Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

bz?, Old Greenhams Readings felfe, asthough duets of rearms were inhis head, or that he was vteerlypined away : but ratherthey are iguratiuefpeeches, to flewfirne rare wale, andnotable kinde offorrow. ìng inhim. Nowwhatfoeuer exhortation is to be dratvne from hence, it will little auaile vs vnleffc we beleeue that there is no one thing here inthis Pfalme, but infoule mealure it is to be performedof currychriftian. Forpotitíke men cannot profitby (itch thingsbecaufe they doe not thinkethat wcontauneth any general) do&rine, but rather that it is a particular do6trine. But feeing this Pfahne is the type and imageof a regenerate man, andnoone treatife fo fully and wholy .(though peraduenture Minewhole booke maydoe it) expref- feth the fame;.and yet fo, that neither theman of Godas with a trumpet dot!) blow forth his owne praife, nor womanifhly painteth forthhis owne miferies by money and coin- plaints ; butaduancechGodsglorie, andputtethvs in minde, whatgraces ofGod (mould be in vs, and humbled) himfelfeand (hewed' vs what infirmities raignein vs. What then That the » (will ibmc fay)meane their fpeeches? M f ale f anteth, mine a y esfailed,mine heart breaketh, ri9Pan aoniernes myTonle eleauetb to theground ; my!Male melteth, mineever guJhout with riuerrofwæter. What atlthe rege- (fay they) appertaineth it to'vs,tlnat hefaith:Seuer; timesa day doejpraife thee,'prenentedthe nerate. morningslight and cryed:mtneeyespreuented thenieht watches : Iopenedmymouthandpanredc howfweeteare thypromifestomymouth ; yesmore t&nhone untomy mouth Iam likeabottle in thefmoke, jliaue remembred thy name in thenight : thelaw of thymonth is better vntome, then thonfandsofgoldeandRiser ; 'hawhad as rear delight in thyteflimonies as in allmanner of riches, ¡lone thycommatendements abouególde,yeaabonemofffnegolee: Ireioyceat thy word,as onethatfindethagreat f ogle: Tbefe wereextraordinarie things, andwe haue not to deale with them. To anfwerechfe we mayfee thefamedoárine in otherperfons, andin other placesof thebooke ofGod. Iob.; 3. E/ib,, there declareth, that theLord diners times untomen,but theyfee it not, ifthey profit not bythe word,he (éndeth them affliéti- ons;ifthey profit notthereby,hewill fend one amonga thoufand tothew his mercies unto them.Pfal. iq . Godfpeaketh onceor twtfeandonefeeth:tnot,e§-c. z; . iftherebeel rceffenger with him oran interpretar,ore ofa thoufandto declarevats manhis righteoufnes,then wilhe hastemer- cie oponhim,andwillfay,delinerhim,that hegoenotdown intothe pit;for Ihaue reechoedreeon- ciliation,thenihall hisflefhbensfrefbas achildes,andfhal rot-war as in thedayes ofhisyoutb. And lobs fines. though the Lord punifhed notgrolle fins in job, yethepunifhed incredulitie,impatience, fclfe-loue and vaineglorioin hint for thoughjob were agoodman, yet he ftoode in fume neede ofgreatermortification.TheApoftle Pau/ f ieweth,thatthewrathofGod(mouldfal on theCorinthians, if they perfumedwithout due examiningofthëfelues torate thebody and bloudofChrift,and thatfrom thence carnefuddaine deaths;& vnnatorall deaths,lan- gui(hingarid piningdifèafes,n Cor. rr.For thiscasefe(faith the Apoftle) manyare reeakeand Akeamongyon,(7-manyfleepe,forifwewouldWedge ourfeines weAmidnot be íudged:Sa he Ipea- keththis ofthe Corinthians,whrch were learned men ; who hadgreatknowledge and ex- celled inmany good gifts, as he himlèlfcreportethof them, andyet he fheweth them this truth.Neither do there things efpecially&only comefor fin, but more particularly forthe trying offaith,prouing and perfebtingofpatience,although afterward it may be,for puni Thingoffins bydcgrees(for mien in the triall of faith and.prbouing ofpatience,is alloa fe- cret punifbingoffin.)Wherfore we muttnotfuller forawhile,but teen to the 'heading of Our blood and (pendingofOurliues,as witnellèth theauthor totheHeb.cap. r s. wherethe Apoltle hauing fet downe inÿ chaptergoing beforea.regifterofthefathers inÿoldchurch, and ofthew workes(wheroffome mayallo feemetobe extraordinarie,although indeed they bealleadgedbut asfruiisoftheir faith)inferreth inÿ twelfth chapterthis exhortation.Heb. r 2.i.Whereforelet osalfo,feeing that weare compaffed withfogreat acloadeofwitneffes,caffaway emery thing thatprefab donne, let vs roennewithpatiencethe racethat isfetbefore vs,; z. iookmg onto lefts the antborandfinifherofourfaith:Who forthe ìoythat was letbeforehim,endured the croffe , anddefpïfed thefliame,&c. 4. rehamnot yetrefifled ontoblond,firiuingagainf$ fnne,andye haveforgotten theconfolation, whichfpeakethvntoyouas ontochildren,&e. Here die Lord (besveth the faithandgifts of his Saints,declaring that he wouldbellow euvs the likegraces according to that proportionwhich lime chinked]good.'In that they art