Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

63o en/faller greenhorns `Readings labour to remoue this mountain of finne ourfelues t fo finding how ougly a thing finne is,and that by experiencein (clues, we fhall neither flatter othersin-their finne, nor yet rebukethem too rigoroully. Forhethat doth fo tranaile withhis owneheart,fhall loue thatpod thing in another which heliketh in himfelfe, and fhall be grieued for that finne inanother, which hehath found grieuing beforeinhimfelfe. For as we hauingbeen intìckenesandarereconered, can bythe fmart tn e which wehaue felt, pitie the finart ofan- other, and can tellhowcomfortable health is to another, which we hauefound comfor- table to vs : men fo wecan (hew conïpaffido to them, which are Rung with finne, as fee- hug the burden thereof inourièlues,andcan reioyccatthe libertieofconfcience and peace of mindein others,which wehaue reioycedat inourfelues,becaufe in fuffering miferie,we bane learned tcioffèrmercic:let vs feethisdoarinemore plainely. We Thal fee Come very warie in vßng a ceremonie,and peraduenture not without caufe, becaufe itisnot neccWaríe to edificationinthe Churchof God : and although it may be that they thinke it lawfull in refpe4 ofthe thing,and in refpeel ofthemfelnes; yet becaufe it is notexpedientthey willingly refute it, and will not meddle withit : and then ifothers doe not lo, but thinke it iawtiillto beworne, and thereforevfe it, here through loue the matter beingabout a thingindifferent,they muff learne tobeare with them. Others there be who vnwilling tovfe it theinfclues, fudge Rraight all others as heynous offenders,that vfe it. Let vs leárnethis of Abraham, whorefufed to take fomuchof theEgyptians himfelfe, as a fhooe- hatchet; andyet toothersthat wouldtake,he would notdeny the law ofarmes. Hecnnfeflèti that lie refuted forhis nephewes fake, and thereforegauelibertie toothers todoe as they would. Seethis goodfather was more ftreighttohimfelfe, then toothers ; andgaue more libertie to others, then tohimfelfe. SoPare/ fecingthat in fome placeshe could not fo conucniently lineofother mens charges, as atCorinth, and Theffalonica,al- thougliat Coloflos he receiued fomewhat, where they weremore able to bettowon him, ssfficientie fer refufed to takeany thing ; would Ire that all menfhould be tyed to hisexample todoe theminifterie. thelike? furely no, forwhat onethingdothhe labour aboutmore then this, thatminders oughtfufñcientlytobeprouidedfor e Forwe fee lie was ttnet to himfelfe in manythings, yet euermore heleft libertievetoothers : aswemay fee Rom.54.1.Cor.8.& 1 o. wherehe entreatetli of the vfe of thingsindifftrent,' Whereforehe would haue chriltians of this mind, that they might fay thus with'themfelues : Ican doethis bychriffian libertie, but ifit be anyhindrance or offence tomybrother or any fclaunder to theGofpell, Iwill not doeit : ifthey doe it not, to theymakeconfcienceofothergood things, I will notinthis wagetvarre with them, Iwill notoppofe battayleagaini them, butto ioyne withthem in greater'and better matters, through loue I will pardon the leffe. We mutt now molt fireightly deale withourfelues, both forthefereafons alleadged, asalto becaufe we know whatmercies of God seehaue receiued morethen others: wemutt giue libertie vetoothers becaufe we know not whether they hauereceiued the like gifts, graces, and mercies of God,as we haue.Ifthis had bin vfed long agoe,whatvnitie had therebin eltablifhedin the Churchof God ;for Wantof this, whattroublcs bane rifen therein ? Here we muttbeware that weflatter not a man,nonot in the leasi fin,thae is farfrom the natureof louewhereof we fpeake ; but we mutt fb tolerate, aswe purpofenetto letany man lie in finne, butla- bour to reclameit ;yet alwayeswith the zealeofGodsglorie, andthe hatred ofhis finny and with the fpiritofineekenes, andpitïe of hisperfon. Wherefore here loth fitly come inthe lItt rule,which is, that then we(hail moltfurely rbe¡xr ruleof knowwhenour zeale is right;whenwe are much moued,when God is much grieued;and Wk. weare much gricued,becaufe our brother hath fooffended. Si Here is an excellent and infallibledifference betweene godly zealeand flefhlyanger. n When the griefeof ourbrothers falling meeteth and is mixed with theangerofhis lin- » ping againttGod, our anger 'fhall not feede it felfe vpon the panicbecaufeof ourwrath, os but ofhis finne, becaufeofour zeale.Inpurezeale therefore there muff beangerfor offal.; 'o dingGod, and griefebecaufeour brother hath offcnded..When our Sauiour Circawent abouttoNeale themanschathad diewithered hand, the Pharifcs that anodebymurmur- red,