on the t19.73lálme. 629 pure, orwhether theybe mised;whether they be inrefpeól of God , or in ref-peaofour (elves. Many can reioyceat goodthings in themlèlues, and repine tofee them in others : many can bee geicüedoath cuilsintheinfdues,wbìch ill rcioyce CO Ice it in othcrs. Wherefore weare great- lyto fulpeet our feluesand our zeale, when weeare thus affected , becaufe it is amanifefl token that we arc not pleated with thatwhich it goodforGods static, but for felfe-loue ; neither doe weerepineforGods dt(honour,but atour owne difcredit. But we are to ledrne, howfoeuerthegood is done, toreioyce ; and howfoeuer euill is cons - mitted,tobe forrowfull. We fee theProphet herewas not grieued fo. much becaufc theywere his enemies, as becaufe they were theenemies of God. Forif bee had thought them tohucbeen Godschildré, whatfoeuer private iniuriche had teceiued,hecouldhaue fwallowed it vp, &more Isauereioyced athena, as they hadbeen the chsldrcnofGod theo haue been grieued becaufe they married hitn. Here then we mull 'carne tobeare with theinfirmitiesoneof another, but efpecially with the To bcnes tb frailtiesof the children ofGod: neitherare we to hainoullyro be offendedwith the infirmities of the frailrier of the godly, as with the prefumptuous finites of the ungodly and obtinate. Trueit is indeed, Code children. thatour zeale mull cattlevs moll tobe grieued for the hones of thegodly, by how much they wereconic fleeter to the image of God,then others. Howbeit, it mutt al waycs bee with afellow feelingandpirifull fympathictowards them, as the Apofile exhotteçhvs,Rom. t q, thatthe.fame minds ¡bauldbe in va, which wasin Chrifi Iefus, ofwhich place we haue flokenoften before. Whereforewemult makeGods friends ourffiends, without any,telped}ofperfons, howfce- uer theybe otherwife farreditant fromvs,either byplace, or familiaritie, or nature ; orhowfoe- uer a andon thecontrary, whofoeuet isGods enemie,mutt altobeours, howfocuer we are ioy" ned together, yea,though we lieboth togetherinonewombe. This wouldfeeme anhard do&rine to flefhandblood,and yet ourSauiour Chtit bath mani- fatly and plainly taught it vs, match.to.3y. andr6.rg.Luke 14.26. Ifany man come tome and hatenothis fatherandmotbenandwifeandchildren,andbrethren, andfrfEers,teaand hisowmlife, be cannot be mydifciple a What? would bee hauevs coca(( off all namrall affection? and fo the Scripture fhouldrepugne ;whereasit is fit as anoteof them that fhouldcome in the lall perillous times,z.Tim.3.3. ThattheyAmidhevoidofnaturedloue and a.ffeE}ion: and might hecontrary tothat Exod.2o. Honourthy father andthy mother,&c. No, hemeanetla nothing 'die ; buthe meaneth, that we Ihould tobe ioynedin nàmrall lout,ashe fpeakethofhim fel fe, Who itray ma ther? who it mybrocher?even hethat heareth rheword. So that thoughwe be neuertotarrealun- der, wemull loue themthat loueGod ;and though that we t%neuer toneere,we mull hate them tharhare God : yea,and to farceas ourfriends wouldpull vs fions Godand from histrueth , wee muß (hakeoff allnaturali affeilions;noe becaufethey be ioyned tovs in theflefh,but becaufe by nomeanerthey willbe ioyned with vs inthe (pine. Yet inthe meane time wemullremember, thatwee doeall dutiesofloue , and obedienceto Durierof[ose them, asinadmoni(hin them, praying for for them: and then if nothingtunrren. g P Y g mourning a cbildrru. oilferue,but we muff eyther cleavecothem and forfakt God,orforfake them andcleaue toGod; wemutt feparate ourtellies from their corruptions, knowingalwaies,that we mußobey thefirll Table beforethe lècond, and picnicmull goe beforecbaritie, and we mutt ferueGod before wee ferue man,and nature muffglueplace togodlineffe. The fift rude is,thatwemutt be trillerto our felues,then to anyothers in tomethings,and wee Thefife rule of mull offermore libertie toother;thento our (clues: If wecomplaine of Gone,her vs beat molt yule. defiance with ourownecorruptions ; fo whenwefight againß thecorruptions ofothcrs,we (hal UM fightagainß their perfons,butagainß their finites. This isthe do/trine whichourSauiour Chrif} alto taught vs, that ifwe would fee well topull out themote of fanne inanother man,we fhould fiat labour to take away the beanieof Gnne, in our fettles. Whycalleth he it a beanieisvs,and mote in others?becaufe ourown corruptionsarc or oughtto belane better known toys,then the corruptions of other men , wee Ihould bebelt . acquainted wishourowne infirmities, and know rharthere is in vsabottomiet'e pit ofcorrup- ttons. WhichPan/lawwhen helaid,tharofallAmer:, hewasthe cbiefeff: i. he had che greaseff Gghtof his owne wants, andwas moil familiar withhisowne corruptions. Wherefore we muttfirßjudge ourfclues, and catthe &ll¡tone ac our (clues,wemutt Hhb y labour