on the 119. Pfalme. are called witncfes;it was becaufe they gaue witneffe to theteuth ofGodspromifes, and to thew how the Lord would enable finfull flcfh,thusto beleeue,andthus to doe. Andmarke herethe wifdome ofthe fpirit of God,fetring downethe ftrengthofhis Saints ; for AA áe blood mighthaveobicaed: what cellyouvs of theftexcraordtnarieandpriuiledged men? but behold,he calleththem (as weePaid before) witneffes,teftifying that if wee would call for,andcraue thelikegraces, we Mould receiue them fufficientlie: thenbee biddeth vs to looketoChrifl theauthor and finifherof our faith . Forwhat were they? this isheefrom whom allthe Fathers receivedtheir ftrength. Striaefaith he,death isnotyercome, yebaronet refilledunto blood. What? mutt eueriemanbe a martyr? no, the meaningof the holyghoft is,that thoughwe baue fuffered the fcoffingof thewicked,the hiflìng, the noddingofthe head,che mockingof thepeople; yet it is not fuffrcient,ifthe Lord will haue vs alto for his fake iinpriloned,our blood fhed, and though her giuevs no remiffion, yetwee munot faintherein;butteen offer ourhues to theLordspleafure allo. What canfeememore rare in this man of Godhis faith , then hisnotable diligenceand delightwhichheehad in the word,in that as wefilmed before,heprcuéced the morning light, & the euening watches with hismeditations ? But (hall weenot finde this commended vnto vs in other places ofthe fcriptures? that weemight altoin tome meafure feeke thefe praaifrs in our felues. LockeProuer.x.I. Myfonne, ifthouwilt receivemywords,andhidemy commanademenuwith. inthee , ere4 Ifthonfeeke/Ewifedomearf luer,andfearcheffforher atfortreaftrre, 5: Thenfhalt thou vnderfland thefeareofthe Lord,andfindethe knowledge of God. AndPlalme 19. io. The judgementsoftheLord aremore tobe defiredthen gold, yea thenmuchfnegold : what doe wee now fee here inthis manofGod, which the fcriptures doenot teachvs in otherplaces? So that here isfee downebutapatterneof pra6bfcof ehingstaughtin theword; & whydotti"Note. themanof God let downe himfelfehereas a type tobe followed ? furelie to thew that like as hee wasa manCubit&to thelike affcffions that we are : fo wee may labour for thelike graces ashe had. And ifwewill be likevnto him inhis ftnnes , why ihouldweenot be like ,, vnto him in hisgraces? And as albeitwe arenot likevntohiminhis greateft fins, and yet inlome fins ; fomull wethough not in thehigheft nseafureofhis graces, yet in ionic pro-" portionof his graces belike alto vinohim. Itmay alto fee=extraordinariein him,that he was wiferthenhis enemies,wiferthenhis teachers,wifer then theaged : but wemuff know' thisaltoappertaineth tovs, beaufe in (hewing hisreafon,howheobtained thisgrace, he alleadgeth not the taufe tobeany extraordinary or newrtuelations,but that he attained through theword:forhe was wifer fhb hisenemies,in that lieoppofednotfubtilty with tub" tilde, craft with craft,forgeriewithforgerie,and in all his affaires asked not counfaile of " flesh &blood,but ofthe word,as he alto teftifieth of himfelfPor.3.7.8.verl.Princesalfodid fittfpeakeagainfl me,but thyferuantdui meditatein thylames: alfo,tbr tellimoniesaremyde. lightandmy counfellern. As if he lhouldfay,whenthe 'nightieflares vied theirpolitic &wif- domeagainft me, though I had an heauie lieatt , yetI asked counfaile ofthy word. Like- wifePort.x 1.1. Princes haue perfecuted me withoutcaufe,but mine heart flood in awe of thy words:ìdef%the greatmenperfecuted me,ldurflnot Brinewith them in pollicie,for fo I was a- fraide I(hould baue finnedagainfl thee; butrelied inthyword,and then I gate as great viEto- ric,as they whichget fpoyles. Wefee now, whofoeueras Saint lames exhortethvs, (hall aske wifedome,when bee wantethit, oftheLord andofhis word, (hall withDavidbe wifer then hisenemies; not that wemuff imagine him fo tobe inall hisparticulara&ions, but that hee ex- . celled them in as greatmeafsre as might be,by fusing himlelfe tobe goueniedby theword. Is this thenproper to thedearefl Saints ofGod alone? no,for Afofesthemanof God faith,Deut. 4. S.Onhe thispeopleis wife,andofvnderftanding: hefpeaketh not of therarefl Iewes,andofrhe Magifirates slone,but of thecommonpeople,and telleth diem, if they wanted wifedome, the Lord wasat handto teach them.And fo themeanefl people by the word ofGod were wiler thenihemightir Prince,, and the greatPrincra weremoreclsiJti(h thenthecommonpeople,- whEtheyaskednotcounfelof the Lord. Thepromile whichour uiourChriffv(ethMat.ro. t 9. whenthey defineryou vp,takgno thought hownor whatyee/ballfpeake,for it'halidegiuenyou inthat honrewhatyee /hailfay.Thispromife isnot made onlieto theEuangelils, Apoftles,Dif- ciples,Do&orsorMagtllrates; buttoall wbomfoeuer the Lord(hallcall,togiue fuchteflimonie of 6z3