6io Mollergreenhorns `Readings hewill execute:wemull I fayhaueour eyes lifted vp further thenthe (copeof heaven, and the circuitsof theSunne ; wemuß looke toheauen,whereGodspromifes Thal Ibe fully perfourmed and accomplißted ; wemuß looketohell, vs herehis judgements (hall be finifhed and fullyeste. cured. For thoughbothGódspromsmay on earthbee perfourmecl , and hisvengeance may 03 here be executed;yet alibis promo es are not/hewed to any,nor manyofthem (hewed to.aU,but " there maybe tome wantingof them; and the wicked may haue agreat torment ofminde,and hell ofconfcience, andyetall haue them not, neither haueany all , becaufemany areglorious is theirlife,and pompous intheir death. What then (hall we fay tothrs,butwith theProphet, Rieh- temas artthou O Lord, and righteous are thy iudgements: Although then the promilesof God arcnor at all times by andbyperfourmed,not his judge- ments prefently executed; butthegodly do oftengtonevnder miferies, and the vngodlywallow in theirdelights.: yetthe Lord after death will fhew, thathe is righteous,when he will ere& and tnagnifiehis iulticebeforehisglorious throne. This thing appealed' tobemanifft,by that hi- llorie Luke t 6. of therich manandLemons, who ( that theLord might make knowne hisiu. piuesand ftice)died both 'together:but astheir life wasaltogether diuers, fo theirdeathdid altogether differ. Latprus. For therich man lineddelicately, and fared daintily; but Lazarus lying fore and hungric athis. gate, foundmore courteleat his dogs,which lickedhim,then athis handswhich fhouldhauere. licued him. Wel,when they wereboth dead,ii is faid,that the richman being inhel its torments liftingvphis eyes, and fetingLazarusafarreoffin .Abrahams bofome,cryed, FatherAbraham, fendLazarugthathe may dip the tip of his finger inwater,andcoole mytongue:but Abrahaw anfwered, Thou arefar deceiued & difappointed, my fon,theplaces arefar dallantbetweene thee and vs,fo that the inhabitants mull keep their plat es.And myfon,confiderofthe equityofGods. iußice herein, forthou in thydife time didß line in health,inpleafure and profperitie,anddidß not glorifie God theteby, therefore iris meete and right withGod, that thou fhouldeßnow haue paine and torments ; andthis man hauingpouctrie, hcknelfe andmiferie,defired Gods glorie: wherefore it flandeth with the righteous promife of the Lorde, that bee fhould now re. ceiue toy andcomfort. SoChrißalto teathethvs, thoughat thefirß, the Lord regardethnot all good atthefull, yet beethat rewardcrh one; will reward all , and flee that punifheth one, will furely in time punifh all,either hereor in 'form other place; either now or at tome o- theetime. Wemull then be conient tohataeostslitses hidden-in Chrill, thatirmay appeare with Chtiß at his comming. Nowas this doé}rinefeemeth profitable for comfort, fo is itneceffarie alfo for terrour. For ifa manßsalltieinfinne, andyet through impunitie ,becaufe neither the handofGod is upon him, nor the authoritie of the Magißrate takethholdon him, (hall notre. pent:and becaufeas the wife man faith, Ecelef.8. t t.Sentence agarnfían endaorke isnot exerts: red;fpeedily, therefore the heart ofthechildren of menisfullyfetin themtodiemill ; aswe may feein profaneperlons, inabufers of thename of God,in breakersofthe Sabboth , indifobedi. ent perlons, murderers, adulterers,themes, and backbiters: let himbeware, andnot flatter him- felfe in iniquitie; and thoughGoddoth not ,at thevery infiant, when fin is committed, punifh all, northeMagi ßtateprefentlyapprehend all; if a man begintobehot,andwouldhaueallmen . likehìmfelf,,and isoffendedbecaule there is no prelimexecutionofiudgement, yetGod is righ. mous, he wilnot iußifie the lnner,but hehash his fierce wrath,vengeance andindignation laidvp in Bore tofall fuddenly and featefullyvpon thevnggdly. For affurethy felfe,Oman,wholoeuer thouart, he that bath faid, that no whoremonger, noradulterer , nor couetousperfon (hallenter into thekingdomeofbesuen, and he that bathpromifed in this life, to triethofe that behis ,will lately, if thoube the childofGod,punifh theehere, that thoumayeß not be condemned with the wicked; if thou beenot, he will both in thislife, and in the worldtocome plague theeeter- nally. If thou art notprefently punlfhed for thy hones, theLnrd calleth theeto repentance; ifthat will not fettle, the Lord will vndoubtedlybreake thynecke , andprole thee downe withturther iudgements. Thus wefee, howneedful) itisto urge this doctrine to the abufers'of the Lords long fuffring, andcontemners ofhisrighteous judgments. Plat.59. the man ofGod fheweth,that albeitthe Lordhadmade a couenant of mercie withhispeople, yet iftheir childrendid forfake hislawes, and walktnot in his iudgments,iftheydid breakehisfìatutes,andkeptnothiscommandements; ho note.