Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

en the rJ9.PPfalme. 62.5 Chriliatihoufeholdets may endought dmourne,whenfotneofthechargecommittedto them,falI into forne notorious finne. Andchougliforawhilehewasforrowfullthathehad madethem fo heauic,vet afterward 2 .Cor.7.bee telleth them that bee was not fork :For (faithlte)thoughfmadeyouforosfull,f repentnot:forbeholdthin thing,thatyehaue bingedlyfo- rowfull,rhiàt great careithathwrought inyou ?yea what I./erringofyourfellow ?yea,what indig- nation? yeaWhat feare?yeaWhat great def+re?yeawhat azealr?yea whatpunilhment? Pealthings jesthauefüewedyourfilm.r,thatyearepure iii matter. Asifhefhould fay ;Beforeye reioy- ced,and thenwereye gùtltie of his blood : but now that yehaue mourned and prayed for him,it (hall not be laid to yourcharge. Thuswe fee theChinch was not deere,vntill they- had mourned for thisone mans finne ; no morewas the wholearmieof the Ifraelttes,vn- till theyhad humbledthemfeluesinprayer "andfaftingfor thefin neofAchan. Wherefore cumman mutt labour in fomemealure,to finde the fame afftbtioninhimfelfewhich was in Chrift,thatwemaydìfferfromthe hypocrites,who etteeme theirotvn credit more than thecredit of the word. So thatwee alwaies rememberthis tobe a propertieoftrue zeale, Atrue property fvta thatasweare zealous againft thefnne, fowemufb handacoinmiferationof o theperfon ,as6ayaCh,k. a,r, knowing that weour felues may fall into thelike offence. Well, to goe forward,weefee how this verfe is inferred after them that goe before. For hawing tlnewed that the Lordwasrighteous,and that his judgements were righteous, and that euery part of his teftimoniescontained fpeciall truths,this was the thingthat made him fo to loue theword,and toning it tohaue foferventa zeale vntoit Hismeaning then is thus much : Seeing theword ofGod bath in it fuch exquific goodnes,fuch wonderful) truth,fuch rarepperfedtion,luch eternitie,f'uch efficacie,that in thetimeoftrouble,when al other comforts forfakeaman, this will be a fpeciallcomfott tohim, and giueth cumlife zealefor6e to a man halfedead, and without itI fee a man is but asabealt,Icannotbut louearid beate C,stemptof anbeanie zeale voto it,and when I enter into the confideration hereof,Iam euen pined thevoord away,andgriefc euen eateth usevp,when I fee it is notefteemed,and that the wordofGod' can haucnomorehonour. And fetingthe word ofGodwas foexquifit,fo vnchangeable, fo glorious,and locomfortable, what agriefe was it to themanof God, that menMould . betòcarried away, fome to theplcafuresofthe fleih, forne to theprofit of the world,fonte to vaine fuperltitions, and-in the meant-time the word little regarded: This was itthat pricked him at the heart,this touchedhim at the quicke. Heteachethvs thenthusmuch Iftheglorie ofGodbe deare tovs,the contemptof it willfurelygrieuevs : ifthe faluation ofour brethren beprecious tovs,we will be geieuedfor the contraries Now let vs feewhat true zealeis. Ifinde here the traetateofZeale z.part was laft tobe inlarged,andtherfore (good rea- der)I wouldnot depriue theeof this benefit. Heb.r 0.27. Thenature ofit is 'fit downe,where the Apoftleheauily threatneth them, ofzeate. thatwillingly giue ouerthemfelues to finne, and there is namedin the propertongue, the waleoffire.Forasfire is not without it heate,b ucoft burfleth forth into a flame: fo zeale is hot,andcannot longbe held in. It is defcribed alfo by contraries,Reuel.3.where the holy Gholt reprooueth the Church of Laodicea, becaufe they were neither hot norcold, but lukewarme,fuchas the Lordwould fpueout ofhis mouth: and afterward is added,bezea- lousand amend. Where wefee how zeale isoppofed to lukewarmenes,which is too tempe- ratea warmenes for theprofel ion ofthe Golpell.We melt not thenonlyrenounce cold- nes farre fromvs,and put away lukewarmnes,but wemalt bevery hot and feruentüo the profcllìon of the truth. Againe, our common tranflation bath,followafterloue,and cduea gifrs,hatefecialyprophecie:the naturali text bath, bezealousafter themore excegentgifti: AndRom.r z. Beferueni in thefpirit, that is, let Gods fpirit inkindle in you afire, which maycaufe you to flame with a zeale ofGodsglorie,andwith a loueofenankind. Now there are dicers kindsof zeale :there is a zeale of theworld;there is a zealeof the Diurrt kinds of fiefs there is a zeale offallereligion; there is a zeale ofherefe,and there is a zealeofthe eatG true word of God. Firlt, wee feethe zealeofthe worldmaketh men to labour day and r Righttoget atranfitoriething. The waleof the Refh tormentethmens mimics earlyand a H In In late