on the 119. Pf lkne. 62.7 well as tothe thingswhich are without. This alfo our SauiourChrift teachethvs byre prehendingthePharifees, in telling them that they made cleanethe outfide of theplat- ters, but left the infide foule : (hewing, that their hues outwardly was without reproofe, but inwardly they were full of fecret pride,difdaine,felfe -loue and hatred. Our zeale mutt begin within,and in time appeare outwardly : and as we will notfinne outwardly,fo wee mutt beas lothto finne inwardly. Wherefore herealfo aretwo thingsto beobferued : tisefirtt is that wefeare no more to run,obJrsu- doe ill beforemen, thanwe doeby our felues. Forwe begiven to beloth tobeaccounted lions. ill,and yetmake no fuels confcience tobe ill : we fee theeues,whores, and ill doers are loth to be fo accounted, andyet in the meant feafon, ifthey can doe this fecretly, they make no care of ir. Wee outwardlyare carefull to maintameour credit, and to trauade with ourfelues, yet fecretlywee can commit innegreedily. What is this but to bepainted fe- pulchcrs,anddilies cleane without,but foulewithin ? Wherforesve aretobewareof this, and fo much therather, becaufe the Lord bath plagued them that in outward thew haue borne a greatcountenance of rcligion,whofe hues prissily were filthie,whofe cafes andvi- zards when the Lord bath taken from them,and bath rcuealed their corruptions, they haue appearedhypocrites. The secondobferuation is , that wee looke to thepriuie corruptions ofnature lurking inour,,, obferua- hearts,which conmine filch abottomleffe pic of corruption,that it is shefpeciall graceof Gods lion. fpirit,togage them ro thedepth. We mullthereforelearne to fearchour hearts,for leis the feare- full lodgementof God,whenwemake no confcience of finnefecretlie, to haueour fin brcake forth publikelie. As whenwe haue nocare to pilferfecretlie,we fhall be brought to(leak open- liebythe fecret wrathof God: whereby alto fecret lulls , malice and hatred nouriftied in the simile_ heart asidaffections are permitted tobrcake out in time eveninto out outward adlions. This is a plague to thein,who ratherwould feeme tobe, then in truth&fire tobegodlie.Couetousmen -. haue this propertie,that they ratherwould be rich then be accounted rich : fuch ought our af- feótions CO be,that ive should indeedrather begodlie,thendefire tobe fo accounted of.Let vs la- bor todoewet (ecretly,howfoeuerfora whileit be hidden from the world,thatGod which teeth outdoing infccrer,willreward is openlie, and in his good time, will glue vs grace todoe well publikclie. Butperaduenturethewickedwillfay: whatground? what intent? what cattle haueyou to labour fomuch about the difclofingof the fecret corruptions of ourheart ? But yet alas theyare ignorantof this,that becaufe they know nor the fecret coniptious, theyfall the moreviolent- lie to grol afinnes,and come' man (hall trie thistobe true in hi mfelfe, that hethat makerh con- Confettureof fcience of his thoughts, wilvndoubtcdlie makeconfcienceof his wordes , and deedes ; and bee thoughts. that maketh no confcienceof histhoughts, hetnay come tomake no confcience of his words anddeeds. Betideshethatbeginneth to reformehis heart,hath this promife in theword,that he (hall not be confounded,as Pini, t t 9.6. Thenfhall1- notbe confoundedwhen 1haue refeft toall thycommaundements. And Port. r o.8. Let myheart beupright inthyllatutes, that 1. benit a/ha- med. Wherefore if wewillbe troche zealous,wemayaddeanother rule,thatwe haue noneother endofourzeale,then how we mayglorifieour God; whether it be in profperitie, oraduerfitie. This then is the third rule,thatwekeepe aright courfeand tenourof zeale inboth Mates We the third rule mull efpeciallie look to that,whereunto weare mofireadie,that is,whether webe more zealousofvole. in profperitic,andfall away in aduerltie;orwhether we are more fement inaffliótion, and ouer- whclmed in aboundance : whether by theone weare not puffvp with fecuitieand fecret pride; or whether with theother wee be not toofarre humbled and abafed. For many in time ofpeace are religious,who feeing perfecution to follow the gofpell,flidebacke and (liefrom it. gob;wife whiles her husband was in profperitycould worship God,and (hew her felfein outward things aszealous as lob himfelfe:but when affiietioncame (he wasreadie to curfe God. Wee knowin profperous times,maniewere verie foreward in religion,who in timeof trouble (prinked from the truth: {Cane Co longas theymay haue credit by giuing countenance to the gofpell, gotfarre; but when difcreditcomes theywillleave all. But the Prophet faith, lam fmalland defpifedyetdo 1notforget thyword.Other on the contrarie parr,fo longas God exercifeth themwith any croffe, are zealousprofeffours,who beinglet aloftandcommingonceaboue, beginto befame. Wee Hhh a lee