch was Porgi. urn her. And hereofit commeth, that moll nótoríons tanners, being conuerted, are moll true- ly zealous, and haue greatell companion oser finders; for theyhaue felt Gods goodnes Co great- ly to them , that they delire thatothers (hould be partakers thereof. As Paul more zealous then the re(l, becaufe more notorious then the re(1 of the Apofiles. PORTION. al. Verfe 137. Righteous art thou O Lord, andiuflare thy iudgements. S in the latter endof the formerPortion, the Prophet (hewed, that Isis eyesgulht out withSuers of waters,bccaufeof the general' backflidingand fallingto iniqui- tie; fo herehe (hewed), thathe had almoll pinèdaway, and consumed tonothing, to feethe ripenclleof iniquities in them, which werehis enemies. And wbereas this might haue been a great Temptation, that notwithflandingthere were made fo many promues to the godly,und Inch iudgentents threarned to the wicked yet the godly fullai- bed to hard things,and the wicked were info good acafe, he confirmeth Isis faith, by lia) iughis wholeconfidenceonGod,and miffed) inGod,beeaufe he isrighteous, and acknowledgeth him tobe arighteous God, becaufeeuery part of his word isrighteous , and whatfoeuer the Lorde lath laid, eitherconcerning his promdcs tohis feruants,or threatnings this enemies,is moll tuff: and true. The felfe fame mull al to (lay vs, when we are in thelike temptations,when we (hail becoun- ted as prectfefooles, and vnquiet fpirìrs becaufe we weepe and lament for theCruises of others; or when we, Peeing the wickedline in fuch plealures , begin to maruellhow it commeth topare, that the godly are fo ìll dealt withal!, and when the godly hue with teares,and thevngodly paf(e their time in toy. Wherèfore the man ofGod raifethvp himfelfe with this meditation : howfoeuer thofethings time tobe confounded and calltogether, yet thouOLord, artGod, and gouernefl all:thouart GodiuJtin his á righteous Gcd, and thy indgements are righteous ; yeaeuery word of thy word O Lord isPnouidence. righteous and true ; thy promifes which in time thou (hale perfourme , will not fall a- way; nor thy is;dgemmsenms which thou wilt one dayexecsste, (hallnorfaile. Beholdhowwe alfo mull hlcengrhcnourfaith in the likealleuks. Thiswas anotableexample offaith, which foyecl- ded to thedue obedienceof theword of God, for our inftrudliou : whenwe arein (uch difirelfe, our cycsmull not be felon any vifible or earthly things butonclyon things inuifibleand hea- uenly, emsonthe wordofGod,on hisproinifes, vvhichhe willperfourrue ; on hisiullice,which Ggg 4 be 69