on the 119. Pf Ifne, 63' red, becaufe he would heale on the Sabboth day, it is Paid that he looked about himad= gerly,apd yet it is added that he torrowed for the blindnes of theirhearts. Markehere in this notableexample how anger and forrowmcete together. Anger, that men fhould baue lò little knowledgeofGod and loueoftheir brother:forrow,that through ignorance, they were fofouly ouerfdene. So likewife zealeof his father Chuff looked on Tern- filmwith anhatredto their finne,and yetwith apitie to their miferie,which was at hand, he wept ouer it. Macke this in all the Prophets fromtime to time,whether it bathnot been fo in them. Lookeor. Efay, on Preemie, onEaecbiel, on Daniel, if inheauiues offpiritthey did not vttertheir words ; and when they molt threatned the people for their flnnes,tley weremofkgrieued and feared,lealt they fhould fallvpon them. This is a bleffed temperature,thus tominglegriefewith- zeale. But that is an ouerreach- ingzeale, whereour zeale feedeth more of theperfon, thenof the finne. Whereforewe mull craue this fpeciall grace at the hand of God by prayer, to be gouerned by a right .Diffi,n,te b zealc, and that the may trulydifcerne thedifferencebetweene frettinganger-, and pining tWeenefret- zeale.Samuel(pares not Saulin his finne,bntnotwithftanding hisgreat authoruiein zeal::,ug anger ofGodsglòrie, he tclleth himflatly, that he is a finner ; andyet alwayes was he bent to andPk+nrng lament for Saul, and topray forhits. Hive keepe this golden mixture, we (hall flop the zea. mouth oftheaduerlaries,who accule vsto be coo fullof rancor and malice, ifwe beangrie as enemies to theirfsnne, but aregrieued, in that for finne they are become enemies to God. If then weadmonifh others, andbe angriewith them,notas feekingany reuengeof our felues, butas doingitofnecefkitie, becaulèotherwifeweshall beguiltieof difhonou- ring.God,and fhewiugourfeints tobeangrie againft our willes,and that wedoe it onely forGodscaute, and therewithallremember ourfelues to be butmen, fubieelto the fame, we /hall admonifh themwith that affcélion, wherewithweof them in the like cafewould eedmoaitioa. be admonished;andyet aswe all() remember to beadmonifhed of them, as though we were admonifhedof God. Doeft thou loue Godsglorie? thenwilt thouPurely admonifh thy brotheroffinne.Doeflthouroue thy brother?thenwilt thouadmonifh himwith cons. paflion.See here is that,which teacloth all wifedome. I mull be grieved for fsane,becaufe it is that that callsall mankinde from theLord, becaufe it is fuck a thingas thruffAdamout of Paradife: it is fogrieuousa thing that it oucrwhelmed the old world withwaters; itconfumedSodom andGomorah with fire; it crucified lotus Chrilk the Sonneof Gothic is futh athing, as is an enemietoGod the Father,anenemieto God the Son,& an enemie to God thehoneghofl : and therefore I muff nec sbeanenemievntoit;yetIinutkbe grieued,asputting my felfc in the like cafe,that theoffender is. Whereforemanic faithfull mini.. llersofGod. when they are moll l:ote,theyhauemat heauiresin their foules, leali the come which they muttneeds threaten,doe turne ro the confuhionof the perlonswhom they threaten. Thuswefee,thiszealevi illteachvs ,neytlertorebukefinne toocoldlie, noryet toohotehie, For we (hallnot fo loue God,as welhal abufe man the imageofGod,oeyther (hall we fo loueman, as we (hall hinder or impaire the gloneofGod:for ifwe be forrovvfull that God isoffended, and that mau bath offended,we (hallbe lure tomakeanholemedlie. Vctfc too. Thyword ioproofedmepure,and thyferuant!otath it. HEre the Prophet !hewinghisloue robe the caufeofhiszeale.repeateth ineffe6l, that which bee laid before. It may franc ftraunge why the manofGod fhould make mention of this fooft, that the word of God is true. Butwemull know, that beedid it to ftrengthenhis faith , in the timeof rrouble,and that then hemight not faint. Wee thinke nor,t atthereisfuchneede oorvabN offaith,becairfewefeelenotthe like temptations. For theythat haueno fight of their cot. :17,7,; ruptions,knownottheir vnbeleefe,& they that feelenot their vnbeleefe, fidenot the ne- querefore cellicy ofthis ffrengdmingoftheirfaith.And as they that knownot theirvnbeleefe,know .114 it not. nothing:fo they that beleeue,and fee theirvnbeleefe,knowthis to beneceffarie.They then thathauea truetrial oftheir vnbeleefe, knowthis faith to bea raregiftof God. So that the Prophet commeódetla theword ofGodhereofexperience: for hefaith: Thywordieprodued Hhh 4 mol!