6'28 ePVla.7er greenhorns `I f:achngs feemany in timeof their miferie to be much humblcd;and whilefi they want liuings andprefer- ments,wefee bothpreachersand people verygodlie, whowhen theyhauegotten them force huing,and obteinedthat which they fought for,haue theirreale choaked. Doe notmany pray foe the continuance of thepeaceof the gofpell,that they themfelues might continue in peace and profperitie ? Doe not manie mourne in the aduerfitie of the gofpell , becaufe theymourne for their ownearluerfitie?Oh great corruptionof ourhearts! Ohhot tomfespitteof hypocrifiel If wewereafhamed that weare nomore grounded on the word,and that we can beno more holy and uprightinour hearts,furelie the Lord would fo gouemevs, that beewouldnot (uffer eyther profperitie toquench andCarrie away ourzeale,to be buried in thegraue of fecuritie ; oraduer- frtietoo muchtodifmay and difcourage vs. This is then our triall herein: ifwhenwe arein greateflprofperitie,we can mourne withthem that mourne in theLord,and whenwe arein greatef} aduerfitie, if we can reioyce with themthat reioyce in Chrifl. This is a fore tokenwe love notthe gofpell,norfauour theword, becaufe wee hauea loneto profperitie;neytherarczealous to fee theword contemned , becaule wee batman hatred ofaduerfitie. Danielconcerningoutward things wasan happie man asbeing neereto the crowne : andyet whets he taw the God ofIfrael his glorieto be defaced,and an abhominable Idoli tobe e- reeted,hecould content himfelfe withnothing fo mucb,as withweeping,falling,& prayer. Atad Pude beingin bonds for the teftrmonie or Ielos Unit , and concerninghis outward man ina miferablecafe, reioyced greatlie, and as it were reuiued,when bee heard that the golrellprofperedaud howfoeuer lie was inbands, heneuerfeltthemgricuousvutohim, for the ioy which herhad, that the golpell was at ltbertie. If this reale were invs, that the word of Godwere fo exaâ, pure,and holtetoour eyes,that when wee aremofl: aloft,wee could be lorrowfull,ifthe wordof God had afall;& Cohenwewerein ourgreaerft downe- fall, yet wecould beglad thatthe word of Godwere litaloft: then furely we would labour to fanftfie the creatures of Godwhich wevfe,with the word andby prayer, &at the lea& gluethe tenth part of the day to the worfhip ofthe Lord. But ifwee cannot beftow onhits the tithe,it is a token that we labour more forthe bodythen for the foule.And ifour foules be farre more precious then our bodies, and it is an harder thingtoprouide wellfor the Ionicthen forthe bodie, we mutt deuide our times the better,that day lie weemay beftow fotnepart of our time in the word and prayer: ifwe vvoutd trueiie efhieour thriuingsand proceedings inour feueralt callmgs,and take a dtiigentvievv of our Ielues in our cocati_ tins, vve(houldvndoubtedliefeeiheplentiful' biding of Gild, vvhenits truth eve vfe the vvord andprayer,and hisfearefull curie to be vpon it,when wevie it not. Y'befourthrule The fourthrule is, that ifwewill labourfor true reale, we mull bepatient inourowne caufas 5f Vale. and deuoure manyptiu ate injuries,.that the Lords cattle maybe the betterprouided for, and that hisglory may go the better forward. For the fee, how foone and how grieuouíly weearemoued for ourownecaufes, and how foone wee are cold in.defendingGods caufe. This then is true Chriflianzeale,todenieour owne reafon and privatecommodities,and efpecially to feekeGods glory, thoughit be with ourdanger. This would j0 flop the niouth of theadserfary, that how. foeucr for a whileher thinkethvs to be cholericke and mad men , andefleemeth of vs as re- vengers ofour owoeaffef ions ; yet one day heewill confefle, that wedid not feekeeither our owne commoditieorourowne rcuenge, but that whatfoeuer weedid , we did itforGodsgloty and in the defence ofa goodcaufe. The feeking toreuengeoar private euilles doth much hurt , and bringeth great iniurieto this godly reale, for if we could fpeake with the tongues of Angels, and could fpeake neuer fo gin- rioutiy cockle delight cfall men, and havenot loue , euento our very enemies, all werenothing, all wereabomination in die fight of theLord. Contrariwile, ifwe canbe content to forfakeour felt, es,and to be accounted as nothing, we ¡bail be more acceptable to the Lord, and findeleffe ttouble to our (clues. True itr,, that Godhis children even in their befl a&ionsare troubled, whiles they fhruay their inward affeéìions,andgage their hearts before the Lord, whetherthey hauenotdone theirthings Tria(lofouro. infelfe louerather then forlone of God:whether invaineglory,rather then fortheglory ofGod: bedienre. without which exercde wefhall neuetfee,whether our athons be pure , or vvhcther theyhem. pure,