Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

dz+ WierÇireenhasnf `ReadInvs ofhis name. Andweknowby experience.,. how thiswasnotonclic performed inthe Pri alone Churcb,butalfo in thedeare Saints andMartyrs ofGod of late memorie in QueeneMarie: raigne,who did (trineagain(+ finne,to the (beddingof their blood; whoall as we fee,werewifer then theirenetnies, Neyther wasthere anie other caufe,why he was wirer thenhis teachers, but that bymeditationhe not refling in the booke cafesand generals doétrineofhisteachers,appli. edtheirgenerallrulestohisparticulate (fate, Likewife we, ifWeedoe not flayour fates inthe generali things,which we heareorread; but bring the generali things into particulars,fngulars andpraóhfes,(hall bewifer,though happilienot earneder then our teachers.Thirdlie, he waswi. fer then theauncient,in that they madefhipwracke of faith,andofa good confciencenotwith. Banding their knowledge:whereashe laboured tobring hisgood learning to good lining, and hisknowledge to a good confcience.We feeat thisday,how oldauncient Proteflantsgrow not in fpitituallvnderflanding,becaufe theyput not inpraelife thethings which they haueknown. On the other fide weare not togot far,but mayoblèrue inour age,howyoung men,vntowhom theLord lath madeoldmen as glaflesand examplesofour infirmities leaf+ they fall, comming with reuerenceand delire to praétifethat which they hearearefar wifer in heaucnly things, and aremoreable to in(1rnet theignorant, and to comfort them that are in forrow, then the aged. Whofoeuer then will labour to bring therules into life which he recciucth byprecepts, he !hall beat thekilt wifer,if notmorelearned,than the ancientgray haires. My zeale bath men confirmed me, &c. This among the reft might feeme tobee more properandpeculiar to the Prophet : but is is (as wee hauedeclared) an exceffiue fpeceb much viedof the learned toexpreife forcematter of importance,and the famebeing vied in a falfeor light matter,mayybeean vntollerable lye. Asthen ismeant byrims of wares gufhing out of hiseyes, a fhedding of many teares,and hisconfumingaway with zealee his earneft affeaion : fowee mutt labour to finde theft exercifes invs,accordingto that meafure and proportion, which the Lord for his glorie (hall vouchfafeto beftow on vs: We reade alfoPfal.69.9.7he zeale ofthine hemp hat;eaten me,and therebukeofthem thatre-. baskedthee,arefallenvponme. TheProphet here fheweth, how hee was as much tormented forrhea things,wherebyGods gloriewasempayred, as if irehadbeen ladenwith infamie himfelfe. This we feemakethas well for our imitation as forour inftruólion. The felfefame thing is repeatedRom. t f. The rebukeofthem that re6akedthee,+ -c. where the Apoftle inferreth thisexhortation,Let thefame minde be inyoumhichwas in Chrift, j/e. as if he Mould fay ; you mutt ktww, that thelèlfefame aff'eétion,though not in thefelfe- famemeafure,muft be inyou, whichwas in Chrift or inDauid: for as Chrift hadkin infi- nitmeafure, andDauid in great abundance, that muff you altohaue in tomemcalure. : ThiswasindeedheredstarietolefusChrift,andtoDaooidbenefciarie,andthatwhichDa nidfpeakech ofaétiuely,as was doneof himfelfe or ofChrift, that theApofrie (peakethof pafiiuely,ashe requireth it tobe doneof others.For asDauiddid fuffer theiniuries,repro- ches,and ignominies which came toGods name, as his owne : foPaul fpeaking'paffruely, wi(heth thatwee (hould fuller theft thingswith Chrift, even as thoughweeour felues had done the iniuries,deferued the reproches,or wereguiltieof the ignominies. Butwee muff alwaies (hewour feluesguiltles in vfrngall meanes toat forth Godsglorie,and inbewai- lingthe fumesof thepeoplewith teares andwith prayer. Notableis thatplace,Ezeçh.9.4. where theLord (peakethto theman clothed withEn- nen,which had thewriters inckhorne,faying: Goy throughthe midflofthe citie,euenthrou h themidfl oflerufalem,and fitamarke opon theforeheads ofthem that mourne,and areforrowfUIL fordl-rhoabominations that are donç in the mid/Ithereof. But the miser wascommanded to followafter and todestroy curry mothersbonneof them whichmourned not. This thenis no1frange thing whenGods glorieand image is defaced, to bee grieued as much as if it were for our felues. s.Cor.S.TheApoftle rebuketli the Corinthians, becaufe theyrefted and reioyced at the fume committedamong(+ them, contrary to the ruleof loue, which willedvsnot to reioyte in iniquitie,and telleth them that they hadnot mourned,and (hew - eth how they had laughed at him, whentheyIhould rather haue mourned. Wherehede. clareth in his owneexample,whowas fogrieued,that wherehehad preached theGofpell, one fhould fall into fo greataLinn, how all faithfull Miniflers, godly hlagillrates,and. Quanta