Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

èn the I19. Pfaltne, Gal bewould 3i, vifrttheirtran refiimwith therod, and their iniquitiewithfirolet . And runty,if weewiliriot be remouedby the wordcalling vs fromour fecuriue, wee (hall tape indeedof the Lords beaniefcourgcs andfearefull lirokes. Wherefore in time let vs humble our felues under the louing hand of God, and learne todenie our (dues. Verf. t 3 8.Thou haft commaandediaffice by thy reflimoniesandtruth ofeciagy. TAT flreweth that in allthe holy writings the Lordhad letdownefpeciall merciesand fpeciall iudgements, and thatthe iuitrceand truthwhich the Lord hash caught inhis word, is a fpeciall iuftice, and afpeciall truth, and euerypart thereofis iuft and true, yea and if there could be degrees therein, theyare moltMil and molt true, according to that Pfat. t9.9. The iudgementsofthe Lordare truth and righteous altagether.So that withoutex- Marth.f. ception all the thrcatnings ofthe Lord are iult,and all hispromues true. Sure it is then, that he willperforme his wratlrthreatned, and fulfillhis couenantspro- ,, auled,forthere is nothing in the word,which is not truthand iuftrceitfelfe. Thus wemuff !carne when the are in trouble, tolooke toGodhis word, and to know ,, thatcurry tittle thereof is righteous and true, and though heauen and earth doe pallè, yet ,, notone iot of it fhall faile. This is neceffarie for vs to beleeue, for from hence ipringeth faith. Whereforethe Prophet teeing that this would hardly be beleeued, and that men Gadschildren fonetimeareMacke in faith,hope and loue,and arenot fo fooneperhvaded that curry man mud performe this, but rather that it wasa fpeciall thing: the Prophet (I lay) rrcitcth this word flue times in the conrpahl' of eight verfes,beingbutone portion. Somuch doth hethew incredulitie to raigne in Gods children, anddeclareth it the more lerreAulitieia vehemently, becaufe thewicked willnot be broughtto beleeue this. For what is thecaufe Godschildren. -ofthine, eitherin fayhng of doing thole things whichare to bedone, or in fallingto doe tholethings, which ought not to be done, in omittingof good things or committingof mill, butonely incredulitie ? Could we beleeuethe wordof God? Ohhappic werewe! ,E emingthe can we not beleeue? oh curled are we! We (hall fee, as the wicked inall things, toGods » children in many things drfcreditthe wordof God: as the wickedbeleeue not atall ; fo " thegodly beleeuebut in part,and fee but ina glaflè. And doubtleffe they want the comfort " which they fhould haue, inthat although they content generally to the truth, yet when ", they cometo particulars, they reafon thus with chemfebtres: How can this be? bywhat " means pofliblefhould this be lo? and therefore the Lordfuffereth them to mifcarrtc in " iudgement,and punifheththem in their a1íEtions. Thus wefee,howthe manofGod dothItrengthen himandvs by faith,in beleeuing that God is righteous, and his iudgements tobe righteous, and that euerypart ofthem is molt righteous, tuft, and true : wherefore our Saviour Chnft in hisholy Gofpell vfeth fooften, Doffthanbeleeue? beleear and thou¡bolt bemade whole: according to thy faithbe it done vote thee: whichhedoth to flewvs our incredulitie.Whereforewe multipray, Lord, /beleeue, belpernyvnbeleefe : Lordincreafemyfaith,tbat beleeaingthy iudgements,I mayfeare thee; be- keeling thy merciesandpronufes,Imay becomforted;beleoumgthe things thou comman- delt, Imay doe diem; belecuingthe things which thou forbiddeft,Imay auoydethem. Verfe t 3 9. My vale bath men anti-timed mee, becaafe mine enemies hawforgotten thy word. LEt vs heretrie ourfaitlr, which perfwade our felues tohaue fuck faith, behold here is a tsiall. True it is, that to all is not giuenthe like meafureof faith : vnto tome aregi- urn ten talents, vistoTome flue, vntofometwo : neitherhaue all grounds like rneafore of feede,nor render againe like meafurc ofincrcafe: for forceground accordingas it bath receivedbringeth forth onean húdreth fold,kome fixtie,fome thirtiefold,according to the goodwill and wiledonteof our God. Neither snuff wethinkealrat iris requiredofvs,that we cannot odterwile befaichfull and zealous, vnlefl'ewe euen confumeaway, or our eyes gufh out with ducrs ofwater : for we muft,not thinke that it was foin the Prophet lrim- felfer